IQ | RACISM and the CONSERVATIVE ~ by Black Pigeon Speaks

Awesome! around the 2-minute[+] mark Black Pigeon applies Aristotelian logic to the theories own foundations to show that is self-referentially false. Great work! All the rest is fodder after that point. And then if evolution is accepted (around the 13-minute mark) ~ religion and thus conservatism should be embraced… a point I make here.

The Rise of the DINDU ~ by Black Pigeon Speaks

See the video description below (also, here is the Urban Dictionary definition of DINDU):

Michael Brown was a man, who robbed a liquor store and at the same time assaulted its clerk. He then went on to attack a police officer and attempted to hijack his weapon and was shot in the ensuing scuffle.

And to top it all off, Black Lives Matter (BLM) got its start and first martyr. Also many in his community and then nationwide tried to claim him to be an innocent “gentle giant.”

The term “dindu,” became popular in the aftermath of Michael Brown’s death and the Ferguson, Missouri riots to describe a certain class of criminal. The term is a pejorative for criminals and gang members (and their families) who feign innocence and never take responsibility for their actions (when caught in the commission of a crime by the police). It is used, in the title to explain the rise of criminals and their supporters who believe they are not required to be responsible for their actions and now have movements like BLM who will support them against “the system” no matter what they do.

The media / government and those that fund them: The corporations. The well funded (George Soros) along with academia is pushing to divide peoples everywhere. They use events like this to enrage people. Resist with knowledge.

This whole video was inspired by someone who sent me the article on the former Marine being assaulted by BLM supporters.

— Hat tip to Ted. T.

For material used, please see here.

Another Faux Phobia/Hate-Crime (h/t, Gay Patriot)

This report comes from WOOD TV in Michigan back in August 2015:

…Poindexter hopes her story can inspire others to be true to themselves.

“If I were to grow out my hair to stop these comments, what is that saying to people who want to express themselves differently? Is it saying because other people are close-minded, you shouldn’t be yourself? I think that’s a terrible message,” Poindexter said.

Mt. Pleasant police are investigating the incident as a hate crime. They are working to see if any surveillance footage from the bar can help them identify a suspect.

Gay Patriot catches us up on this fake-hate crime that is just piled in with the rest of them:

Is it wrong for me to wonder … if anti-gay violence is so rampant and pervasive in our society, why do the gay activists have to fake so many hate crimes?

A gay Central Michigan University professor has pleaded guilty for falsely claiming that a random guy at a Toby Keith concert called her a “cross-dressing fag,” punched her in the face and spat on her.

The professor, Mari Poindexter, had alleged that the man approached her at the Aug. 19 concert at the Soaring Eagle Casino and Resort in Mount Pleasant, Mich., reports The Morning Sun, a local newspaper.

The man began hurling a rich tapestry of obscene slurs at Poindexter, she told police.

Later that night, the professor said, the same man ambushed her in the parking lot of The Cabin — a local bar. The man thumped Poindexter in the eye, she said, and spat on her.

Is it because drama queens crave attention and being a victim gets you attention in our society? Is it because society affords moral superiority to people who claim victim status? Does it enhance the political agenda of the social left to claim that those who oppose them are violent and must be suppressed by the state?

The Community” is, of course, supporting her and goes so far as to say that the fact that she faked a hate crime makes her almost even *more* deserving of “compassion.”


So, this nutjob clocked herself in the face so she could complain about a “hate crime” that never happened… and all society must rearrange itself to accommodate her. That… is the Tyranny of the Mentally Ill.

(read it all)

A GOP-Primary Civics Lesson 101

While this focuses around the current 2016 primary election cycle ~ and thus around Rubio, Cruz, and Trump mainly… it is applicable to other election cycles. It is a sort-of “Civics 101” lesson from Medved on the GOP process of finding a candidate. I think these rules can be up for a vote to be changed at each convention. If they wish to change the process that is.

For more clear thinking like this from Michael Medved… I invite you to visit:

Larry Elder Notes Trump’s Double Standard

Larry Elder hits one out of the park while filling in for Dennis Prager last week. Per the “Sage’s” modus operandi, the left’s double-standard is brought to bare. This is what Larry Elder is best at… that is, showing how the Democrats are two-faced hypocrites. (Larry calls out a couple of Republicans as well.) Enjoy!

Attempted Political Assassination? (UPDATED!)

Update Below ~ But if you want the quick answer, he thought the pastor was a Martian.

I have a couple thoughts that may play into this story, but first, Libertarian Republican’s opening on the story:

Things are getting out of hand out there. Incidents of violence perpetrated by and against supporters of various candidates. Now comes word from Idaho of what might be the worst incident yet. A pastor of a non-denominational Christian church, who opened a Cruz rally on Saturday with a prayer, was shot multiple times (reports vary) in the back after church services on Sunday. The pastor, Tim Remington, 55 years old, is in critical but stable condition, and is expected to make a full recovery. Police suspect a 30-year old white man, Kyle Odom. From internet sources, Odom is a former Marine. No motivation has yet been identified.

Did the shooter become an atheist and thus disenchanted with his roots due to radical secularism? Was their an affair the pastor was having with one of Odom’s family members? Was this truly politically motivated? While NONE of the reasons (passing thoughts of mine) I listed demand any of the violent actions taken… this story may fall into a category unforeseen in the original post by LR that brought this to my attention.

Will update the story as more is known.


From Kyle’s “manifesto” via KXLY

“Things are not what they appear to be. The world is ruled by ancient civilization from Mars. Pastor Tim was one of them, and he was the reason my life was ruined. I will be sharing my story with as many people as possible. I don’t have time right now, they are chasing me. I shot Pastor Tim 12 times, there is no way any human could have survived that event. Anyway, I have sent my story to all the major news organizations. I have no time, I have to go.”

The Washington Times

…Kyle Odom, 30, was arrested in Washington, D.C., two days after the attack on Tim Remington outside Altar Church in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, after Sunday services.

CNN, citing the Secret Service, reported that Mr. Odom was arrested at the White House. Mr. Odom was arrested after he threw two suspicious objects over the south fence of the White House around 8:30 p.m. EST, CNN’s source said.

A Washington, D.C., arrest had been confirmed by the Couer d’Alene police after Mr. Odom’s family had told local outlets, according to TV station KXLY in Spokane, Washington.

KKLY suggested that Mr. Odom, a former Marine with no criminal record but a history of mental illness, may be suffering delusions.

“In a Facebook post Tuesday afternoon, hours before he was reportedly taken into custody, Odom posted that he had shot Pastor Tim 12 times – Remington was hit six times – because he claimed he was a Martian who had ruined his life,” KXLY wrote….

(read it all)

I didn’t see that one coming.

“Affordable” Care Act’s Sticker Shock

HotAir notes this “sticker shock”

Entitlement programs in general spend tomorrow’s money on payments today — in essence, picking the pockets of our children and grandchildren for our own benefit. Here in Minnesota, the state takes that more literally. The NBC affiliate in the Twin Cities reports that families who qualified for MNsure’s Medicaid program are finding out that they’re getting coverage for free now, but leaving their children with tax liens that run into the tens of thousands of dollars:


let’s not pretend that ObamaCare, Medicaid, and Medicare don’t already do exactly what we see here from KARE11. Those programs promise coverage that we cannot possibly fund in real time, which is one reason why our national debt has skyrocketed above 100% of GDP in the past several years. We are placing liens on the backs of our children, grandchildren, and even more distant generations in order to make ourselves feel good about our own generosity to ourselves. The only difference between that and what MNsure has done to its Medical Assistance customers is that it’s easier to pretend with the rest of the entitlements.