WHo Uses the Term NAZI All the Time? (kinda drawn out but worth it)


Ted Koppel:

To witness Keith Olbermann – the most opinionated among MSNBC’s left-leaning, Fox-baiting, money-generating hosts – suspended even briefly last week for making financial contributions to Democratic political candidates seemed like a whimsical, arcane holdover from a long-gone era of television journalism, when the networks considered the collection and dissemination of substantive and unbiased news to be a public trust.

Back then, a policy against political contributions would have aimed to avoid even the appearance of partisanship. But today, when Olbermann draws more than 1 million like-minded viewers to his program every night precisely because he is avowedly, unabashedly and monotonously partisan, it is not clear what misdemeanor his donations constituted.

Darfur-Sudan~The Devil Came on Horseback

I have been following this Black African and Christian genocide in the Sudan since about 1994. Many Christian missions groups have been on the forefront of this alarm since before Hollywood and others have been touting and documenting this horrible travesty. A short documentary was done in 1999 entitled Sudan: The Hidden Holocaust; and Unholy War: Christian Genocide in Sudan. This documentary below, however, goes a step beyond. It is a much watch, but be prepared, you will need a box of tissues.

The Religion of Conquest h/t:

(RoC) I watched this documentary about genocide is Sudan and learning that the slave trade has once again risen up in the world of Islam in Sudan. Even though this documentary is hard to watch, especially when you see the amount of evidence for the mass genocide and learn nothing is being done about it by the US government, the part between 1:00 and 1:35 is very touching for me. Even though most of the aid sent from the US is stolen before it gets to people in need, the only thing these people have comes from America and this man says he is so grateful to the American People and the “free world”. Even though they are Muslims… no help comes from any Islamic countries, and that is because they are black African Muslims which the Arab Muslim controlled Sudanese Government have decided to kill in masses.

Stupid Is As Stupid Does (QE2)


  • ….Until recently, the US had a coalition of allies at the G-20 to stand firm against the manipulation of the yuan. However, much to Barack Obama’s shock, they’re not as interested in scolding China for manipulating its currency while the Obama administration has done the same with its second round of “quantitative easing”….

The Blaze:


Washington Times:


Many currency analysts agree with Mr. Obama that the U.S. dollar stands to gain in coming months against the euro and Japanese yen, in particular, if the Fed is successful and the U.S. recovery picks up speed.

Nick Bennenbroek, analyst with Wells Fargo Securities, said the dollar actually has strengthened since the Fed’s announcement last week because, in an “ironic twist,” the economy has been showing unexpected strength. A report on Friday showed the best private job growth since April.

“Moreover, with the initial Fed announcement now out of the way, markets have refocused their attention on the ongoing European debt-market difficulties and, in particular, concerns over the state of the Irish government’s finances,” Mr. Bennenbroek said. The result is the euro may be due for a decline against the dollar.

But the Fed’s move only seemed to provide an excuse to many nations to dig in and further resist Mr. Obama’s call to curb global trade imbalances, starting with the massive Chinese trade deficit with the United States.

A Commerce Department report on Wednesday showed that the U.S. deficit with China fell $2.2 billion to $27.8 billion in September but remained near record highs. The U.S. blames the deficit in part on China’s currency policy, which makes Chinese imports cheaper in the United States.

But Chinese President Hu Jintao, ahead of a scheduled meeting with Mr. Obama on Thursday, called on other countries to “face their own problems” rather than cast blame for their giant trade imbalances on China. Mr. Hu also defended China’s currency controls as a boon to the world economy.

…(read more)…


Islamic Compassion vs American Compassion

Creeping Sharia h/t

The Great Satan. Evil infidel invaders. Heroes! Hat tip to Blackfive, and a belated Veterans Day thank you, via Why We Fight:

The ABC story makes Ayesha’s story sound like a miracle happened. Maybe it did. But it took a lot of people to get her here. Check that.

It took a lot of AMERICANS to get her here.

To see the cover of Time Magazine spoken of here, see: “Islamic College in California~Co-Founder Called for Jihad On 82nd Airborn“:

Islam and the Golden Rule

I took a small portion from a larger video done by someone else because I think this little bit goes a long way to explain why the West will ALWAYS have problems with Islam. Of course Christ raised the stakes in regards to the “Golden Rule,” but it is interesting to note Islam does not have it. I personally would have chosen some different graphics to have in the background of this presentation… but I am not worried about aesthetics as much as the worldview involved here.