Savannah Guthrie (NBC) Grills Justin Bieber`s Mom On Being Involved With Anti-Abortion Film

In an interview with the mother of pop star Justin Bieber, Pattie Mallette, on Thursday’s NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie worried about Mallette’s producing role in an upcoming film: “…you wanted to talk about your involvement in a movie called Crescendo….[which] tells the story of Beethoven’s mother, who, while she was pregnant, attempted to have an abortion and even attempted suicide….it’s a movie with a decidedly pro-life/anti-abortion purpose.” (Read More @ NewsBusters)

The movie site and info is here at “Crescendo the Film” — Trailer Below:

Two Recent Examples of AR-15`s Used For Personal Protection (Uploaded Because Piers Morgan Is a Douche) @newtgingrich

From video description:

Piers Morgan challenged Newt Gingrich to provide examples of AR-15s being used in home protection. Obviously Newt has better things to do with his life (I don’t) than provide Piers with an all-encompassing history of this gun saving lives. (Posted by: Religio-Political Talk) Piers then goes on to say there haven’t been any. WhoooA buddy! I provide Piers with just two examples from the past few of weeks. I upload this only to provide evidence to the growing body of evidence that Piers Morgan is an ass! And that CNN is hurting its brand by trying to compete with MSNBC.

Washington Times: Students Ward Off Home Invaders with an AR-15:

Teenager Protects His Younger Sister and Shoots Home Intruder with AR-15:

`Reality Check` of Piers Morgan by Fox 19 (Cincinnati, OH)

While this video is uploaded to critique (well) Piers Morgan, it in no way should be seen as endorsement by me of Alex Jones. (Posted by: Religio-Political Talk) I think he is a nut and deal with him and many conspiracy theories on my “C-O-N Debunker Page.” Okay, on to some stats in text form via The National Review:

When it comes to the question of violent crime, the British are fairly smug. Why? Because, well, there’s less of it in Britain than in America. Bunch of cowboys over there, right?

Wrong. Per the Daily Mail:

Britain’s violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa – widely considered one of the world’s most dangerous countries.

The Tories said Labour had presided over a decade of spiralling violence.

In the decade following the party’s election in 1997, the number of recorded violent attacks soared by 77 per cent to 1.158million – or more than two every minute.

According to the Mail, Britons suffer 1,158,957 violent crimes per year, which works out at 2,034 per 100,000 residents. By contrast the number in notoriously violent South Africa is 1,609 per 100,000.

The U.S., meanwhile, has a rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, which is lower than France’s, at 504; Finland’s, at 738; Sweden’s, at 1123; and Canada’s at 935.

…read more…

See also Fox 19’s article on this. They cite the following articles for the piece:

Ben Shapiro Wipes the Floor with Piers Morgan

(Gateway Pundit) This was textbook material Ben Shapiro was on with Piers Morgan tonight to discuss his new book “Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America” and talk gun control. Right from the start of the interview Ben took it to the anti-gun bully – calling him a bully. And, it was all downhill for Piers for the next 13 minutes.

Breitbart writes about Larry Kings comments about Piers:

For those who remember, Larry King was more about being a conduit for the guests to entertain and enlighten viewers. His idea, perhaps an old fashioned TV ideal, was to make the show less about Larry King and more about the guests his viewers tuned in to watch.

King was old school in that way. We never learned much about the life or personal opinions of Jack Parr or Johnny Carson when they were hosting the Tonight Show, either. Those two icons let the guests speak and made their shows about the entertainment. For the most part, Larry King modeled himself on that classic version of the TV interview show.

But Larry King was quick to point out that Piers Morgan isn’t like that at all. Morgan is more about Morgan than he is about the guests, King said.

“I never gave opinions,” King said of his own CNN show. “Piers gives his opinions. The show is a lot about him as much as the guests… He’s so different from me,” King lamented.

King also worried over the state of TV today, saying, “It’s not the quality that counts anymore. It’s how loud did you yell, how vituperative can you be.”

…read more…