An elderly man with a poor memory. Great video by @WesternLensman

DOJ Says Biden Too Senile To Stand Trial, WH Objects
- Biden denied mental incompetence. “I know what the hell I’m doing,” he proclaimed at the event. His memory is fine. The windmills of his mind are spinning in good order. His confusion of the president of Egypt with the president of Mexico tended to belie his assertion. (POWERLINE | RED STATE | TWITCHY [Techno-Fog])
It’s not conspiracy to ask questions about Biden’s “mistakes” (more at RIGHT SCOOP):
Here is a challenge regarding this video from a comment on my site’s Facebook Page:
- Like Trump is any better, Trump has days where he believes that he beat Obama in 2016. They’re both old & mentally declining…check yourself!
I respond (with an EXTRA addition here, at the end). For those unaware, POST MILLENNIAL’s headline and sub-title explain:
BREAKING: Biden’s DOJ says evidence shows President ‘willfully’ withheld classified docs—but he will not be prosecuted: The special counsel’s report said Biden’s memory “was significantly limited” during the 2023 interviews with Hur
SUE F., I wish to note that the DOJ has agreed with me and not with you. What do I mean? Here is a Tweet and a pic of the official report:
- they [DOJ] said he [Biden] was too old and decrepit [memory loss] in 2015 for a jury to think he could have knowingly and willingly done these actions [kept top secret documents].
Are they dropping the same charges against Trump for the same reasons? No. You want to know why? Because he [Trump] has a good grasp on reality and a good memory. Trump doesn’t “Spins Yarns That Often Unravel” – as the New York Times says of Biden. Like,
- Taught Classes At The University Of Pennsylvania;
- Visited Ground Zero Day After 9/11;
- Half his House ‘Almost Collapsed’ After a Fire;
- House Burn Down with My Wife In It — She Got Out Safely;
- Claims He Convinced Strom Thurmond To Support The Civil Rights Act;
- He Began Career as Civil Rights Activist;
- Saw Pittsburgh Bridge Collapse;
- Ended Cancer;
- Appointed To The [U.S. Naval] Academy In 1965;
- Son Died in Iraq;
- He Formed the Quad Alliance;
- Born in the Same Hospital Where His Grandfather Died;
- Was ‘Involved’ in Civil Rights Movement;
- Went to a Black Church as a Teen;
- Biden Says He Attended HBCU;
- Biden Claims He Has Cancer (“That’s why I and so damn many other people I grew up [with] have cancer”);
- Wrote Law Review Articles About Right to Privacy (claimed he had written “a number of law review articles” about the right to privacy referenced in the now-overturned Roe v. Wade decision)
- Was A ‘Full Professor’ At The University Of Pennsylvania;
- Grandfather Died In The Hospital I Was Born In Six Days Before He Was Born;
- Offered A Job by An Idaho Lumber Company;
- Used To Drive An 18-Wheeler;
- Visited Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue After The 2018 Massacre;
- Chatted With an Amtrak Conductor in His Seventh Year As Vice President, When The Guy Retired 15 Years Before;
- Detained By South African Authorities While Trying To Visit Nelson Mandela In Prison In The 1970s.
Etc., Etc., Etc. I left out the many political lies because all politicians try to spin the economy, inflation, debt, etc. I chose those because they are lies that show cognitive dissonance. Even after staff telling him to zip it this stuff never happened, he told some again months down the road.
- Prosecutors Decline To Charge ‘Elderly’ Biden Over ‘Poor Memory’ (FEDERALIST)
- Hur’s Report: Biden Ready For Memory Care (POWERLINE)
- Special Counsel Finds Biden Is Too Damn Old to Be Charged in Classified Docs Scandal (PJ-MEDIA)
- Biden Lawyers Demand Revisions to Hur Report, Claim Descriptions of His ‘Limited Recall’ Are Inflammatory (RED STATE)
- WH Lawyers Sent Special Counsel This Letter Asking Him to Revise the ‘Biden’s Senile’ Section (TWITCHY)
- BREAKING: White House demanded Special Counsel CHANGE his report over Biden’s mental fitness (RIGHT SCOOP)
- ‘Well-Meaning Elderly Man’: Republicans Seize On Biden Memory Issues Detailed In Hur Report (WASHINGTON TIMES)
- I’m not part of your brainwashed propaganda group here, the weak minded grasp on to leaders like you & Trump. Trumps mind has been mentally declining due to the stress of losing his trials & millions, but he thanks people like you for paying his legal fees. A billionaire panhandling the weak for jingle… you just gotta love it! Be sure to donate to him…
- Perfect ad hominem attack. I would expect no different from either an atheist activist or a progressive one.
Just a little leaven to deflate SUE F.’S argument:
A cut and spliced clip. Why am I not surprised by you pathetic losers. It about the same shitty quality as the photoshopped video of Lauren Boebert.
— Danny Autry (@jdannyautry) September 17, 2023
What was actually said. He was talking about beating the Obama division by beating Hillary and even went on to say how he has changed what he calls Hillary as Joe Biden now has the “crooked” nickname.
— Jessico Bowman (@JessicoBowman) September 17, 2023
Well, at least President Biden is “a president for everybody, whether you live in a red state or a green state.” (POST MILL X)

A Holiday to Remember | A Heartwarming Chevrolet Ad
A very sweet Chevy commercial Wayne at Bible study this morning said was a must watch:

“Isolation Kills Too” | Mary Daniel
On March 10, 2020, Mary Daniel went to visit her husband at the Rosecastle Assisted Living and Memory Care facility like she did every evening after work. Eight years ago, he had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
What Daniel did not realize was the next day she’d be told she could not come back. She, like thousands of other Americans, could no longer visit her loved one because of lockdown measures.
“The days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months,” Daniel said. “My fear was that… I was going to miss that window of opportunity where he knew me and knew our love.”
Mary Daniel eventually got in as a dishwasher at her husband’s facility, and her story gained nationwide attention. Discovering thousands of Americans in similar situations, she founded the group “Caregivers for Compromise—Because Isolation Kills Too.” And Florida Governor Ron DeSantis brought her onto his task force to reopen long-term care facilities.

Politico Notes Biden’s Dementia/Age
Well, others have said the same thing, but I noted it as well, here:
- BETS? Over/Under bets? I think Biden will last until no later than Nov. 11th of 2021, probably 6-months, and then step down. Then his socialist VP takes over the Presidency. (RPT November 8th, 2020)
But 6-months is a safe bet — 3-and-a-half- years seems like the number — in political and Christian time at least. This is what Dems really want. They worship the “Liberal Trinity,” race-class-gender — and Harris is their current idol. Why did they change the 25th Amendment? Making it easier to remove a sitting President? I think Trump will win on this as well (emphasis added):
(October 9, 2020) President Trump on Friday agreed with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that her plan for a 25th Amendment commission to evaluate presidential fitness isn’t really aimed at him — saying it was instead a plot to install Kamala Harris in the White House.
Trump tweeted that Congressional Democrats secretly hope to replace Democratic nominee Joe Biden with his much-younger running mate if they successfully deny him and Vice President Mike Pence a second term in the Nov. 3 election.
“Crazy Nancy Pelosi is looking at the 25th Amendment in order to replace Joe Biden with Kamala Harris,” he told his 87 million Twitter followers.
“The Dems want that to happen fast because Sleepy Joe is out of it!!!”
Trump later doubled down on the theory during a virtual campaign rally on conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh’s talk show……
All that to set up POLITICO noting Joe Biden’s dementia (RPT, March 6, 2020) via RIGHT SCOOP: (January 20, 2020)
Joe Biden paces as he dictates long portions of his speeches to aides, spinning out thoughts that quickly pile into six, seven or eight paragraphs of copy, only to later be scrapped.
“I would never say this,” Biden once snapped at an aide, aghast over the prepared remarks he was reviewing, according to a person in the room during a speech prep session last year. “Where did you get this from?’”
The aide explained that Biden had just said it in a public speech a couple of weeks earlier.
Wow. It’s one thing not to remember something you said two weeks ago. It’s another thing to not remember and then think it’s something you “would never say”. His brain is definitely riding the struggle bus.
The question is why are they just now revealing this? They clearly knew about this during the campaign trail, but they held this back until the day he’s sworn in? The media in this country is utter garbage. Nothing but a big propaganda arm of the DNC.
But as I suggested in the title, this could be the beginning of the end of Joe Biden. Nancy Pelosi and her 25th amendment commission might be coming for him soon…
Yep. And yep… not only have the Democrats done everything they claim Republicans have (colluding with China, using quid-pro-quo against Ukraine, having criminal children, etc), this is yet another “told-ya-so” moment coming down the turn-pike.

Trump and Alzheimers?
Just a small political not. I did a search this morning on an idea I have had for about a week now. I have posited the idea that Donald Trump could be suffering from the early stages of Alzheimer’s. I found out his dad, Fred Trump, suffered from it late in life… and we know this disease can be passed on through a mutation in the genes:
Some diseases are caused by a genetic mutation, or permanent change in one or more specific genes. If a person inherits from a parent a genetic mutation that causes a certain disease, then he or she will usually get the disease. Sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, and early-onset familial Alzheimer’s disease are examples of inherited genetic disorders.
I watch speeches by Trump, and especially the most recent one I uploaded a critique of. When I did this search online, all I could find [for the most part] are left wing “Daily Kos”/”Slate” type sites saying this. Many included racism in their posts. I have already posted a refutation of the “most” racist thing people say Trump said. So, I wanted to get on record here (7-24-2016), noting that an early onset of dementia may explain Trump’s behavior.
I merely wanted to divorce the crazy leftist blather from the more reasonable assertion that this may be the case. I can see the headlines now… “the GOP nominated a man in the throes of dementia.” To which I would respond that that is still a better choice than Hillary. (Like the similar response regarding Rush Limbaugh: “even on drugs Rush is right.”)

Mother with Alzheimer’s Recognizes Her Daughter
What a great moment for the daughter to catch for memory sake. Beautiful.