Ed Schultz vs. “God Bless the USA” (Lefty Loon)

NEWSBUSTERS highlights some of Ed Schultz crazy — almost anti-American — view point of “God Bless the USA.”

Remember when every time we invaded an oil-rich country or any time there was any kind of confrontation, we were subjected to — ad nauseam, I might add — [mock sings, really badly] “God bless the USA.” That Lee Greenwood songI mean, Every single event! Every time we were marching to the flowers put at our feet in Iraq, it was more Lee Greenwood! [mock singing again] “God bless the USA!”

Man, we need an oil spill song is what we need! We need to get somebody — [laughs at himself] Some idea, somewhere, some songwriter out there’s gotta come up with something, to remind us, just like Lee Greenwood reminded us that it was the right thing to do to love America and invade everybody. We need some song out there to remind us that, [sings] “It’s BP!”

Liberal Violence vs. Tea Party Violence (Plus Alex Jones Craziness)

Original Post Title:

  • Will Documented Liberal Violence Be Dealt With When Undocumented Tea Party Violence Was Demanded to Be Dealt With? (Plus: Alex Jones Craziness)

FoundingBloggers has [had… gone off the WWW now] a great “investigative” report, seeing if the same question would engender the same violence it did from Bob Etheridge. (This is with thanks to BigGovernment) This question, “do you fully support the Obama agenda,” is only a dangerous question in D.C., where the Left believes in an unquestioned adherence to their political will/agenda… so much so, that any misstep demands a “Who Are You!”

To catch you up to speed on the FoundingBloggers Alex Jones revealing of his fascistic attitude, here is is. The fascists yelling over their opposition (see the “TigerHawk” and “Audacious Epigone” examples in that post) used in the rise of Hitler is on display here by Alex Jones. He should look in the mirror.


These FEMA Camps were debunked, as shown here:

FEMA Camp Video Debunked – Crockett, Texas

I have a “FEMA CAMP” debunking page but all the videos have disappeared. Not because of a conspiracy, but because these are really old videos and peoples accounts are closed for a variety of reasons. This (and the others I will upload as I find them) have a very low resolution. I will sharpen them a bit, but they become grainy (fair warning). This comes from an old “TEA Party” era radio show (VLOG/podcast). Enjoy the preservation of an important debunking of the FEMA Camps B.S. I will post my link to my page when I rebuild it. But POPULAR MECHANICS has a decent debunking. Also METABUNK has an excellent post on this.

SEE ALSO my Alex Jones part of my PAGE showing he is a fruit cake at best!

Ballad of the Tea Party – Joel Pollak

This reminds me of the 80’s political spoof (really dig on 80’s conservatives), Bob Roberts. This video comes with thanks to Libertarian Republican.

The Ballad of the Tea Party

Written and Performed by Joel Pollak (R)

Nominee for Congress – 9th District, Illinois

Chicago Tax Day Tea Party

Daley Plaza, Chicago, Illinois

April 15, 2010

On a cold night in Boston, three ships in the dock

With their valuable cargo still waiting to stock

But the colonists wont pay the duty on tea

And the governor wont let the ships out to sea


Sing – hey, hey, what do we say?

American freedom is here to stay!

Hey, hey, what do we say?

Dont tax our freedom away!

Now the Crown has been adding new fees by the score

And the people dont think they can bear any more

Yet they dont have a vote, so they dont have a say

And theyre starting to talk about breaking away


Now the people have gathered round the Old Meeting House

If the governor listens, theyll still hear him out

But Sam Adams, he reads the report with a frown

So the people decide that the tea must do down


So they don their disguises and clamber aboard

And the governors tea is soon tossed overboard

And the news spreads throughout the thirteen colonies

That our countrys new motto is Dont Tread On Me.


Now today we have gathered–young, old, black, and white

And weve all got the vote, so we dont need to fight

But if Washington taxes our future away

Then well throw them all out on Election Day!


Socialist Lawrence O’Donnell, Bringing “Balance” to MSNBC

NEWSBUSTERS lets us know who is filling in the 10pm spot over at MSNBC:

MSNBC contributor Lawrence O’Donnell will take over at the 10 pm slot, the cable network announced Tuesday. O’Donnell, who guest-hosted “Countdown” while Keith Olbermann was on leave, is a self-described socialist, and will fit in nicely with the rest of MSNBC’s prime-time lineup.

The 10 pm slot has up to this time been “Countdown” reruns, so MSNBC viewers will now be treated to a tad different far-left rant than Olbermann’s 8 pm far-left rant.

That said, O’Donnell’s segment will hardly be a breath of fresh air if his previous antics are any indication. He has a short, if colorful history of liberal outbursts. Let us review some of his greatest hits:

As mentioned above, O’Donnell made sure to correct Joe Scarborough on “Morning Joe,” telling him, “we’re socialists, not Marxists.

O’Donnell then launched into a vicious tirade against author and former Bush speechwriter Marc Thiessen that forced Scarborough to cut to commercial early. When the program returned, Scarborough carefully mediated the discussion.

The new MSNBC anchor has challenged the basic mental fortitude of Sarah Palin. Though that is hardly groundbreaking for a liberal, I suppose, O’Donnell even hosted a comedian to bizarrely mock Palin in drag.

O’Donnell retains the dubious honor of conducting “possibly the worst interview in history.” A member of Congress told him during an interview, “you’re illustrating why MSNBC’s viewership is in the tank.”

To his credit, O’Donnell was one of the few liberal media figures to accurately report that ObamaCare would mean a de facto tax increase–the largest one ever, by his account. But that didn’t stop him from offering his support.

O’Donnell has it wrong in this video, we know we will never be able to resend Social Security and Medicare… but we can offer more privatized versions of it.

FINALLY! Jon Stewart Talks About Alvin Greene

South Carolina Democrats decide they like the color Greene more than they like the color… this is uploaded to refurbish old video regarding Democrat Senate nominee in South Carolina. More can be gleaned from my 1st post detailing this at: “ALVIN GREENE: SOUTH CAROLINA’S DEMOCRATIC CONUNDRUM” — Jon Stewart archives HERE.

Slash Attacked on Stage | Guns n Roses

Slash has spoken exclusively to Peter Hodgson from Iheartguitarblog.com about the incident:

  • “Now that all the facts are out, it was just some drunk guy who got on stage,” Slash recalls. “It doesn’t seem like he had any ill will. What happened was, he came up behind me, and he’d managed to get up on stage and my security guard came up and tackled him, not knowing what this guy was necessarily capable of or whatever. So the real melee was the tackle (laughs). He basically deflected the guy off of me, and somehow the guy had managed to be hooked onto my guitar, which I let go of, all in a split second. They went off the edge of the stage, my guitar hit the ground and I picked it up and continued playing, only to find that it was broken, so I had to switch guitars and finish the song. It turned out to not be that big a deal, but you never know exactly what it could have been.”

Gary Coleman’s Living Will

The DailyFix h/t — now saved at CNN:

Gary Coleman’s living will called for the actor to be kept alive unless he was in an irreversible coma for at least 15 days, according to a court document.

Coleman’s ex-wife Shannon Price ordered his doctor to disconnect life support just a day after he fell into a coma last month, according to the Utah Valley Regional Medical center.

Coleman divorced Price in 2008, but they were living together in Santaquin, Utah, when he suffered a fall at home last month and died two days later of a brain hemorrhage at the Provo, Utah, hospital.

“Decisions to terminate life support for patients are not made by physicians,” a spokeswoman for the hospital said Monday. “They are made by family members or legal representatives of patients in consultation with health care providers.”

Coleman’s “advanced medical directive” signed in October 2006 named Price, 24, as his agent to make medical decisions for him.

“If I am unable to give informed consent to medical treatment, I want my agent to give or withhold such consent for me based upon any treatment choices that I have expressed while competent, whether under this Power of Attorney or otherwise,” the living will said. “If my agent cannot determine the treatment choice I would make under the particular circumstances, then my agent should make the choice based on what my agent believes to be in my best interest.”

The document, which was attached to a petition Price filed in probate court, included guidelines Coleman wanted followed.

See more at ABC NEWS on the issues surrounding Coleman’s death: “Child actor’s estranged parents want to know what caused their son’s death.”

ECON 101: Minimum Wage

This is with thanks to HOTAIR:

The Center for Freedom and Prosperity offers another entry in its Econ 101 series, this time about the minimum wage and the destructive consequences of government intervention in the job market. When Democrats insisted on passing the latest series of minimum-wage increases from $5.15 to $7.25, they claimed to have the interests of the poor and young in mind. However, the action destroyed those jobs normally accessible to those populations, even before the current recession began eliminating them. When the minimum wage remained below the floor of the market for entry-level positions, it did no direct harm, but the intervention by Congress in 2005 wound up hurting the low-skilled workers they claimed to champion:

Islamo-Nazism Killing Soccer Fans In the Name of Allah

World Cup 2010: Somali football fans executed for watching matches

The deaths happened on Saturday near the capital Mogadishu when members of the Hizbul Islam group stormed a house where people were watching Nigeria play Argentina.

A further 10 people were arrested by the group, which has imposed a strict version of Islam in the areas they control in southern and central Somalia.

The following night, another 30 people including a 15-year-old boy were arrested as the watched the Germany-Australia game in two private homes in the town of Afgoye.

A spokesman for the group, Sheikh Mohamed Abdi Aros, said the rest of Somalia should respect their ban on the World Cup – the first to be hosted in Africa – and focus instead on “pursuing holy jihad”.

“We are warning all the youth of Somalia not to dare watch these World Cup matches. It is a waste of money and time and they will not benefit anything or get any experience by watching mad men jumping up and down,” he said.

The ban, which has seen radio stations around the city taken off air for playing music, has resulted in people flocking to public cinemas in the few Government-controlled areas of the country.

Ahmed Santos used to live in an area of Somalia run by militants, but now is in a government-controlled area.

“I can now freely watch the matches,” he said. “I am so sorry that some of my friends who are now living where I was once don’t have that chance to watch the World Cup. I really feel sorry for them.”

Others are risking the wrath of the militants, such is their love of the beautiful game.

One man, who lives in the militant-controlled livestock market area of the city said he watched Algeria-Slovenia at home with his family.

“I have one eye on the TV and the other on the door, and the sound turned down,” he said

Suspects Tried to Enter MacDill AFB Using Fake ID’s

Growing News Story:

(FOX NEWS) TAMPA – A military spokesman said a man and woman tried to use fake military ID’s to gain access to MacDill Air Force Base late Monday afternoon. Six weapons were found inside their vehicle.

Officials say the as yet unidentified man is in the military and was AWOL (absent without leave) at the time of his arrest. The woman apparently has no military affiliation. Both are in their mid 20’s and are U.S. citizens.

A MacDill spokesman said Wednesday the pair tried to use fraudulent military identification to get past the Bayshore Boulevard gate around 5 p.m.

When guards became suspicious, ordnance teams were called to the gate and a robotic vehicle was used to determine that the car was afe.

A search of the vehicle turned up six weapons: three handguns, three rifles and ammunition, according to MacDill spokesman Col. David Cohen, 6th Air Mobility Wing vice commander.

“Security was never breached,” Cohen said, adding there is no indication that the incident was terrorist-related.

As to why the two were trying to get on the base, “We’re still trying to put that puzzle together.”

Concerning the weapons, Cohen said they were “commercially available weapons of military style.”

Cohen said the two suspects are cooperating. He would not elaborate on the man’s military affiliation or his AWOL status.

Are these two events connected?

  • Officials say an Army veteran who sped away from security at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla., has been shot and killed by an FBI agent at the base. Officials say the veteran threatened the agent with a knife. (May 19, L.A. TIMES)