Can we judge the past by the standards of the present? Many seem intent on proving not only that we can, but that we must. Social critic Douglas Murray doesn’t agree, and he explains why in this thought-provoking video.
Statues of Abolitionists
Marx and the Devil (Dennis Prager Interviews Paul Kengor)
Dennis Prager had on author and historian Paul Kengor regarding his new book entitled, “The Devil and Karl Marx: Communism’s Long March of Death, Deception, and Infiltration” (Barnes and Noble | Amazon). The Teen Vogue article Paul Kengor mentions in the interview is here: “Teen Vogue To Teen Girls: Marx Good, Reagan Bad: Trendy Ignorance Never Had It So Good“
I add some larger montages of video near the end to bring home the ideas being spoken of. A shorter version (talking just about the Devil) is here:
I DO WANT TO MENTION one of the sources used for additional video information, and that is this fuller video that I pull a segment from: “The Vortex — BLM Is Anti-Catholic” I use this video in my post here: “BLM Is Anti-Christian“
(Editor’s Note: power, or “kingdom,” is the goal of Leftism. ALSO, A fascination with ethnicity as well seems to be permanently embedded on the Left as well:
(Click To Enlarge)
Here are a PLETHORA of racist quotes by Karl Marx.
See also the genocidal claims of Marx and Engels here: “Karl Marx: 1st To Suggest Political Genocide On Massive Order“
Related as well is this post and others linked in it: NAZI Occultism
Wide Awakes vs #Woke (Destroying vs Building)
Yuri Bezmenov (1939 – 1993), known by the alias Tomas David Schuman, was a Soviet journalist for RIA Novosti and a former PGU KGB informant who defected to Canada. After being assigned to a station in India, Bezmenov eventually grew to love the people and the culture of India, but at the same time, he began to resent the KGB-sanctioned repression of intellectuals who dissented from Moscow’s policies. He decided to defect to the West. Bezmenov is best remembered for his anticommunist lectures and books from the 1980s:
(An Aside: I will highlight the reason for the posts name below. There will be many links included to fill in the history of ar for further knowledge about an issue discussed)
Armstrong and Getty discuss the toppling of statues… the rioters do not care a wit about the history of slavery, real change to better trained officers, etc. And the proof of this is their tearing down of heroes of abolition and people who fought and died to free the slaves.
And this toppling of statues of heroes fighting to protect and free slaves is an issue I want to explore a little bit. But keep in mind our President predicted this (which many people mocked at the time):
- “So this week it’s Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson is coming down. I wonder, is it George Washington next week? And is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You know, you really do have to ask yourself, where does it stop?” President Trump asked on August 15, 2017.
I would submit that these people don’t really care about the history of slavery, they are just using this opportunity to further aims they are (a) either aware of, or, (b) merely acting out on misperceived injustices (ignorance), or, (c) filling a void‡ only God can fill (boredom [see #9] and no “Biblical Rest” [See more in the Appendix]), acting emotionally and without thought on the encouragement or behest of others to feel a sense of accomplishment.*
The people in category “c” are what Stalin understood as “useful idiots,” defined well by the OXFORD DICTIONARY (UK):
- (Originally) a citizen of a non-communist country sympathetic to communism who is regarded (by communists) as naive and susceptible to manipulation for propaganda or other purposes; (more widely) any person similarly manipulable for political purposes.
…More on this in a sec…
You know they do not care about past injustices because they have vandalized black military monuments (examples: Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th Regiment; the Clayton Jackson McGhie Memorial; etc) or have toppled or defaced abolitionists who fought and died for the freedom of black slaves:
- HANS CHRISTIAN HEG — “Heg, an immigrant, early prison reformer, and leader of the abolition movement. At the start of the Civil War, Heg swiftly volunteered to fight for his adopted country. Heg led his men, all made up of volunteer immigrants, to numerous victories before he was killed by a Confederate snipers bullet. To remember his sacrifice, a statue of him was built by a fellow immigrant, overseeing his home state of Wisconsin’s capital.” (THE FEDERALIST) [….] He formed a secret society that acted as bodyguards for Republican (read that anti-slavery) politicians and combatted slave catchers called the Wide Awakes. When the Civil War broke out, he was commissioned by the Governor to raise the 15th Wisconsin Volunteer Regiment. Because of his prominence in the Scandinavian community, he raised a regiment that was almost entirely Norwegian. (RED STATE)
- Protesters in San Francisco defaced and toppled the statue of former President Grant, who led the Union Army during the Civil War. In attacking Grant, those desecrating our cities in the supposed name of racial justice besmirched the memory of one of the figures who was most important for pushing the nation forward on civil rights. (USA TODAY)
- Matthias William Baldwin (December 10, 1795 – September 7, 1866) was an American inventor and machinery manufacturer, specializing in the production of steam locomotives. Baldwin’s small machine shop, established in 1825, grew to become Baldwin Locomotive Works, one of the largest and most successful locomotive manufacturing firms in the United States. The most famous of the early locomotives was Old Ironsides, built by Matthias Baldwin in 1832. Baldwin was also a strong advocate of abolitionism. (WIKI) [….] In Philadelphia, the statute of abolitionist Matthias Baldwin was attacked, despite his fight for black voting rights and his financial support for the education of black children. (JONATHAN TURLEY)
I was listening to David Horowitz the other morning being interviewed on the Glenn Beck Program, and he had a good insight to what the Marxists of his day were saying. They were saying then that the police are an occupying force [essentially standing in the way of toppling the capitalist system]. David was raised in a Marxist home and was a radical Marxist for years, editing a radical publication of his day (“…Root and Branch, which published essays embodying the political vision of the New Left.” – NATIONAL REVIEW) …here is more about David Horowitz from National Review:
He is now – of course – a long time outspoken anti-Marxist, anti-Leftist.
This brings us back to the idea that many of these brainwashed youngins may not realize what they are doing with all the information they get from elementary on up through university. They are useful idiots who are yelling at (or what I have seen termed as “whitesplaining” black cops calling them racist [and they need to be killed].
(See this humorous look at this via MTV [I am not agreeing with their purported reason for the video, all I am saying is that it is funny]) Or tearing down history.
And we have others, for instance, Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors who said in a newly surfaced video from 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are “trained Marxists” – making clear their movement’s ideological foundation.
They are pushing or guiding the “manipulable for political purposes,” or, useful idiots.
What has perpetuated this movement of ideologues and morons in part is the labeling that has occurred since the New Left has gotten into education after the Vietnam War. Today this labeling is on steroids, and easily remembered as S.I.X.H.I.R.B.
- sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, bigoted | HILLARY’S version: “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”
What this does is allow a person to disregard any information that would usually happen during normal dialogue. (It creates a self-imposed “safe-space” for the individual, a “cone of silence” so-to-speak – Get Smart TV series… before your time.) If you label someone “racist” you do not have to listen to them any longer.
I mean, who would want to dialogue with a racist?
My two favorite examples of this is a very short excerpt from a documentary I love called Indoctrinate U. It is a Leftist professor saying that there is no push back on Left leaning students because countering ideas are censored… making for an incomplete person/education (I adapted that a bit). Here is that video:
And this is still one of my FAVORITE clips I uploaded to my YouTube via Dennis Prager:
In an article I just read from THE FEDERALIST, they make note through history that when this starts happening, bloodshed typically follows. Here is there title: “Everywhere Statues Are Torn Down By The Mob, History Promises People Are Next: The promise of bloodshed coming alongside or following shortly after is an historic certainty. The symbols of a people never satisfy: People themselves must always come next.”
Here is a small excerpt:
We may be seeing this violence against person in an increased way if this movement is not rebutted and refuted. Either by force, but preferably by true dialogue and Godly renewal or Salvation. In compiling this post I spoke to one of my mentors in the faith. He mentioned a podcast that I am a good way through. The name of the YouTube podcast is “Conversations That Matter.” The title of the episode is, “Why are All My Friends Marxists?.” Here is the video as well as the description of it:
While friends and family are lamenting their “white privilege” and vowing to own their complicity in “systemic oppression,” Jon explains how a Marxist revolution is actually taking place, and it’s not just a political movement—it’s a new religion.
The video is wonderful, I had figured out the title of my post before watching it and it lined up quite well. Also, earlier posts and uploads of mine coordinate well with the topic dealt with, for instance:
Here was an upload of radio talk show host Larry O’Connor discussion the “Collective Guilt”
- I also posted on the topic of kneeling in a post entitled, “American’s Should Not Kneel/Kowtow Before Provably False Ideas“
- I will also post this video elsewhere, But I am always a fan of Dr. Voddie Baucham’s work. Here is one of his videos: Cultural Marxism | Dr. Voddie Baucham
And the appendix are some excerpts from a friend and mentor. I post these in relation to finding fulfillment in God. Enjoy
Created for Glory (Part One)
We must behold glory now in order to safely reach glory
By Jay Wegter
An entranced vision of God begins with seeing God as He is revealed in His Word and seeing ourselves in light of His sef-revelation (Ps 139). By ‘entranced’ we mean much more than entertaining or holding to a ‘god concept’. No, an entranced vision of God takes possession of the whole man. It generates an experience of both delight and trauma, of both wonder and repentance, and of both affection and reverential awe. This sets up a line of sight in which our utter dependency upon the Lord begins to stagger us and knock us off balance. When the sinner is first confronted with the gospel in the hands of the Spirit it creates a kind of crisis. Self is dethroned, our imagined sovereignty is demolished and we are cast down as ruined wretches.
[….]Do not settle for anything less than an entranced vision of God. For, nothing less than beholding the glory of the Lord has the power to transform you and transport you. Refuse to settle for spiritual stagnancy and unfruitfulness.
[….]In this experience of beholding God’s sublime glory is beauty, pleasure, purpose, sweetness, and relational love. Edwards called it ‘sweet entertainment’. This enjoyment of God in the soul is essential to our Christian walk.
[….]Jonathan Edwards got is right; true religion resides primarily in the affections. It has everything to do with what you love. The great blessing of receiving spiritual eyes and ears is not merely to feed off spiritual principles but to behold the glory of the Lord as His unveiled ones (Mt 13: 16ff.; 2 Cor 3: 18). The spiritual sight and savor for the glory of the Lord is the key to consecrated living. For, God’s glory story in Christ is a plot so compelling, the cosmos was created to be its stage. Beholding glory fits us for glory. The reverse is also true; for where there is no awe of God, there will be no lasting pursuit of holiness. Let us remember that beholding His glory for the first time is how the Lord saved us (2 Cor 4:6). Continuing to behold His glory is essential to our ongoing transformation (2 Cor 3:18), and seeing His glory face to face will someday glorify us in an instant (1 Jn 3:2).
Created for Glory (Part Two)
We must behold glory now in order to safely reach glory
By Jay Wegter
…The effect of His mediatoral glory is salvfc (He secures our salvation, “He obtained eternal redemption;” Hebrews 9: 12). For the sinner who believes and repents, the sight of God’s glory in the face of Christ evicts from the soul the darkness and the hostility that is inherent in original sin (Col 1:21-23)
[….]You don’t have to climb up to heaven to see that the sun is there-you are bathed in its warmth and brightness. You do not need to go into heaven to see f Christ is interceding for us. For, we behold Him in the Word interceding, and we can look into our own hearts. Are they quickened and inflamed in prayer? Can we cry “Abba, Father? By this interceding of the Spirit who dwells within us, we may know Christ is interceding above for us. Faith is an act of recumbency, of reclining upon Christ, our ‘new and living way’ of access…
[….]It is the experimental knowledge of Christ’s love and glory that gives us the disposition to love one another, and to bear one another’s burdens (Phil 3:7-11). His love gives us the disposition to please and obey our Heavenly Father. His precepts give us the specifics of how to please God; He directs our love by His precepts. We must understand that our being “in Christ” is our strength. Our union with Christ is vital, living, transformative, and organic; it is not merely federal representation (Rom 5: 17-19). The mind of Christ is available, the might of Christ is available-we don’t have to fulfill a single command by ourselves, in our own strength. We operate in the realm of His grace full and free (Rom 5: 1-2)
[….]…Those who make it their full purpose of heart to behold His glory will be changed into His image (2 Cor 3: 18). What is this transformation? Answer: when our trust in Christ is constantly exercised, virtue proceeds from Christ to purify our hearts, increase our holiness, strengthen our graces, and fill us with joy-at times, “joy inexpressible filled with glory” (1 Pet 1 :8). Christ’s glory beheld quickens the understanding at the same time as His love is communicated to the heart…
[….]…Our sin, guilt, lust, cravings, insecurities, and desire for happiness-all combine to make the soul restless. Christ has everything the sinner needs. In all things, He is perfectly suited to all the needs and cravings of the immortal soul. “All my springs are in Thee” (Ps 87:7)…
[….]We have seen that feeding on the glory of Christ fits us for prayer, communion, worship, hope, and service. Just as the Israelites in the wilderness did not grow their own food, but merely gathered the manna, so also, it the privilege and duty of the saint to gather his soul’s daily food that his spirit might be fully nourished on the glory of the Lord.
Created for Glory (Part Three)
We must behold glory now in order to safely reach glory
By Jay Wegter
…Christ fulfilling the terms of the covenant is responsible for every dimension and facet of grace: “… blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ” (Eph 1 :3). The covenant purpose of God, to bruise His Son at Calvary is the greatest reality in the history of humanity (it is why there is a human history; this reality must fill our consciousness) …