A Rangers Fan Falls From the Third Deck (UPDATE: Second Deck)

The fall is not shown/caught on camera, and the quality of the filming isn’t good either, but the reaction from the players, crowd, and officials still comes through:

Fan falls from second deck during Rangers game

A scary scene occurred Tuesday night during the game between the Texas Rangers and Cleveland Indians at Rangers stadium as a male fan fell from the second deck after attempting to catch a foul ball hit by outfielder Nelson Cruz.

The fan fell from Section 235, hit the railing on the suite level, and landed on the first base side of the lower deck level. The drop estimated at about 30 feet. He was taken to a local Texas Hospital.

The fan landed on four other people who were also injured. Those people however were treated by the paramedics at the ballpark.

According to Rangers team President Nolan Ryan, the fan responded fine to paramedics and is able to move his most of his body. Ryan also said that the other four fans that were injured are in stable condition.

This Is Whom the Obama Administration Dropped the Case Against… I Would Say Enjoy… but

If you do not know Obama’s racist background, I recommend the following video:

Obamacon – Twenty Years In A Racist Church from Papa Giorgio on Vimeo.

Justice Kennedy Says He Will Hold Out to 2013

Big news from the Supremes brought to you by HotAir:

Justice Kennedy, who turns 74 this month, has told relatives and friends he plans to stay on the high court for at least three more years – through the end of Obama’s first term, sources said.

That means Kennedy will be around to provide a fifth vote for the court’s conservative bloc through the 2012 presidential election. If Obama loses, Kennedy could retire and expect a Republican President to choose a conservative justice.

Kennedy, appointed by President Ronald Reagan, has been on the court 22 years. He has become a bit of a political nemesis at the White House for his increasing tendency to side with the court’s four rock-ribbed conservative justices.

Mullah Omar Truly Captured… More Confirmation

Some BigGov news, it looks like their original position of the capture of Mullah Omar is panning out:

Back on May 10th, we broke the story that Taliban leader, Mullah Omar had been captured by the Pakistanis.

Our reporting was subsequently backed up by The Jawa Report, Oliver North, Millblogger Baba Tim, Uncle Jimbo at Blackfive.net, the Nation, and Iranian Television.  Even Newsweek magazine added a dog to the hunt with their story, “Taliban in Turmoil,” chronicling the total disarray the Taliban have been in since Mullah Omar disappeared.

Marking the sixth confirmation of our exclusive story, Afghan Television is now reporting that Mullah Omar has indeed been captured by the Pakistanis.

More as this situation develops.

Record Number of Governorships – GOP

Election 2010 News – HotAir, the following stats go well with a previous story:

As Democrats brace for a Republican pullback in the 2010 election cycle, the question on the minds of officeholders, party leaders, and D.C prognosticators is not whether the GOP will gain seats in the midterm elections across state and federal legislative and executive offices, but how many.

While the Republican Revolution of 1994 is perhaps most remembered for the tremendous gains the GOP made to take back the U.S. House (+54 seats), Republicans also won 24 of 36 gubernatorial races that year.

But in light of the current political environment and the latest horserace polls, political reporters may need to come up with a new term in 2010 that is even more grandiose than ‘revolution’ to describe the Republican advantage this November.

A Smart Politics analysis of nearly 1,800 gubernatorial elections since the beginning of the 20th Century finds that Republicans are poised to win more gubernatorial seats in 2010 than they have in any election cycle over the past 90 years.

How many does Ostermeier believe the GOP can capture? Thirty-seven states will elect new chief executives, and current polling shows Republicans leading in 28 of them. Democrats only lead in seven. Larry Sabato sees much the same, with 19 states in the leaning or safely Republican column, compared to only five in those positions for Democrats. Ostermeier notes that Republicans lead the polling in nine of Sabato’s twelve tossups:

Of the 12 remaining ‘toss-up’ states, Republicans lead in the most recent horserace polls for nine of them: Illinois (+11, Rasmussen, June 7), Ohio (+7, Rasmussen, June 29), Maine (+7, Rasmussen, June 10), Vermont (+7, Rasmussen, June 17), Georgia (+4, Rasmussen, May 20), Colorado (+4, SurveyUSA, June 15-17), Connecticut (+2, Rasmussen, June 1), New Mexico (+2, Rasmussen, June 3), and Oregon (+2, Rasmussen, June 17).

Republicans would only have to win half of these 12 toss-up states, coupled with the 19 states in which they are favored, for their best showing since 1920.

The GOP had its best statistical decade in gubernatorial elections a century ago, when they won 60% of those contests. Last decade, they lost more than they won, with a success rate of 47.9%, following a decade with a 54% success rate.

…(read more)…

Creating, or Destroying Jobs?

It’s time to call Obama what he is: The Great Jobs Killer. With his massive spending and tax hikes — rewarding big government and big unions, while punishing taxpayers and business owners — Obama has killed jobs, he has killed motivation to create new jobs, he has killed the motivation to invest in new businesses, or expand old ones. With all this killing, Obama should be given the top spot on the FBI’s Most Wanted List.

Meanwhile, he has kept the union workers of GM and Chrysler employed (with taxpayer money). He has made sure that most government employee union members got their annual raises for sleeping on the job (with taxpayer money). He made sure that his voters got handouts mislabeled as “tax cuts” even though they never paid taxes (with taxpayer money). And he made sure that major campaign contributors collected billions off government stimulus (with taxpayer money)….

…I’ve polled all my friends who own small businesses — many of them in the Internet and high-tech fields. They all agree that in this new Obama world of high business taxes, income taxes, payroll taxes, capital gains taxes, and workers compensation taxes, the key to success is to avoid employees. The only way to survive as a business owner today is by keeping the payroll very low and by hiring only independent contractors or part-time employees provided by temp agencies….

So who is going to pay Obama’s taxes? Not his voters. They want government to pay them. Who is going to create Obama’s jobs? Not his voters — they’ve never created a job in their lives.