Basil Marceaux was invited to the Jimmy Kimmel show… was Alvin Greene? Or is the only fascination on shows like these with Republican nimrods and not Democrat ones?
Basil Marceaux was invited to the Jimmy Kimmel show… was Alvin Greene? Or is the only fascination on shows like these with Republican nimrods and not Democrat ones?
HotAir h/t:
HotAir h/t:
In this presentation Ravi Zacharias takes his time explaining a talk he was present at where Dr. Francis S. Collins (WIKI) compares a cross section of DNA to a stained-glass Rose window from Yorkminster Cathedral. The design is apparent and Collins mentions it a huge boost to his faith.
At The Veritas Forum at Caltech, Francis Collins shares two images representing the scientific worldview and the spiritual worldview. He asks whether there is a way to merge science & faith, and suggests that his experience is that these two perspectives are not in conflict. (The full presentation can be seen HERE):
“The picture (of the DNA) did more that take away one’s breath; it was awesome in the profoundest sense of the term – not just beautiful but overwhelming. And it almost mirrored the pattern of the Rose window… The intricacy of the DNA’s design, which pointed to the Transcendant One, astonished those who are themselves the design and who have been created semitranscendant by design. We see ourselves only partially, but through our Creator’s eyes, we see our transcendance. In looking at our own DNA, the subject and the object come together.”
Hyscience wrote a good response to this “viral temper tantrum” that has Democrats apparently proud… even though Weiner is upset about hiding legislation. One must keep in mind that it was the Democrats who chose to require a two-thirds majority. They could have passed it with a simple majority if they so chose. They wanted a bunch of other bills passed with it, so they chose to go the two-thirds majority route and didn’t have all the Democrats on-board. That’s number one. Number two is that the The GOP only wants to make sure the bill is paid for before it passed. This, apparently, is not important to the Democratic party. I have a checking account, does that mean just because I have no money in it but still have blank checks I can write as many as I like? Well?
According to the NY Post, King, a key backer of the bill, had moments earlier accused Democrats of staging a “charade” (emphasis added):
The rift developed over how the bill was put before the chamber.Democratic leaders opted to consider it under a procedure that requires a two-thirds vote for approval rather than a simple majority. The move blocked potential GOP amendments to the measure.
King said Democrats were “petrified” about casting votes on amendments, possibly including one that would ban aid from going to illegal immigrants sickened by trade center dust. King said the bill was more important than “a campaign talking point.”
Also via Eye Blast, Weiner’s attack wasn’t limited to just the house floor because he was also freaking out of Fox News this morning. This debate, or shouting match, between him and Peter King (R-NY) actually better explains exactly why Weiner was all worked up and exactly who he was screaming at the whole time.
….As pointed out over at The Hill, King defended his objection by saying:
“Anthony can rant and rave all he wants on the House floor, he did not answer one point that I made last night,” he said. “I’ve done everything I possibly can. The fact is this should not be a partisan issue, I have been very, very critical of the Republican Party.
“The bottom line is the Democrats control the House and they pulled a procedural gimmick starting ten days ago, and they lost the nerve to bring it to the floor on a real vote,” …
Here’s a take home message for Mr. Weiner. Follow House procedures and stop trying to finagle funding for illegal aliens – then you won’t have to throw embarrassing temper tantrums on the House floor. And, by the way, the American people deserve to know if the bill requires American taxpayer dollars to be paid to illegal aliens – and we deserve to know in “advance” of its passage.
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Well said Hyscience! Well Said
From FireArm Blog:
The gun shoots BBs at 600 fps. If it was able to achieve this with even the heaviest .22 BBs it would only generate just over 12 ft/lbs of energy. Before you get too excited about defending your castle with this legal-to-own-without-paperwork machine gun, it is defiantly not a toy but is not nearly powerful enough for self defense. The GSMG is currently a prototype and the final product will sell for around US$350.
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Libertarian Republican has a Jawa Report post, which I now pass on to my readers:
…Sirin Middya, is a 24-year old visiting professor at the Alia University in West Bengal, India. The Muslim Student Association has attempted to force her to wear a burqa while in class. She has refused.
From, “Woman teacher says no to burqa in muslim university” July 29:
Middya who joined as a guest lecturer at the University in March, got the ‘diktat’ in the second week of April that she would not be allowed to attend the college if she did not wear burqa. The University Grants Commission does not prescribe any such dress code. The unfortunate part is that students are forcing women teachers to wear burqa. Middya’s argument is that she has nothing against burqas but if she wears one at all it should be out of her free will….
…(read more)…
Of course the “racial epithets” hurled from Tea Partiers towards members of Congress just hasn’t been shown to be true. Great video – h/t to NewsBusters:
Now that both liberals and conservatives have coordinated protest movements it is fair to compare the two. Luckily sECULAR sTUPIDEST has put together a great video which shows the March 20th, 2010 Anti-War protest in D.C. and the March 20th, 2010 Tea Party in D.C. (Language Warning)
I’m ashamed to admit it but what he says makes perfect sense this time. sounds like a plan to me. All ed shultz loyal listeners and viewers should back him up and boycott the 2010 elections!!! Show them you mean business by golly! Don’t vote.