The following is from LIFE SITE NEWS site:
Alan Dershowitz
Same Ol’ Slick Willy…
While not necessary to listen to in conjunction with the story below… if you have never heard Larry Elder’s “Nuts or Sluts,” give it a whirl… the “Sage from South Central” builds an excellent case (note as well the earlier post of mine):
This indicates the caliber of human being Hillary supporters want to return to the White House (h-t: Moonbattery):
“The Fog of Fascism is Descending…” ~ Alan Dershowitz
The above [and below] is with thanks to Moonbattery:
I hate to break it Dershowitz… his boy Obama has made it worse (but he realizes that now). Mmm… I LOVE the book title BTW! It made me laugh out loud. I also wish to note Megyn Kelly was channeling her inner “sista” for a moment.
Alan Keyes (Natural Law) Debates Alan Dershowitz (Legal Positivism)
Alan Keyes defends the Natural Law position while Alan Dershowitz defends the legal positivism side of the philosophy of law. This debate is long… so you really must love the intricacies of legal philosophy and Natural Law. This is Alan Keyes at his best.
The J Street Challenge – Full Film in HD
Videos on Israel: BDS, Apartheid, History, etc. (UPDATED)
Does Israel discriminate against Arabs? Is it today’s version of apartheid South Africa? Olga Meshoe, herself a South African whose family experienced apartheid, settles the question once and for all.
Why don’t the Palestinians have their own country? Is it the fault of Israel? Of the Palestinians? Of both parties? David Brog, Executive Director of the Maccabee Task Force, shares the surprising answers.
When the state of Israel was founded in 1948, it was done so with the approval of the United Nations. But today, Israel’s enemies routinely challenge the legitimacy of its very existence. So, under international law, who’s right? Israel? Or its enemies?
As Israel is under attack from Hamas in the Gaza strip and BDS — Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions — right here in America, Bill Whittle makes the historical and moral case for Israel, and shows just who, indeed, are the tyrants and aggressors in the Middle East
In which our host, Andrew Klavan, points out that the leftists behind the current Boycott, Divestment and Sanction, or BDS, efforts against the State of Israel are not at all anti-semitic. They just hate Jews and want to kill them…
Israel is a vibrant democracy with full rights for women and gays, a free press and independent judiciary. You would think that the United Nations would celebrate such a country. Instead, the UN condemns Israel at every turn to the point of obsession. How did this happen? Anne Bayefsky, director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights, explains in five eye-opening minutes.
Are Israeli Settlements the Barrier to Peace?
Is Israel’s policy of building civilian communities in the West Bank the reason there’s no peace agreement with the Palestinians? Or would there still be no peace even if Israel removed all of its settlements and evicted Israeli settlers, as it did in Gaza in 2005? Renowned Harvard professor and legal scholar Alan Dershowitz explains.
Kenneth Meshoe – Black South African Member of Parliament, Talks About Israel and Apartheid
Is Israel an Apartheid State?
Kenneth Meshoe, Member of Parliament in South Africa, Talks Israel
The History of the Middle East Conflict in 11 Minutes:
Why Israel can’t withdraw to its pre ’67 borders line:
Larry Elder On Israel (Plus: “Son of Hamas”)
A Challenge To Medved on Jewish/Israeli History
Medved Makes Short Order of Some Tired Ol’ Mantras
BDS: The Attempt to Strangle Israel ~ Dershowitz
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement says it’s fighting for Palestinian rights, but it’s really just trying to destroy Israel. Jonathan Sacks, author and former Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom, explains how.
The Middle East Problem ~ Prager
UN vs Israel ~ Dr. Anne Bayefsky
Anti-Israeli Views at the NYT & the U.N. Exemplified ~ Prager
A Pro-Palestinian Call Taken ~ Prager
Caller Asks Dennis Prager About Palestinian History
Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth About the West Bank
Palestine Sucks ~ Crowder
Are Israeli Settlements the Barrier to Peace? (Alan Dershowitz)
The Attempt to Strangle Israel ~ Prager University (Alan Dershowitz)
The latest strategy employed by those who wish to strangle Israel is called BDS. It may sound harmless, but do not be fooled. It stands for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, and not only is it poisonous for Israel, but for the world as well. Israel is one of the freest countries on earth, where everyone–including Arabs–benefit from that freedom. If Israel continues to be singled out by BDS and suffocated economically, the damage would ripple throughout the globe. In five minutes, learn about BDS and why it must be stopped.
Alan Dershowitz Slams J-Street’s History and Founding
Except for the Jews for Jesus quip (typical)… everything is kosher. This is a bitching quote: “Always believe the threats of your enemy more than the promises of your friends.”
“I once wrote that history has taught us to trust the threats of our enemies more than the promises of our friends. Our enemies are making serious threats. It is time to take them seriously. It is time for our friends to keep their promises.” ~ Elie Wiesel
Dershowitz: `Move On is an Extremist Organization and an Irresponsible Organization`
Absolutely Uncertain! (18-minute mini-documentary)
From video description:
A new, 18-minute mini-documentary follows the journey of Irina, a 23-year-old liberal, Jewish New Yorker who voted for Obama in 2008. Yet as her connection to Israel has grown, and she has learned more about the President’s policies across the Middle East and towards Israel in particular, Irina has come to realize that “when the chips are down,” the President may not “have Israel’s back” as he says.
The short film features:
Exclusive interviews with leading journalists and politicians in Israel
(Bloomberg, London Times, Jerusalem Post, etc.)
Mainstream news reports (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, BBC, etc.),
Clips from longtime Democratic supporters including: Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz Former NYC Mayor Ed Koch Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY)
Alan Dershowitz Says 2nd-Degree Murder `Irresponsible` and `unethical`
Dershowitz’s point: There’s nothing in the charging instrument that suggests probable cause to believe Zimmerman had a “depraved mind regardless of human life” when he shot Martin. On the contrary, he notes, the facts as stated are consistent with self-defense. (Tellingly, there’s also no reference to Zimmerman’s injuries.) The prosecution can amend the affidavit to strengthen its case if the judge throws it out, but then you’re left wondering why they didn’t submit a more detailed affidavit in the first place.
Listening to talk radio (Larry Elder who is a lawyer), it can be asked of the judge to add a second charge of manslaughter. Which is a lesser charge and can be argued better in front of a jury. What does this do, it makes the prosecutor look tough in front of her constituents, and it allows the city to not be blamed for the guaranteed violence that will come when this charge is either thrown out or a jury returns a “not guilty” verdict.