In the latest Firewall, Bill Whittle shows us why the Brexit may be the most important event of the century, and an absolutely epic reminder of Independence on America’s birthday.

The Politics of Envy ~ Afterburner
Bill Whittle recently spoke to a progressive audience of high school students, and took several Bernie Sanders questions. Hear what he told those millennials.

Class of 2015 ~ Afterburner (I Missed this One)
Bill Whittle takes a glimpse into America’s scary future. The Leftism of today’s college campuses will lead to the Fascism and Socialism of a Hitler or a Stalin. These Occupy-ers are essentially book burners.

Into the Fog ~ First Afterburner of 2016
Barack Obama is feckless, Hillary Clinton is corrupt, Donald Trump gives us whiplash, and ISIS continues to attack us, but at least SpaceX had a marvelous landing!

It’s the Steel: Bill Whittle’s Solution to Gun Control
In the aftermath of more mass shootings, Bill Whittle tackles gun control, rebutting progressives call for stricter measures.

How the Doolittle Raiders Helped Win the War in the Pacific
Bill Whittle tells a story of How the Greatest Generation saved the world.

The Donald ~ Bill Whittle
Donald Trump seems to be the frontrunner in the GOP primary. In this video, you’ll find out what Bill Whittle loves about The Donald…

The Progressive “Tomorrow Land’s” Lie ~ Afterburner
The new Disney flick only lives up to its expectations if you’re a socialist green party wacko. Check out why in Bill Whittle’s new Afterburner.

Free Speech Like a Flame to Moths ~ Afterburner

“Take Them At Their Word” ~ Obama VS. History (Afterburner)

Multiculturalism Is Anathema to these United States