Author: Papa Giorgio
SNL Actress Victoria Jackson and Her Patriotic Antics… I Love Her
This Poor Leopard! Circle of life
Q: Who Is the Weirdest Person Here? A: Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa
Ronald Reagan Quip
“The other day I saw a group of young people with signs that said, ‘Make Love, not War.’ Trouble is—they looked like they weren’t able to do either!”
then-Governor Ronald Reagan, 1967
Florida Textbooks and Clerics News — Updated: Lt Colonel Allen West – Congressional candidate (FL 22nd district)
Libertarian Republican does it again. They have a good knack of picking these stories up. Florida is in a bit of turmoil these days, from textbooks that whitewash the depths of negativity that Islam can reach to this type of activity.
22-year old Ottis Ryan barged into the Little Pioneers Daycare Center on Thursday in Pasco County, and threatened teachers and daycare students. He had two weapons, including a large hunters-type knife.
“Don’t listen to God. He is not real. Listen to Allah,” he yelled at [teacher] Singletary and other employees, according to Pasco County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Kevin Doll. “Don’t feed those crying babies. Let them die. It is time.”
By the time a deputy arrived, Ryan was on his knees, as if praying…
Ironically, just last month, also in the Tampa Bay region, Yasser Mohamed Shahade was convicted of raping a 13-year old boy who had visited his Mosque. Shahade is a Muslim cleric.
(“Muslim cleric pleads guilty to molesting Tampa boy” June 18
Interestingly, WND has this story about parents bringing a textbook to the courts in Florida that should anger parents in that state:
Parents of Florida high-school students are outraged because they say a world-history textbook used in many of the state’s schools portrays Islam and Muhammad in a favorable light.
Members of the public raised concerns with Florida’s Sarasota County School Board about “World History: Patterns of Interaction,” published by Holt McDougal.
The book was approved by the Florida Department of Education for use in public schools and adopted by the school board for use from 2006 through the 2011-2012 school year.
The school board voted to retain the textbook for use in Sarasota County’s 10th–grade social-studies curriculum through 2012, rejecting complaints that the book should not be taught in public classrooms….
….The Sarasota chapter of ACT! for America, a citizen-action network, claims the textbook “has an anti-Western, anticapitalist, anti-Christian, anti-Jewish bias.”….
….”I spoke at the school-board meeting requesting ‘World History’ be removed from the district’s approved list because it was historically untrue, academically dishonest and does not give equal treatment to all religions,” wrote Swier. “Dozens of examples of historical untruths, biases and distortions were pointed out, including: no mention of jihad as a warlike means to expand Islam; Islamic conquest as good, Christian conquest as bad; and non-Western civilizations as benign, Western civilizations as evil.”….
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1,500 Year Old Gospels?
CRAZY! NASA’s Main Job Is PR To Muslim World
And when you thought you heard it all, another one comes across your screen:
NASA Chief: Next Frontier Better Relations With Muslim World
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in a recent interview that his “foremost” mission as the head of America’s space exploration agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world.
Though international diplomacy would seem well outside NASA’s orbit, Bolden said in an interview with Al Jazeera that strengthening those ties was among the top tasks President Obama assigned him. He said better interaction with the Muslim world would ultimately advance space travel.
“When I became the NASA administrator — or before I became the NASA administrator — he charged me with three things. One was he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science … and math and engineering,” Bolden said in the interview.
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Here Are A Few Reminders About the First Stimulus…
- $5 million to create a geothermal energy system for a shopping mall in Tennessee. The mall is over half empty of tenants and has had falling shopper attendance for years
- $1.57 million to Penn State University study fossils in Argentina
- $100,000 to a puppet theater in Minnesota
- $2 million to build a replica railroad tourist trap in Carson City, Nev.
- A boat cruise company in Chicago got almost $1 million to “combat terrorism”
- $500,000 went to Ariz. State Univ. to study ant genetics
- Another $450,000 went to Uinv. of Arizona to study ants
- Almost $400,000 went to Univ. of New York to pay students to drink beer and smoke marijuana for a study there
- $219,000 to the Nat’l Institute of Health to study if young people “hook-up” after getting drunk
- $210,000 to the Univ. of Hawaii to study bees
- $700,000 to crab fishermen in Oregon to pay for lost crab pots
- $5,000 a person tax rebate if you buy a new electric golf cart (Wall Street Journal)
- Up to $1 million went to prisoners in $250 stimulus checks (FoxNews)
- $54 mil to a New York Indian tribe to run its casino (New York Post)
- $1 billion for a power plant in Mattoon, Illinois that is based on speculative science and may not even work
- $15 million to back-road bridges that get little traffic in Wisconsin
- $800,000 for a practically unused airport in Pennsylvania
- $3.4 million for an animal walk way under a road in Florida
- $1.15 million to install a guard rail for a lake that doesn’t even exist in Oklahoma
- $10 million to renovate a rail station that has stood unused for a decade
- $578,000 to battle homelessness in Union, New York even though the town says they have no homeless people there
- $233,000 to the Univ. of Calif. to study why Africans vote… in Africa
- $2 million to build a new fire house in a Nevada town that has no firemen
- North Carolina schools got $4.4 million for literacy and math coaches… to teach their teachers!
- $54 million for a railroad project in Napa Valley went to a minority-owned company that then hired a local construction company for half the price, pocketing the rest
- A California company was given $15 million in stimulus money to monitor water quality in a stream it was under indictment for polluting previously
Some “Religion of Peace” News from India – Professor Has Hand Chopped Off
You may be aware of India’s ongoing battle with person’s of religioujs ire, you may not, but here is a story I followed a bit in April (in my mind) — which just had another piece of the puzzle put in place: violence. This was sort of the beginning of the violence, the Muslim “student union” was one of the main groups that led the attacks.
April 4, 2010
Chaitra Krushna Shashthi, Kaliyug Varsha 5112
Thodupuzha (Kerala): Mobs clashed with shopkeepers who refused to down their shutters in this Kerala town during a shutdown called by Muslim groups to protest alleged inflammatory questions in an exam of a private college here, police said on Friday. The shutdown was called without any prior information. The question paper of second year B.Com degree Malayalam course at the Newman College here allegedly had references to the Prophet that the Muslim organisations termed as ‘misleading and inflammatory’. The question paper was prepared at the college itself.
The title of the question was to put proper marks i.e. comma, question mark or exclamatory mark in the sentences given below :
Muhammad: God, God.
God: What is it you son of a bitch.
Muhammad: How many pieces will we get if we cut one Ayila (a type of fish)?
God: You dog I have told you so many times that there will be 3 pieces.
The Muslim groups attacked around forty shops and vehicles of those innocent Hindus who were unaware of the happenings and were trying to find out what had happened. They even stopped buses and made ladies and children get down of it and walk. The groups attacked press photographers as well as camera men. The leaders of Muslim groups were ordering there people to attack the press.
The attackers damaged the stone lamp post in front of famous Sree Krishna Swamy Temple. The police were simply standing like spectators even when they saw Muslims coming in groups from various places. Student groups affiliated to the Congress and the Indian Union Muslim League took out a protest march towards the college. The muslim groups started their protest march towards the college but it ended in clashes with shopkeepers who were not ready to close their shops. They damaged medical shops, hospitals and offices of some dailies…. (read more)
This college professor was later arrested and set out on bail for his writing an inflammatory paper about Muhammad.
A college professor has been arrested for preparing a question paper that had inflammatory references to Prophet Mohammed, police said Friday.
T.J. Joseph, a Malayalam teacher at Thodupuzha New Man College near here, was held Thursday for preparing the question paper with an objectionable reference to the Prophet for the internal examination of second year B.Com Malayalam students, a police officer said…. (read more)
Well, these groups finally cornered the guy and chopped off his right hand
Lecturer T J Joseph was returning home from church with his mother and sister around 8.30 am in Muvattupuzha in Ernakulam district when he was accosted by the attackers. “We had just got into our car when a van pulled up in front. Around eight people armed with swords and knives emerged and pulled out Joseph after smashing the windscreen.
They then chopped off his right hand and stabbed him in the left thigh,” said Joseph’s sister, Mary Stella, a nun.
“When we tried to prevent them, they attacked me and and our mother before exploding bombs and fleeing.”
A police team recovered the severed hand from the compound of a house about 200m away. The 52-year-old lecturer was rushed to a private hospital where his condition is serious….
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Many may not know, but some genocides are taking place around the world, and most are at the hands of Muslims. The Coptic Christians have been abducted, killed, locked up, etc. The Indians in places where Islam flourishes, they are also being exterminated. It is the attempted extermination of religious Hindus and Christians that should make the world even more upset with the Muslim religion. But the press seems to always in some weird PC manner label these attacks as aberrations, and not the norm.
Dr. Richard L. Rubinstein, Yale fellow, “Distinguished Professor of the Year”, and Harvard Phd – Talks Obama and Israel
Blonde Sagacity h/t, read more, follow the link:
The Discovery Institute Wins A Legal Challenge
California Science Center (CSC) Has Agreed To Settle A Lawsuit With The Pro-Intelligent Design Discovery Institute from Papa Giorgio on Vimeo.
The California Science Center (CSC) has agreed to settle a lawsuit with the pro-intelligent design Discovery Institute and release records that it previously sought to conceal regarding its cancellation of the screening of a pro-intelligent design film last year.
“After months of stonewalling by the Science Center, this is a huge victory for the public’s right to know what their government is doing, especially when the government engages in illegal censorship and viewpoint discrimination,” said Dr. John West, Associate Director of Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture.
The Science Center continues to “deny any and all liability relating to the claims,” according to the settlement agreement. However, it agreed to pay Discovery Institute’s legal fees and to surrender more than a thousand pages of documents it had been withholding since they were requested under the California Public Records Act last year.
Documents to be released relate to the Science Center’s cancellation of a screening of the science documentary Darwin’s Dilemma in its IMAX theater by the non-partisan American Freedom Alliance (AFA) last October. The AFA has filed its own free speech and breach of contract suit against the Science Center, which is still pending. Darwin’s Dilemma investigates the intelligent design of organisms during the “Cambrian Explosion” more than 500 million years ago.
The Science Center claimed that it had turned over all the documents requested by Discovery Institute, but when Institute staff learned that this was not true the Institute filed suit to compel full disclosure. In response, the CSC made the incredible claim that its key decision-makers, clearly identified as CSC staff on the museum’s website, were really employed not by the museum but by a private foundation and so were immune from the public records request.
“It was an obvious shell game,” explained Discovery Institute staff attorney Casey Luskin. “The California Science Center is a state agency funded by California taxpayers. The public has a right to expect transparency, not secrecy, in government institutions. The Science Center’s attempt to evade public accountability for its actions has been disgraceful.”
Discovery Institute was represented in its lawsuit by Peter Lepiscopo of Lepiscopo & Morrow (San Diego and Sacramento).