Since the death of George Floyd, athletes and activists have been saying that Colin Kaepernick’s kneeling protests were misunderstood and that they were never about the American flag. However, Kaepernick’s reasoning back when he first took a knee in 2016 say otherwise. Join MRCTV’s Nick Kangadis for a new edition of Out Of Left Field where he’ll remind everyone that his protest was, at least in part, about the American flag for Kaepernick. If you’re sick of being talked down to like you don’t understand what’s going on, Kangadis dishes out a little common sense, reason and logic that are typically non-existent when people become too self-righteous about a cause.
The American Flag

A Symbol of Hate Speech on Campuses ~ U.S. Flag
Is the U.S. flag a symbol of hate speech? That’s what documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz wanted to find out when he went to UC Irvine, where the student government tried to ban displays of the flag in a main thruway. Watch and be amazed as Ami interviews the student who spearheaded the flag ban.

This Guy Is My Hero!
…He was later identified as Daniel Llorente. This isn’t the first time that Llorente has waved the American flag in the face of the government. He met the first American cruise ship that came to the island last year.
Llorente greeted the ship waving an American flag and shouting “Yes we can!”, the famous slogan of President Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign. The government organized a rabble to berate Llorente with racial epithets, and Llorente responded by asserting his freedom.
“I use whatever flag I want because I am free. I am not a hypocrite, not like all the Cubans marching yesterday [the 2016 May Day march] — all those Cubans are hypocrites,” he told his detractors. He went on to praise the U.S. flag as the “pride of the Americans” and assert, “I don’t fear the government.”
Llorente was beaten after that incident too, but still came out in defiance of the government yesterday.
The government which usually refuses to comment on any such incidents, actually did comment, calling him an “annexationist” and claimed he had a criminal record for “armed robbery.”
Yes, he did rob them of their complete power in that one moment.
We salute you, Mr. Llorente, and thank you for being an example for us all.

Yep, This Says It All

The Left Creates Weak People
Dennis Prager notes that no leftist leader in the world called Fidel Castro a “dictator,” calling him honorable for the most part. Dennis also reads from Hampshire Colleges president, Jonathan Lash, statement about putting the American flag back up on campus. Prager also speaks to the LAUSD offering counseling because Donald Trump won the Presidency. Here are a couple stories to enforce this:
✦ Despondent Democrats Bring ‘Therapy Dogs’ to Capitol Hill After Trump Victory;
✦ Women Says She’s “Lost The Desire” To Date Men After Trump Election;
✦ Emory offers counseling for students after pro-Trump chalkings;
✦ The 5 (or so) stages of celebrity election grief.
Dennis continues in calling out the Leftist agenda in making weak people, referencing his article on this topic: “Feminism Makes Weak Women.”

The Donald’s “Fascist” Flag Tweet
Here is how a friend puts the issue:
- “My conservative friends on FB, once proud, loud and arrogant are now incredibly silent. Buyers remorse anyone? Trump’s mental illness is self-illuminated with each passing day. What a freak show…. A year in jail and loss of citizenship for the burning of the flag? Read the constitution much?”
Larry Elder uses some audio (which I add video to) to build up to the main point… and it is this: “HILLARY CLINTON PROPOSED ACTUAL LEGISLATION DOING THIS!” That bill (S.1911, The Flag Protection Act of 2005) was co-sponsored by Clinton, and proposed in part:
- Any person who shall intentionally threaten or intimidate any person or group of persons by burning, or causing to be burned, a flag of the United States shall be fined not more than $100,000, imprisoned for not more than 1 year, or both. (SNOPES)

Ragged Old Flag ~ Johnny Cash
I had always seen this quote in writing [at the beginning of the segment], finally came across it.

Patriotic Flag Waving Democrats!
Typically, Democrats burn the U.S. Flag. Republicans fold whats left.
[fbvideo link=”” width=”685″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”0″]
Something that bugged me about the Democrats gathering in Philadelphia… and that is... the types of flags seen carried by Bernie Sanders fans as well as delegates on the floor in the DNC event. NOW, before going on, I wish to note for the detractors…
Just to be clear for the coming detractors… Snopes did show some American regalia and graphics on the giant screens in back of the DNC stage. But the Russian flags in the Sanders crowd outside…
…and the biggest flags inside the event were in fact Palestinian and Communist (above and to the right).
Mind you the SIZE of a flag doesn’t denote patriotism, but the Palestinians are governed by a terrorist group. And to be so predominate at a DNC convention is telling.
- A new global survey of Muslims by the Pew Research Center has found that Palestinian Arab Muslims polled the highest in favor of suicide bombings as a justifiable means “to defend Islam.” The poll also found that 89 percent of Palestinian Muslims favored sharia becoming “the official law of the land.”
I have an entire chapter reproduced on why this type of “total government” thinking is in line with Democrats and why Democrats would support a group of people that hate freedom and democracy, HERE (after the main post at the link).
Note also the Green Party Bernie Sanders fans waving the North Korean flag:
GAY PATRIOT has this update to the Democratic National Convention:
So, it turns out that the DNC Primaries were rigged for Hillary the whole time, and the email hack has exposed the whole thing. And even when Bernie Sanders begs his supporters to fall in line, they boo him off the stage. Also, the Democrats are confiscating pro-Bernie paraphernalia from convention attendees.
Ain’t it funny that the “Anti-Wall Street” party is meeting in an arena named after a bank that got a $25 Billion bailout from TARP?
Ain’t it funny that the party that proclaims that walls and Voter IDs are “racist” is meeting in a place secured by four miles of walls to keep out people who don’t have IDs.

Firefighters Called Terrorists For Having American Flags On Firetrucks
“They look like a bunch of yahoos,” Gralinski said. “Like in the paper, like ISIS in Syria going to take over a city. I don’t think they need that big flag on the back of the truck. That’s not America to me. Those are a bunch of terrorists. So, I’m going to ask you to take the flag off that truck.” (Daily Caller)
An American flag on the back of a fire truck and decals on the truck windows is leading to a new dispute at the Central Coventry Fire District. The firefighters union said they’re being asked to take them off. “The members are very upset,” Firefighters Union President David Gorman told NBC 10 News. “I have a couple members, armed service retired, retired from the guard.”

“Under God” Removed from Pledge at Hillary Event
Clinton Laughs As Person Introducing Her Takes “Under God” Out Of Pledge (May 11, 2016). This removal then, divides the nation.

Baseball and American Culture
Rick Monday was honored by throwing out the first pitch at Monday’s game at Chavez Ravine for arguably the greatest save in Dodgers Stadium history.
What, you say, Monday was an outfielder? And why would he be credited with a save?
Forty years ago on April 25, Monday was playing centerfield for the Cubs in a game against the Dodgers.
The game turned from an ordinary early season game into one with high drama when two people suddenly appeared in the outfield at Dodger Stadium.
Legendary Dodgers announcer Vin Scully said, “”It looks like he’s going to burn a flag!”
One had an American flag. The other, lighter fluid and was planning on burning Old Glory. This was an act Monday, who served in the Marine Corps, was not about to let happen….
The scoreboard operator was swift at the button, punching up: “Rick Monday — You Made a Great Play.”…