Author: Papa Giorgio
Heritage and Reason Take the Unions to Task
HotAir posts this video in regards to the recent union pressure as of late:
Are public-school teachers underpaid? Is the Battle of Mad Town really not about money? Heritage Foundation and Reason TV take a look at both claims coming from the protests in Madison, Wisconsin, as well as a more fundamental myth that only Republicans are talking about cutting budgets and reducing the power of PEUs. Nick Gillespie focuses attention on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, a staunch Democrat who is also telling constituents hard truths about the unsustainable levels of public spending in his state and the need for reform. Don’t expect this impulse to remain localized to Wisconsin, New Jersey, and New York, either — not with massive state budget shortfalls across the US:
Protests Spreading to North Korea!?
Asia Times Online has this story about the possible spreading of the Jasmine Protests spreading to north Korea. If true, this is huge news.
BEIJING – “The riots are expanding even into North Korea. Hundreds of protesters have collided with the authorities,” said South Korea’s largest-selling Chosun Ilbo newspaper on Thursday, as top news on its website. Now finally, the global cascade of “Jasmine revolutions” in the Middle East and North Africa appears to have entered North Korea.
Chosun posted a North Korea map with large red circles around multiple cities to mark “riot zones”, adding more drama to the report.
South Korea’s online newspaper Daily NK reported on Wednesday that North Korea had created a special mobilization force to prevent any demonstrations similar to the recent uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa.
Another daily, JoongAng Ilbo, said on Thursday that the authorities had begun purging elites who had studied abroad in Russia for fear of a possible coup by people “who were exposed to a Western lifestyle”.
Yet another vernacular newspaper, Donga Ilbo, on Thursday ran a piece on the “dramatic increase” of North Korean females choosing prostitution amid worsening economic hardship, linking it to the growing social instability of the country.
Indeed, hopes of a Jasmine revolution in North Korea are rising amid coverage of increasing pockets of resistance across the country, including the cities of Jongju, Yongchon and Sonchon, to mention a few.
Battle for Civility In Libya (somewhat Graphic)
The reason I am posting this is because we are use to the story line of Muslims yelling “God is Great” as they kill those whom they … well, frankly believe to be non-Muslim. In the following video you have a sub Saharan African mercenary that was caught, probably after attacking and possibly killing some in the same group of people who just caught him. Even though he was hired to commit violence on the Libyan people, you see here Libyan people stopping the crowd from killing him. Now, I don’t know if the people protecting him and trying to calm the knife wielding persons in the crowd are Christians, but I suspect they are. For years I have watched videos on LiveLeak of Muslims (maybe I mean to say Arabs in general) killing people in “frenzied frenzies” (as Dennis Miller says). I rarely — if ever — post videos of Muslims living up to their founders dreams. Which is why when I saw this video I was glad that love for the human soul/spirit was evident in a place where I didn’t expect it. Bravo. Now this young man may have been killed ultimately — I do not know his ultimate fate. Or even if there were a trial that brought him to justice for killing unarmed civilians and then he were executed. This would be preferable to mob violence and would show that Libya may have some people serious about making a nation that follows Natural law aspects of human dignity. But I post the somewhat graphic video that follows only because a beam of justice is shinning through here.
Friday Fodder (2-25-2011)
Mannequin Head Prank:
Downhill Bombing:
Allll Aboard!!
Double Entendre[s]
Wrong Button
Shadow Ninjas
Arabic A-Team/Pep Boys
Charlie Sheens Crazy Rants with Crazy Alex Jones-Two and a Half Men Cancelled
Two and a Half Men canceled for the rest of this season. Charlie Sheen displayed the psychology of where this extreme conspiratorial view of history — when unchecked and drug fueled — can go. I can think of a dozen verses from Proverbs off the top of my head and a few parables from The Man Himself that could apply to Sheen’s pride and pompousness, that aside, here is the story[ies]:
Yep, things between Two And A Half Men star Charlie Sheen and creator Chuck Lorre just got a lot worse. Following his verbal assault on Lorre, whom he calls by his “real name Chaim Levine”, in a radio interview this morning, Sheen went way further in a TMZ interview this afternoon. “I violently hate Haim Levine,” Sheen said in what is probably the harshest statement by a series star about their showrunner. “He’s a stupid, stupid little man and a p**sy punk that I’d never want to be like. That’s me being polite. That piece of s**t took money out of my pocket, my family’s pocket, and, most importantly, my second family — my crew’s pocket… You can tell him one thing. I own him.” He proceeded to challenge Lorre to a fight. “If he wins, then he can leave MY show, Sheen said.
In the bizarre interview, Sheen offered Jones’ much stronger proof that he is “100% clean” that the host probably bargained for: “Here’s your first pee test, next one goes in your mouth. No, you won’t get high.” Sheen also claimed he cured his drug problems with his mind.
But among ramblings about trolls, Bible grippers and Vatican assassins, one line stood out, a quote from Apocalypse Now: “You do have the right to kill me but do not have the right to judge me.”
As Two And A Half Men star Charlie Sheen’s erratic behavior escalated today in a series of verbal assaults on the show’s creator-executive producer Chuck Lorre, the sitcom’s network and studio did the only thing they could in the situation: pull the plug. But they only did it for this season. (Two and a Half Men was scheduled to resume production on Monday for 4 more episodes). So the door is left open for a possible ninth season. “Based on the totality of Charlie Sheen’s statements, conduct and condition, CBS and Warner Bros TV have decided to discontinue production of Two and a Half Men for the remainder of the season,” the two companies said in a statement.
The question now is should Two And A Half Men continue? Could the damage done over the past few weeks ever be repaired. And most importantly, will Sheen come back from the brink?
The production shutdown decision was a dramatic ending to a really fascinating day in which Hollywood witnessed a star’s self-destruction. First, in a bizarre rant on The Alex Jones radio show this morning, Sheen called Lorre a “charlatan” and a “turd” and would only refer to him by his “real name, Chaim Levine.” “Chaim, last time I checked, I spent close to the last decade effortlessly and magically converting your tin cans into pure gold,” said Sheen, responding to a tongue-in-cheek vanity card Lorre recently posted on Men that ended with “If Charlie Sheen outlives me, I’m gonna be really pissed.”
Things escalated in the afternoon when Sheen, currently vacationing in the Bahamas with a girlfriend, ex-wife and a porn star, reached out to TMZ. “I violently hate Chaim Levine,” Sheen said. “He’s a stupid, stupid little man and a p**sy punk that I’d never want to be like. That’s me being polite.”
Miracle Boy Challenging Theories
BioEdge turned me onto this wonderful story of a young boy who is baffling the doctors and experts. In doing so, I think some mind-body presuppositions will be challenged.
A three-year-old boy without a cerebellum has stunned doctors by learning to walk. Chase Britton, 3, born prematurely and legally blind, is missing the part of his brain that controls emotions, motor skills, and balance. He also has no pons, the part of the brain that regulates basic functions such as eating and sleeping. Chase has forced experts to rethink how the brain functions.
Dr Adre du Plessis, of the Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, DC, commented: “There are some very bright, specialised people across the country and in Europe that have put their minds to this dilemma and are continuing to do so, and we haven’t come up with an answer.” The boy is challenging “fundamental principles”. He was able to learn to sit up, despite his balance problems, and then crawl. He is now learning to walk with the assistance of a frame. He has started at a special pre-school near his home in New York, although has a special “sensory room” at his home to motivate him.
Mrs Britton had a complicated pregnancy while carrying Chase and she was monitored closely. Doctors were baffled further when ultrasound images of Chase’s brain during pregnancy revealed he once had a cerebellum. “That is actually a fundamental part of the dilemma,” says Dr du Plessis. “If there was a cerebellum, what happened to it?” Only liquid is left where the cerebellum and pons should be.
Thugs,Racists,Homophobic, and Anti-Semitic
Fox & Friends Covers ‘Bloody’ Capuano Quote, Rest of Media Mum
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Bombing Mosques and Executing Hospital Patients
On the way into work today I heard a radio report about Qaddafi’s air-force making bombing runs on civilians. One attack was on a mosque full of protesters. Yes, Qaddafi blew up a mosque. Arabs have the grandest time killing Arabs, a stat that our forces in freeing Muslims from tyrants will never reach. Here is Debka on the matter:
Civil War in Libya: Jets bomb civilians. Pilots, high officials flee
Qaddafi’s 42-year rule of Libya appeared to have begun disintegrating Monday, Feb. 21, as civil war swept the country with no signs of him quitting. Instead, he ordered the army to redouble its brutal assaults on the opposition. The Air Force began bombing crowds at random while army tanks and armored vehicles blasted them with live ammunition – not just in the insurgent eastern provinces of Cyrenaica, but the capital of Tripoli and its environs too. There, helicopter gunships aimed heavy machine fire into the main market, the Souk al Jumma, while the first tribal militias loyal to Qaddafi to arrive in the capital from the Sahara fought alongside the army. Casualties soared to an estimated 600, with 250 in Tripoli alone as Qaddafi rallied for a bloody civil war that could linger for years.
This one took me by surprise:
Gaddafi forces execute hospital patients, bomb mosque
Forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi stormed hospitals in Tripoli and summarily executed injured anti-regime protestors who were being treated, a report said Thursday.
Members of the Libyan Revolutionary Committee, the backbone of Gaddafi’s regime, “burst in hospitals and killed wounded people who had protested against the regime,” said Slimane Bouchuiguir, who leads the Libyan branch of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), cited by Italian news agency MISNA.