Stu Burguiere Debunks The Green Delusion (POWERLINE UPDATE)

Stu Burguiere says you shouldn’t laugh at all of the mainstream media’s climate change stories. The truth behind China’s emissions and the current “Green Delusion” is debunked by Stu.


Wind and solar installations produce electricity well under 50 percent of the time, a fact that never will change. So, in a “green” world, how do you keep the lights on? Battery storage, liberals tell us. (The electric grid is not a storage device. Electricity on the grid must be consumed in the moment in which it is produced.) Amazingly, however, no environmentalist or liberal has made any effort to demonstrate that battery storage on the scale needed is possible, let alone affordable. In fact, it is not even remotely possible.

Francis Menton has just published a PAPER on energy storage. He summarizes his findings at HIS WEB SITE:

The main point of the paper is that an electrical grid powered mostly by intermittent generators like wind and sun requires full backup from some source; and if that source is to be stored energy, the amounts of storage required are truly staggering. When you do the simple arithmetic to calculate the storage requirements and the likely costs, it becomes obvious that the entire project is completely impractical and unaffordable. The activists and politicians pushing us toward this new energy system of wind/solar/storage are either being intentionally deceptive or totally incompetent.

Thus, for example:

Consider the case of Germany, the country that has gone the farthest of any in the world down the road to “energy transition.” My Report presents two different calculations of the energy storage requirement for Germany in a world of a wind/solar grid and no fossil fuels allowed…. One of the calculations, by a guy named Roger Andrews, came to a requirement of approximately 25,000 GWh; and the other, by two authors named Ruhnau and Qvist, came to a higher figure of 56,000 GWh. The two use similar but not identical methodology, and somewhat different assumptions. Clearly there is a large range of uncertainty as to the actual requirement; but the two calculations cited give a reasonable range for the scope of the problem.


….To give you an idea of just how much energy storage 25,000 (or 56,000) GWh is, here is a rendering (also from my Report) of a grid-scale battery storage facility under construction in Queensland, Australia by Vena Energy. The facility in the rendering is intended to provide 150 MWh of storage. 

Remember that 150 MWh is only 0.15 of one GWh. In other words, it would take about 167,000 of these facilities to provide 25,000 GWh of storage, and about 373,000 of them to get to the 56,000 GWh in the larger estimate…..

And against these projections of a storage requirement in the range of tens of thousands of GWh, what are Germany’s plans as presented in this “20-fold expansion” by 2031? From my Report:

In the case of Germany, Wood Mackenzie states that the planned energy storage capacity for 2031, following the 20-fold expansion, is 8.81GWh.

Rather than tens of thousands of GWh, it’s single digits. How does that stack up in percentage terms against the projected requirements?:

In other words, the amount of energy storage that Germany is planning for 2031 is between 0.016% and 0.036% of what it actually would need. This does not qualify as a serious effort to produce a system that might work.

This absurd situation is duplicated in every other jurisdiction that has purported to mandate wind and solar energy. For example, California:

The Report cites another article from Utility Dive stating that the California Public Utilities Commission has ordered the state’s power providers to collectively procure by 2026 some 10.5 GW (or 42.0 GWh) of lithium-ion batteries for grid-scale storage:

The additional 10.5 GW of lithium-ion storage capacity, translating to at most about 42 GWh, would take California all the way to about 0.17% of the energy storage it would need to fully back up a wind/solar generation system.

This is a joke. There are nowhere near enough batteries in the world to back up the world’s need for electricity, nor will there ever be. My colleague Isaac Orr prepared this simple graph, which shows the entire battery capacity of the world as projected in 2030 against the electricity consumption of a single state, Minnesota:

Is there a single place, anywhere in the world, that has actually satisfied its citizens’ need for electricity through wind or solar energy, plus batteries, as liberals now demand for all of us? No, actually, there isn’t:

Here’s what tells you all you need to know: not only is there no working demonstration project anywhere in the world of the wind/solar/storage energy system, but there is none under construction and none even proposed.

The whole green energy project is a gigantic fraud. A handful of shysters are getting rich, along with some activists and politicians, while the rest of us will be left holding the bag. In the dark.

Military [any] Vaccine Mandates are Dangerous and Deadly

  • “As you can see, the total number of reportable events went from 110,000 in 2020 to over 200,000 in 2022,” reported Dr. Long. “Compare this to the 93 deaths of service members that were attributed to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Clearly, the risk of the vaccine has already outweighed the benefit.” — Lt. Col. Theresa Long, MD (RED VOICE)


They Really Want To Control Our Every Move

“Indonesia has achieved… G20 countries have agreed to have this digital certificate using WHO standards, and we will suck it into the next World Assembly in Geneva as the revision to international health regulations. So hopefully, for the next pandemic, we can still see some movement of the people, some movement of the goods, and some movement of the economy.” (GATEWAY PUNDIT)

Celtics Head Coach Joe Mazzulla Only Knows One Royal Family

Celtics Head Coach Joe Mazzulla Only Knows One Royal Family: Jesus, Mary, And Joseph

Reporter: “Did you get a chance to meet with the Royal family, and if not, how was it like having them there in the building?”

Mazzulla: “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph?”

Reporter: “The Prince and Princess of Wales,”

Mazzulla: “Oh, no I did not, I’m only familiar with one Royal family, I don’t know too much about that one. Thank you, but hopefully, they’re Celtic fans.”

DAMNING! Biggest First Amendment Violation In Modern History



DAILY CALLER notes about the above:

Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Friday that documents released by Elon Musk and journalist Matt Taibbi detail a massive “systemic violation” of the First Amendment.

“One of the most extraordinary moments in the history of social media is unfolding right now as we speak. It began when Elon Musk took control of Twitter. When he bought the company, he promised to reveal its corruption, the extent to which Twitter engaged in politically motivated censorship, including the unlawful illegal censorship of American citizens at the direction of the U.S. government.”

Musk released the documents to journalist Matt Taibbi, who posted a lengthy thread on Twitter. The documents reportedly detail how company executives made moderation decisions and accommodated requests from the Biden campaign.

“Well, tonight, less than an hour ago, Musk began to make good on that promise. Twitter shared a trove of internal documents with Matt Taibbi of Substack, these documents are coming out as we speak and what they prove is very serious,” Carlson said. “Those documents show a systematic violation of the First Amendment, the largest example of that in modern history.”……

I must note that there was a single Democrat that expressed Constitutional concerns about the government asking for the censoring of social media posts. I felt compelled to write a letter to Rep. Ro Khanna:


Dear Representative Khanna,

I rarely write to my congressman let alone a Rep. from elsewhere in our fine nation. And why would a conservative Evangelical write to a Democrat Representative at all – except to bludgeon him (or her) with fodder.


After reading the Twitter thread by Matt Taibbi as well as stories from my “daily habit” of sites…. You left me no choice but to express my deepest respect to you and your team for being concerned with our (yes, our) Constitutional declarations of our God given rights.


If you were in front of me I would give you a hug.

Blessings to you and yours as we all enter this Christmas season. I will add you and your family to my prayer routine.

Forever In My Mind,

Sean G, MATS (Bio: religiopoliticaltalk . com/ bio-from-felon-to-seminary-grad/ )

  • The man who does not read good books is no better than the man who can’t ~ Mark Twain (or, “Abigail Van Buren”)
  • Don’t ever take a fence down until you know the reason it was put up ~ G.K. Chesterton
  • Do you realize if it weren’t for Edison we’d be watching TV by candlelight ~ Al Boliska.


Tucker Carlson mentioned that the truth would have [possibly] changed the 2020 Presidential election outcome. NEWSBUSTERS actually polled Democrat voters on this:

■ Burying Biden’s Bad News: The media’s censorship of Biden’s scandals had the strongest impact on this year’s election. According to our survey, more than one-third of Biden voters (35.4%) were unaware of the serious allegations brought against the Democratic nominee by Tara Reade, a former staffer who said Biden sexually assaulted her in the 1990s.

If they had known about Tara Reade’s sexual assault allegations, 8.9% told us they would have changed their vote — either switching to Trump or a 3rd party candidate, not voting for any presidential candidate, or not voting at all. By itself, this would have flipped all six of the swing states won by Biden (Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin), giving the President a win with 311 electoral college votes.

Even more Biden voters (45.1%) said they were unaware of the financial scandal enveloping Biden and his son, Hunter (a story infamously censored by Twitter and Facebook, as well as ignored by the liberal media). According to our poll, full awareness of the Hunter Biden scandal would have led 9.4% of Biden voters to abandon the Democratic candidate, flipping all six of the swing states he won to Trump, giving the President 311 electoral votes.

The ticket’s left-wing ideology was another issue barely mentioned by the national press. A GovTrack analysis found Biden’s running mate, California Senator Kamala Harris, had the most left-wing record of any Senator in 2019 (even more than self-described socialist Bernie Sanders). Our poll found that 25.3% of Biden voters said they didn’t know about Senator Harris’s left-wing ideology. If voters had the complete story, it would have led 4.1% of Biden voters to change their vote, flipping Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to Trump. The result would have been a Trump victory, with 295 electoral college votes…..

NEWSBUSTERS has more of the most recent government censoring.


FLASHBACK w/ Larry Elder



Are Democrats Reeally Concerned About Anti-Semitism?

Mark Levin lays waste to the Democrats concern over anti-Semitism. I have also written on Democrat racism as well:


  • What Democrats Don’t Want You to Know About Hakeem Jeffries (RED STATE)
  • Warnock’s Former Church Repeatedly Hosted Antisemite Leonard Jeffries (RICH SWIER)
  • Blue State Blues: The Left Exposes Its Hypocrisy on ‘Democracy’ (BREITBART)
  • Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) Gets Schooled on Dems’ Racist Remarks on Justice Thomas (VIDEO)
  • Warnock Was Youth Pastor of Harlem Church That Hosted Farrakhan Town Hall (FOX NEWS)
  • Democrat Rep. Hakeem Jeffries says Democrats’ federal elections takeover bill is “inspired by Hugo Chavez…Cesar Chavez.” (AMERICAN THINKER | NextNewsNetwork )

Not Black Enough | Scales of Soul

(Updated Media Sources)

The Colbert Report:

Here is an interesting article via TOWNHALL and Larry Elder:

…..This brings us to the Cornell University’s Black Students United and whether the organization is engaging in racism — against blacks. The BSU complains that the prestigious Ivy League school admits too many blacks — from Africa and the Caribbean. “We demand that Cornell Admissions to come up with a plan to actively increase the presence of underrepresented Black students on this campus,” the BSU student group said in its demands. “We define underrepresented Black students as Black Americans who have several generations (more than two) in this country.”

Hold the phone. Isn’t the mantra of modern higher education “diversity,” “inclusion” and “overcoming disadvantage”? If so, the black African and Caribbean students would seem to nail all three.

Maybe the problem is that it is tough to explain why so many black foreign applicants outperform America-born blacks on what some call “culturally biased” standardized tests. A 2007 study by Princeton and University of Pennsylvania sociologists examined the standardized test scores of black students enrolled at 28 selective universities. As to the SAT, the test most colleges use as an important factor in offering admission, the study found that foreign-born black college-bound students earned a statistically significant advantage on SAT scores, averaging a score of 1250 (out of 1600) compared to 1193 average points for their American black counterparts. This explains, in large part, why first- or second-generation black immigrants made up 27 percent of the black student bodies at colleges nationwide. In the Ivy League, black immigrants comprised 41 percent of black students.

What is the basis for the black students’ protest? Don’t black foreigners face even more obstacles? After all, America spends more on education, K through 12, than the top 34 industrialized countries save Switzerland, Austria, Norway and Luxembourg. New York City and Washington, D.C., annually spend approximately $21,000 and $15,000 per student, respectively.

BSU might want to consider the letter to the editor of The Wall Street Journal written by a man from Congo:

“I grew up in the Congo and have numerous friends in the U.S. from the Congo and other African countries who are here for an education or a better life. Every one of them is grateful for the opportunity to secure an excellent education. … Most come here from different cultures with minimal money and limited English language skills. Interestingly, I’ve never heard one complain about discrimination, obstacles or being a victim. Rather, they are grateful. Juxtapose this with Cornell’s Black Students United (BSU) whose members feel they should be treated better than every other color or race if they have ancestors who’ve been here for more than two generations.

“The counterintuitive posturing of American blacks denying other blacks from Africa or the Caribbean is appalling. First-generation African or Caribbean students have more obstacles to overcome to get into any university, much less a prestigious one like Cornell. Furthermore, the liberal American blacks who worship at the altar of ‘diversity’ and ‘victimhood’ should welcome real Africans or Caribbeans versus seeking preferences for those American blacks who truly have the superior advantage of having grown up in the U.S.

“If my Congolese friends are grateful for their opportunities here and have more challenges to overcome, why should American blacks get special treatment? Call this action what it is: racism. And it’s being pushed and protected under the guise of alleged victimization and preferential treatment at the expense of others of all colors and walks of life. So I challenge the BSU folks to start focusing on the concept of succeeding in life instead of always dwelling on the idea that the system is rigged against them.”


One commentator on my LiveLeak channel notes this:

  • There is no way they could do this skit todayPC is now out of control..So Myers actually had a funny show at one point

An SNL Skit on Obama:

A Scene from the Movie, Domino:

The Racial Draft

Disparity Doesn’t Necessarily Imply Racism (Prager Reads Fryer)

Link to the WALL STREET JOURNAL found at the Manhattan Institute. I actually joined the “pay wall” at WSJ because they have a $1 a week for a year deal… just because of this article.

Here is the article:

  • Today it’s more often the result of skills gaps than discrimination. That’s something every black student needs to know.

I was raised, in part, by my paternal grandmother—a phenomenal black woman born in 1925 who came of age during Jim Crow, attended Bethune-Cookman University in the early 1940s, and experienced both the promise and limitations of the civil-rights era when integrating schools in Florida in 1969. She did her best to teach sixth-graders subject-verb agreement minutes after being spat on by their parents. Her life’s journey provided unlimited content as we sat together for nearly three decades, stuck to the plastic slipcovers on her sofa, playing cards, drinking sweet tea, and talking uninhibitedly about race in America.

The first discussion I can remember happened in 1988, when I was 11, after a visit to McDonald’s. After ordering, my grandmother paid with a crisp $20 bill from her pocketbook, and the cashier put the change directly on the counter. When we got to the parking lot, she was incensed. “You see that? White woman didn’t want to touch me.” I had noticed it too, but thought the cashier was being nice, trying to avoid passing on her own germs.

My grandmother—no doubt based in part on her experiences—saw racism everywhere, in every inequity, every statistic. Racial differences in wages? Racism. Racial differences in educational achievement? Racism. Racial differences in teen birth rates? Racism. This sort of casual empiricism—which has crept back into mainstream media and other institutions—was a competitive sport among my family and friends. Did you see the way that white woman tightened her grip on her purse, because I was behind her? Does this guy follow everyone around the store?

A decade after the McDonald’s incident, in graduate school, I read a 1995 paper titled “The Role of Premarket Factors in Black-White Wage Differences.” Using a nationally representative sample of more than 12,000 14- to 17-year-olds from 1979, Derek A. Neal and William R. Johnson estimated that blacks earned between 35% to 45% less than whites on average.

They examined how much of the wage gap could be attributed to present-day discrimination in the workplace versus differences in skill as measured by the Armed Forces Qualification Test, a cousin of the ACT and SAT. Importantly, they weren’t trying to measure the effect of America’s racist history running back to the early 17th century, when the first African slaves were brought to work the tobacco farms of Virginia, only the extent to which blacks earn lower incomes because employers today make racially discriminatory decisions. Nor did they focus on prejudice more broadly: They ignored that my grandmother was spat on in the parking lot at work and concentrated on whether she was treated fairly once she entered the building.

“We find,” they wrote in the abstract of their paper, “that this one test score explains all of the black-white wage gap for young women and much of the gap for young men.” With their approach, antiblack bias played no role in the divergent wages among women; a black woman with the same qualifications as a white woman made slightly more money. And it accounted for at most 29% of the racial difference among men, with 71% traceable to disparate performance on the AFQT. The AFQT itself was evaluated by the Pentagon, which found that black and white military recruits with similar AFQT scores performed similarly on the job—indicating no racial bias.

The paper felt like an attack on what I knew. An assault on all those conversations with my grandmother, which taught me that racism—present-tense racism—dictated black-white inequality. I told myself that Messrs. Neal and Johnson, both of whom were white, were probably bigots, and I set out on a mission to disprove their work.

I vented about my battle with Messrs. Neal and Johnson to a fellow graduate student at Penn State, a white guy from the cornfields of Southern Illinois. He was no more at home at a top-25 economics doctoral program than I was, and we spent a fair amount of time together during our first year, staring at Euler equations in our favorite textbook, “Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics.”

I told him I was sure discrimination was a bigger factor than Messrs. Neal and Johnson were letting on, but “I just can’t get this data to cooperate.” He asked why I was so convinced, and I erupted in a rant about the prevalence of racism and recognizing bigots on sight. My grandmother would’ve nodded rhythmically along. My friend responded with a burst of loud, sharp laughter in my face.

He pointed out how far I was straying from our Euler equations. How on any subject other than race, I would have never given in to such sloppy thinking. The double identity—a classically trained economist taught to tease out causal relationships and a black Southern boy taught that discrimination is ubiquitous—had lived seamlessly inside me until that moment. Messrs. Neal and Johnson, as it turns out, aren’t bigots, and their conclusions have stood the test of time and my attempts to disprove them. I extended their analysis to unemployment, teen pregnancy, incarceration and other outcomes—all of which follow the same pattern. Moreover, the relationship between skills and wages has been confirmed by study after study, even when using different data and methods. Kevin Lang, an economist at Boston University, corrects important issues in Messrs. Neal and Johnson’s work but finds the same relationship between AFQT scores and wages. Taken together, an honest review of the evidence suggests that current racial inequities are more a result of differences in skill than differences in treatment of those with the same skill.

I write this with some degree of trepidation, in part because I still have my grandmother in my ear and in part because I am keenly aware of the harm in underestimating bias. But there is also a cost to overemphasizing its impact. A black kid who believes he will face daunting societal obstacles is likely to underinvest in trying to climb society’s rungs. Every black student in the country needs to know that his return on investment in education is, if anything, higher than for white students.

The solution is neither to stop fighting biased behavior nor to curb honest inquiry about race in America. We shouldn’t stop searching for and penalizing discriminatory employers, or trying to reduce racial differences in police brutality, or estimating whether the value of a home appraisal depends on the race of the homeowner, or reducing bias in bail decisions by using artificial intelligence. I could go on, like the conversations stuck to those slipcovers. The solution isn’t to look away from discrimination. It does exist. But we also can’t point at every gap in outcomes and instantly conclude it’s racism. Prejudice must be measured rigorously. Statistically. Disparity doesn’t necessarily imply racism. It may feel omnipresent, but it isn’t all-powerful. Skills matter most.

Mr. Fryer is a professor of economics at Harvard, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute, and founder of Equal Opportunity Ventures.

Sam Brinton and Rachel Levine… UPDATED!


Biden Energy Department official Sam Brinton, the non-binary drag queen who served as the department’s deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition, was charged with stealing women’s luggage at the Minneapolis airport in September, before taking a leave of absence.

According to a criminal complaint filed on Oct. 26 in Minnesota state court, Brinton while traveling from Washington DC allegedly stole a $2,325 Vera Bradley suitcase from a luggage carousel at the Minneapolis St. Paul Airport on Sept. 16.

Court documents obtained by Alpha News said that the owner of the suitcase contacted police, who reviewed video surveillance and identified Brinton taking the luggage after removing its tag identifying the owner. Brinton was observed by law enforcement using the luggage on at least two other trips to Washington, D.C., on September 18 and Octover 9.

When a police officer called to discuss the incident on Oct. 9, Brinton denied stealing anything but confirmed still possessing the suitcase.

Brinton told the officer, “If I had taken the wrong bag, I am happy to return it, but I don’t have any clothes for another individual. That was my clothes when I opened the bag.”

Two hours later, Brinton called back the officer and apologized for not being “completely honest,” claimed it was a mistake and blamed exhaustion for taking the wrong bag.

According to court filings, “DEFENDANT said when they opened the bag at the hotel, they realized it was not theirs. DEFENDANT got nervous people would think they stole the bag and did not know what to do. DEFENDANT stated they left the clothes from the bag inside the drawers in the hotel room.”

Brinton has been charged with felony theft of a movable property without consent, which could result in a $10,000 fine, a five-year sentence, or both…….



THE POSTMILLENNIAL has a description of the photo here:

Sam Brinton, who serves as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition and Dr. Rachel Levine, Assistant Secretary in the Department of Health and Human Services, celebrated their identities with the French Ambassador in his residence for Bastille Day this week.

Brinton, who identifies as non-binary, and Levine, who identifies as transgender, also reportedly were able to take the opportunity to “commiserate” with each other about the difficulty of being non-binary and trans, respectively.

THE NATIONAL POST has more on this travesty and state of our government:

….Brinton – who has written in opposition to “gay conversion therapy” – was recently tapped to serve as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy for the Department of Energy. He also goes by “Sister Ray Dee O’Active” – his drag queen alter ego.

In his own website’s bio, Brinton reveals:

Sam has worn his stilettos to Congress to advise legislators about nuclear policy and to the White House where he advised President Obama and Michelle Obama on LGBT issues. He shows young men and women everywhere he goes that they can be who they are and gives them courage. Once, while he was walking around Disney World in 6 inch stilettos with his boyfriend, a young gay boy saw Sam with his boyfriend and started crying. He told his mother, ‘”t’s true, Mom. WE can be our own princess here.”

Brinton is an active member of the Washington, D.C. chapter of a drag queen society known as the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” which lists him as the principal contact on its 2016 and 2018 tax forms. During the group’s “Lavender Mass 2021,” Brinton can be seen referring to Anthony Fauci, who was declared a “saint,” as “Daddy Fauci.”


The new Biden-Harris nuclear official has been involved in LGBTQ+ activism since college, was interviewed by Metro Weekly about the group, where he emphasized he is the “slutty one”.

“The Sisters mission is in complete alignment with my passion for removing the guilt people feel every day (unjustly placed on them, let your freak flag fly!) and the joy the Sisters bring is so, so, so beautiful,” he added.

In a separate interview, Brinton explains how he roleplays as a “pup” handler.

“I actually have trouble when we transition from pup play to having sex,” Brinton explained.

“Like, ‘No, I can’t have you whimper like that when we’re having sex,’ because I don’t want to mix that world. It’s interesting, because he doesn’t have to come out of pup mode to have me fuck him. I personally have to bring him out of pup perception for me. But then I’m still treating him as a submissive to me.”

In the interview, Brinton also appears to be annoyed with criticism of “lik[ing] to have sex with animals”:

“One of the hardest things about being a handler is that I’ve honestly had people ask, ‘Wait, you have sex with animals?’” Sam says. “They believe it’s abusive, that it’s taking advantage of someone who may not be acting up to a level of human responsibility The other misperception is that I have some really messed up background, like, did I have some horrible childhood trauma that made me like to have sex with animals.”

Brinton has also lectured on kink at college campuses, including a class for the University of Wisconsin-Stout Gender and Sexuality Alliance on the “Physics of Kink” on March 7th, 2018. A description on Instagram said the session was to include “live demos on the tension forces of bondage, thermodynamics of wax play, physics of impact, and circuits of electro play!”

Brinton led a “Kink 101” session at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. The photo shows Brinton in a dress, standing over three kneeling males with leather bondage-style dog masks on their heads.

He previously worked with the Obama White House on LGBTQ+ issues as well as Congress on nuclear policy.

“Sam has worn his stilettos to Congress to advise legislators about nuclear policy and to the White House where he advised President Obama and Michelle Obama on LGBT issues,” boasts his bio.