To Occupy Or Not To Occupy-That Is the Question [Answered] ~ Propaganda Is the Name of the Game

They are going home to their snug/warm beds with the heat on probably paid for by their evil, capitalist parents.

Via The Blaze

Over the past couple weeks, The Blaze has received reports that some NYC Occupy protesters have been leaving their tents at night and fleeing to a local hotel for better accommodations. And while we’re still investigating those claims, it seems now there’s evidence of something similar going on in London. The Daily Mail has published thermal imaging pictures showing that the tents at the Occupy camp near St. Paul’s Cathedral are nearly empty at night. The Daily Mail commissioned the photographs itself after images from a police helicopter showed similar findings.

….Here’s how the Telegraph explains its findings:

The footage, shot at 1230am on Tuesday Oct 25 shows a multitude of darkly coloured tents around the courtyard indicating those that were unoccupied.

On Monday the revelation was described as a “charade” and pressure was growing on the church and other authorities to evict the camp.

It would appear most of the protesters are heading home to sleep in their own beds at night rather than staying onsite.

“It is like a phantom camp – a big charade,” Matthew Richardson, a Corporation of London councillor, told the Telegraph…..

Oooops-Backfire! Lech Walesa Found Out the Truth About the Occupy Movement (In Actuality, These are Lech`s Sworn Enemies)

Via Gateway Pundit:

Nobel Peace Prize winner and leader of the Polish Solidarity Movement Lech Walesa announced that he will not be attending the Obama-endorsed Occupy Wall Street protests. This comes after he discovered the protests were organized by radical anarchists, Code Pink, the American Communist movement, jihadists, anti-Israel, socialist, and anti- free enterprise interests.

And from BigGovernment (via Gateway):

We suspected that the European news media had filtered out accurate information about the genesis of Occupy Wall Street (OWS).

When Walesa’s comments hit the AP wire last week, my team immediately reached out to our Polish contacts.  We made the point that the political themes of Occupy Wall Street may have started out with some of the principles that we share, but OWS themes were rapidly being morphed into anti-freedom and anti-liberty messages.  At the core is the want for a big, powerful central government to dominate the lives of individual citizens.

Using plus other news sources, rapidly we painted an accurate picture of the groups training, leading, and organizing the “movement.” The movement is organized by anarchists, Code Pink, the American Communist movement, jihadists, anti-Israel, socialist, and anti- free enterprise interests. OWS folks are politically to the left of President Barack Obama. [Remember, President Walesa didn’t meet with Obama when he came to Poland to visit… and these people are more left than Obama!]

At the Lech Walesa Institute Foundation in Warsaw, they were thankful to receive this information.

Based on our discussion and intervention, President Walesa is not going to get involved with the OWS.  He is not comfortable with the “organizations” behind the movement.  It was not a difficult discussion.

The lifetime of good work exercised by President Walesa has lifted people around the world fighting tyranny.  Through the Lech Walesa Institute Foundation in Warsaw, Walesa has supported freedom and liberty around the world.  As a man primarily responsible for vanquishing communism in Poland, Walesa has a personal bent toward helping the underdog and the downtrodden.

This spring, when President Obama visited Poland, President Walesa refused to meet with him.

In January of 2010, Lech Walesa endorsed my campaign for Governor of Illinois and made national news when he forewarned… “America is sliding toward socialism.”

(See More from Adam Andrzejewski)

Charles Payne Takes On Union Leader ~ `I TOOK my Opportunity`

HotAir post:

….Later, Payne explains more fully: “I started my business in a one-bedroom apartment in Harlem with $10,000 I raised amongst myself and my family and friends. … So the point that I owe someone outside of my parents, my community, my God — that I owe you more of my credit for what I do when I get up every morning at four in the morning — is ridiculous. That’s crazy. You’re telling people they don’t have the power to empower themselves. That’s your message.”

In Simmons’ rebuttal, he refers to Payne’s independent approach as a penchant for isolation and even calls it “a sickness.” Is it sick to want to add value to society through a business and to generate an income for yourself in that process? To then pay taxes on that income to fund the functions of government as the top income-earners already disproportionately do? Elizabeth Warren’s tidy talking point neglects so much that is true of the “getting rich” process. In our country, it’s pretty safe to say, nobody “gets rich” without helping others along the way — even if inadvertently.

Conservatives don’t think “every man is an island,” as Simmons implied. But we do think every man is responsible for himself. We work inside out, operating on the basic principle of subsidiarity — that problems should be solved at the most local level possible starting with the self. For each of us, a time comes when self-reliance fails, when we turn to others for help. But, for a conservative, the federal government is the help of last resort, not the first — not least because government-run social programs often exacerbate the very problems they’re intended to fix. As Payne hinted, it’s an empowering, hopeful message — and one that is proven to make those who embrace it happy. What — doesn’t Russell Simmons want others to be happy?