The UN Human Rights Council & Censorship

The Islamatization of NASA is all the rave in the conservative blogosphere, no where else mind you. But let us not forget the happenings in one of our most sacred of institutions, that behemoth, the U.N.

This story should drive us all to sigh with relief that our world is so upside down that they (we) cannot rightfully detect a movement that we treat so fairly that we neglect our liberty. Not only ours, but of those in the pervaence of nature and of Natures God.

UN Adopts Media Censorship

The UN Human Rights Council, which is dominated by Muslim countries, will see to it in the future that the media extensively circulate the subject of Islam as a religion of peace. Islam can in no way be presented negatively. As if a resolution were necessary for that!

Quadradraturcirculi, drawing from Fox News, reports:

A few observers expressed concern about the possible censorship after the 56 countries from the “Organization of the Islamic Conference” (OIC), who represent an enormous voting power within the UN, successfully pushed a resolution through for the surveillance of the media’s presentation of religion.

The OIC asserts that the passed resolution will support religious tolerance in that it guarantees that religions cannot be maligned. The Organization of the Islamic Conference named the Danish Muhammad caricatures as an example in which their publication led to Muslim riots. The UN council members from the US and the European Union opposed the resolution because they are of the opinion that such a resolution would censor the press and in this way would be a muzzle on freedom of speech.

The resolution that passed on Friday opens up the possibility that the Human Rights Council may be called a named as a special investigator for religious freedoms. They will have to “work closely with the mass media to assure that the media transport an atmosphere of respect, tolerance and cultural diversity.”

Thus, the “Islam is Peace” theme will now enjoy more publicity than ever before.

I Think I Will Name This Post “Bullshit Squared”

This, from Grouchy Old Cripple:

This is bullshit squared.

The Arabs supposedly gave us Arabic numerals. Nope. They came from India.

What about algebra? The foundations were from India and the Greeks.

In modern times there has been one Arab Nobel Prize winner in science, math, or engineering: Ahmed H. Zewail won the prize for Chemistry in 1999. There have been 45 Jewish winners in Physics alone.

Is Jug Hussein Ears a closet Moo-slime? Sometimes he sure acts like one.

YouTube Bias (BigPeace Import)

The below is about the above video, take note that the following is from Big Peace:

Here’s an update on Youtube’s removal of Latma-TV’s English-subtitled “We Con The World” video – the parody of the politically correct posturing in the original “We Are The World” song. The Latma video parodied the singers as  “Flotilla terrorists” singing about their propaganda tactics. The original English-subtitled video had over 3 million hits, before Youtube removed it due to a complaint of copyright violation on behalf of Warner/Chappell Music Inc. Versions with Hebrew subtitles can still be seen at Latma-TV channel here and within the Latma-TV weekly newscast.

The URLs of the removed videos were:


When Youtube removed the links to the English-subtitled video, they effectively stopped the then 3-million plus viral distribution just as it was  expanding, eliminating potentially millions of other views (see the classic analysis on viral marketing projections by Alan L. Montgomery of Carnegie Mellon University).

Latma-TV  sent a formal request to Youtube to put the parody video “We Con the World” back up. The producers received an email back on June 18, stating the video would be back up in 10-14 business days. July 9 will be “day 14,” so the deadline is near for Youtube’s staff to make the judgment that the English-subtitled video was a legitimate parody – and therefore protected under the “Fair Use” provision in the US copyright law.

Watch this space for updates as we count down to July 9.

Meanwhile – as a comparison – you can view two satirical parodies, both from the Left’s perspective, of the “We Are The World” song that were NOT  removed from Youtube.

Kenya Clashes Coming

Religion News Blog (RNB) h/t:

Kenya’s constitutional vote on sharia courts pits Muslims against Christians

NAIROBI — For 13 years, Judge Mudhar Ahmed has worked in relative obscurity, issuing Muslim marriage certificates, divorcing Muslim couples and weighing in on Muslim inheritance disputes. Now, he’s facing an issue unlike any he has seen. He has one word to describe it: “Islamophobia.”

Ahmed is the head of Nairobi’s Kadhis Court, one of 17 judicial bodies that administer sharia, or Islamic law, to Kenya’s Muslim minority. The courts were enshrined in the nation’s constitution decades ago, but Christian leaders are seeking to remove them from a proposed new constitution, scheduled for a referendum Aug. 4. They argue that Kenya is a secular state and that Muslims should not receive special privileges.

Muslim leaders say the maneuvers are part of an agenda to deny their community rights and undermine their beliefs. “They are creating hatred between Muslims and Christians,” said Ahmed, his soft voice hardening.

The tussle portends a larger collision between Islam and Christianity in Kenya, a vital U.S. ally in a region where Washington is quietly fighting the growth of Islamic radicalism. Many Kenyans are concerned that the tensions, if not contained, could deepen political fissures and spawn the sort of communal upheaval that left more than 1,000 people dead in 2008 after elections.

In this predominantly Christian nation, Christians are worried about a Muslim community that is growing in numbers and influence, and they have been vocally backed by U.S.-based Christian groups. Muslims are wary of the rising power of fundamentalist Christian organizations backed by American Christians.

The 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania frayed relations between Christians and Muslims. Those links have further eroded in the decade since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, as concerns about Islamic radicalization and terrorism grew in this East African country.

…(read more)…

Why Arizona and Not Rhode Island?

From BigGov:

…if enforcing immigration law is a bad thing for local cops to do, as Holder claims, why pick on Arizona? If he’s really upset that the same laws he has taken an oath to enforce might actually get (gulp!) enforced, why isn’t he suing Providence instead of Phoenix? They’ve been doing local immigration enforcement for years now.

As The Boston Globe-Democrat reported yesterday, “From Woonsocket to Westerly, the troopers patrolling the nation’s smallest state are reporting all illegal immigrants they encounter, even on routine stops such as speeding, to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.”

Even liberal Providence, where politicians long opposed any local enforcement efforts, changed its policy in 2008 after the infamous Marco Riz case.

Riz was the illegal immigrant arrested by Providence cops twice while under a federal deportation order but released both times. He was then charged with carjacking a woman in Warwick and raping her in Providence.

Rhode Island cops now routinely contact ICE when they suspect they’ve come across an illegal immigrant. Since 2006, the number of contacts they’ve made to ICE’s Law Enforcement Support Center in Vermont has nearly doubled, the Globe reported. How is this significantly different than Arizona’s proposed law?

…(read more)…

Arizona Needs to Get Tough Like Rhode Island!

(language warning)

UPDATE – from HotAir:

According to the Obama administration’s lawsuit against the state of Arizona, their new law requiring police officers to investigate immigration status for those already in some form of detention violates their jurisdiction, which is what the argument of pre-emption means.  Barack Obama and Eric Holder want the courts to rule that only the federal writ runs in Arizona on immigration-law enforcement.  Apparently, though, the federal writ doesn’t run in Rhode Island, where law enforcement has been doing for years exactly what the Arizona law Obama opposes mandates — without a peep from the DoJ:

But in Rhode Island, illegal immigrants face a far greater penalty: deportation.

“There are police chiefs throughout New England who hide from the issue . . . and I’m not hiding from it,’’ said Colonel Brendan P. Doherty, the towering commander of the Rhode Island State Police. “I would feel that I’m derelict in my duties to look the other way.’’

From Woonsocket to Westerly, the troopers patrolling the nation’s smallest state are reporting all illegal immigrants they encounter, even on routine stops such as speeding, to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, known as ICE.

Well, that’s different from what Arizona is doing because, well, um … Arizona’s racist, or something.  In fact, Rhode Island does exactly what Arizona belatedly decided to do, which is to get serious about immigration control and enforcing the law.  The only difference is that Rhode Island began doing it before Barack Obama needed a distraction from a hugely unpopular ObamaCare bill and thought a fight over immigration would bolster Democrats in the midterms.

In fact, Rhode Island didn’t bother passing a law, but instead relied on an executive order:

In 2008, Governor Donald L. Carcieri, a Republican, issued an executive order mandating immigration checks on all new state workers and ordering State Police to assist federal immigration officials.

Sitting in his office in an old farmhouse off a country highway, Doherty said the State Police had collaborated with federal immigration officials before, but the relationship has become more formal in recent years. In 2007, he said, he trained all state troopers in how to deal with noncitizens because of widespread confusion and because Congress did not resolve the issue of illegal immigration. Troopers learned to notify consulates when noncitizens are arrested, how to recognize different forms of identification, and how to deal with different cultures.

In 2009, Doherty took it a step further and enrolled in the 287(g) program, which designated four troopers as immigration task force agents to assist in investigating drug and human trafficking and other crimes.

They also help regular troopers report illegal immigrants to ICE. Troopers say the issue typically comes up during criminal investigations or when motorists don’t have driver’s licenses, and police need to verify their identities with the center in Vermont.

Heck, an executive order seems even more susceptible to a legal challenge than a law passed by the legislature.  Why isn’t the DoJ suing Rhode Island to stop doing what Arizona proposes to do?

NASA’s Islamization & Mainstream Media

  • Total words about the NASA Muslim outreach program in the New York Times: 0.
  • Total words about the NASA Muslim outreach program in the Washington Post: 0.
  • Total words about the NASA Muslim outreach program on NBC Nightly News: 0.
  • Total words about the NASA Muslim outreach program on ABC World News: 0.
  • Total words about the NASA Muslim outreach program on CBS Evening News: 0.
  • A Rangers Fan Falls From the Third Deck (UPDATE: Second Deck)

    The fall is not shown/caught on camera, and the quality of the filming isn’t good either, but the reaction from the players, crowd, and officials still comes through:

    Fan falls from second deck during Rangers game

    A scary scene occurred Tuesday night during the game between the Texas Rangers and Cleveland Indians at Rangers stadium as a male fan fell from the second deck after attempting to catch a foul ball hit by outfielder Nelson Cruz.

    The fan fell from Section 235, hit the railing on the suite level, and landed on the first base side of the lower deck level. The drop estimated at about 30 feet. He was taken to a local Texas Hospital.

    The fan landed on four other people who were also injured. Those people however were treated by the paramedics at the ballpark.

    According to Rangers team President Nolan Ryan, the fan responded fine to paramedics and is able to move his most of his body. Ryan also said that the other four fans that were injured are in stable condition.

    This Is Whom the Obama Administration Dropped the Case Against… I Would Say Enjoy… but

    If you do not know Obama’s racist background, I recommend the following video:

    Obamacon – Twenty Years In A Racist Church from Papa Giorgio on Vimeo.

    Justice Kennedy Says He Will Hold Out to 2013

    Big news from the Supremes brought to you by HotAir:

    Justice Kennedy, who turns 74 this month, has told relatives and friends he plans to stay on the high court for at least three more years – through the end of Obama’s first term, sources said.

    That means Kennedy will be around to provide a fifth vote for the court’s conservative bloc through the 2012 presidential election. If Obama loses, Kennedy could retire and expect a Republican President to choose a conservative justice.

    Kennedy, appointed by President Ronald Reagan, has been on the court 22 years. He has become a bit of a political nemesis at the White House for his increasing tendency to side with the court’s four rock-ribbed conservative justices.