Ryan P. Dixon does some investigative work on voter fraud

More info here

….What they found was over 1/3 of the votes cast for Nicole Para that they investigated were fraudulent. During the investigation, they found a thrift store that had 70 people registered to vote, almost all Democrats.

Throughout these investigations we are doing across California we are noticing a pattern of abuse against the most vulnerable people in our society.

It is clear they are taking advantage of the homeless and the needy. The very people they claim they are trying to help they are taking advantage of for just a few more vote for their candidate.

The right to vote is the most fundamental tenants of any democracy. The fact that these people would violate that institution is very serious and that is why the California election law recognizes it as a felony….

Take note that I think this can be explained due to the people using this address merely voting for the people who give them handouts. A slave class in some sense. While using this address as a residence is illegal and it is possible that people may be using this address to vote more than once, I think the most reasonable answer as to the disparate difference between Democrat and Republican registrations is that these people registered here are doing so to continue padding the hand that feeds them.