(A Must Post) A Failed Global Warming Prediction in 2005 Shows the Depths of Fear Mongering in the Left’s Secular Eschatology

I got a laugh from this Newsbusters Post:

To give you an idea of the kind of hysterical predictions the global warming crowd have made in recent years, the United Nations in 2005 actually forecast that by the end of the previous decade, there would be 50 million environmental refugees around the world as a result of climate change.

Britain’s Guardian reported October 12, 2005:

Rising sea levels, desertification and shrinking freshwater supplies will create up to 50 million environmental refugees by the end of the decade, experts warn today. Janos Bogardi, director of the Institute for Environment and Human Security at the United Nations University in Bonn, said creeping environmental deterioration already displaced up to 10 million people a year, and the situation would get worse.

“There are well-founded fears that the number of people fleeing untenable environmental conditions may grow exponentially as the world experiences the effects of climate change,” Dr Bogardi said. “This new category of refugee needs to find a place in international agreements. We need to better anticipate support requirements, similar to those of people fleeing other unviable situations.” […]

Hans van Ginkel, UN under-secretary-general and rector of the university, said: “This is a highly complex issue, with global organisations already overwhelmed by the demands of conventionally recognised refugees. However, we should prepare now to define, accept and accommodate this new breed of refugee.”

As Gavin Atkins of the Asian Correspondent noted Monday, the U.N. back in 2005 provided a handy map to identify “places most at risk including the very sensitive low lying islands of the Pacific and Caribbean.”

Atkins chose to look at census figures for some of these “at risk” locales to see whether the U.N.’s predictions – pun intended – hold water. What he discovered was that far from seeing a population exodus, many of these areas are growing in their number of homo sapiens.

These included the Bahamas, St. Lucia, Seychelles, and the Solomon Islands. Atkins continued:

Meanwhile, far from being places where people are fleeing, no fewer than the top six of the very fastest growing cities in China, Shenzzen, Dongguan, Foshan, Zhuhai, Puning and Jinjiang, are absolutely smack bang within the shaded areas identified as being likely sources of climate refugees.

Similarly, many of the fastest growing cities in the United States also appear within or close to the areas identified by the UNEP as at risk of having climate refugees.

More censuses are due to come in this year, and we await the results for Bangladesh and the Maldives – said to be places most at risk – with interest.

However, a very cursory look at the first available evidence seems to show that the places identified by the UNEP as most at risk of having climate refugees are not only not losing people, they are actually among the fastest growing regions in the world.

Kind of like predicting a team to come in last place at the beginning of the season that ends up winning the Super Bowl, wouldn’t you say?

…(read more)…

Medved Talks About the Budget Concessions Following the Averted Shutdown of Government

From the video description:

Michael Medved has a way of putting into perspective good news. This is often overlooked in the the political skirmishes that often make up the political junkies world — good news that is. Medved also takes disagreeing calls from the listeners as to what we won/lost in this most recent budget battle. These calls from concerned conservative allow for deeper understanding as to what we won in this first step to dealing with our fiscal crisis. And it is a crisis.

This audio should be parred with another audio portion hours before the proposed shutdown on Friday (vimeo.com/​22149435), as well as an understanding that all involved have their eyes set on bigger cuts (hotair.com/​archives/​2011/​04/​11/​boehner-next-fight-will-be-trillions-not-billions/​).

For more clear thinking like this from Michael Medved… I invite you to become a Medhead: medvedmedhead.com/​

The French Ban On Burqas Went Into Affect on Monday (Disturbing Video-Caution)

PARIS, April 11 (Reuters) – France’s ban on full face veils, a first in Europe, went into force on Monday, exposing anyone who wears the Muslim niqab or burqa in public to fines of 150 euros ($216).

A Muslim property dealer, who is urging women to keep wearing the veil if they want to, has urged supporters to go to Notre Dame cathedral in central Paris for a silent prayer during the day, and is also offering to help people pay the fines.

France’s five-million-strong Muslim minority is Western Europe’s largest, but fewer than 2,000 women are believed actually to wear a full face veil.

Many Muslim leaders have said they support neither the veil nor the law banning it.

The timing is all the more sensitive after France’s ruling political party, President Nicolas Sarkozy’s UMP, called a debate on the place of Islam in France, a move that some say risked stigmatising a portion of the population.

Police received a guide last week to help implement the ban. It tells them not to remove veils by force. It also notes that the ban does not apply inside private cars but reminds policemen such cases can be dealt with under road safety rules.

Rachid Nekkaz, the man who called for the Notre Dame prayer, said in a webcast that he was putting a property worth around two million euros up for sale to help fund his campaign.

“I am calling on all free women who so wish, to wear the veil in the street and engage in civil disobedience,” he said.

French police arrested 59 people on Saturday who turned up for a banned protest over the veil ban, one of them on arrival in France from Britain, according to a police spokesman. (Writing by Brian Love; Editing by Jon Boyle)

Remember, often times the wearing of these Burqas is forced:

A Couple of Changes for the Readers to Note

I have added some PAGES to the top right of the blog. Pictured below is a screen shot with an arrow pointing to one of the changed page’s position as well as three new pages that deal with a few topics coming up in conversation, as they see to do always — Good Grief! I moved my Conspiracy Debunker page over (take note of the arrow pointing to it below), and to the right of that are pages dealing with debunking conspiracies surrounding 9/11 and Iraq. I may add a few more Mantra Debunking pages later. but I figured I would let you know the changes as of today. Enjoy.