Author: Papa Giorgio
EPA versus JOBS and Common Sense
“I now find that many environmental groups have drifted into self-serving cliques with narrow vision and rigid ideology…. many environmentalists are showing signs of elitism, left-wingism, and downright eco-fascism. The once politically centrist, science-based vision of environmentalism has been largely replaced with extremist rhetoric. Science and logic have been abandoned and the movement is often used to promote other causes such as class struggle and anti-corporatism. The public is left trying to figure out what is reasonable and what is not.” Patrick Moore, co-founder of Green Peace.
School Spending and Union Budgets (Dick Morris and Dennis Prager)
In this first video Dick Morris goes over the legislature control and gubernatorial leadership in about 20 states that Republicans are taking over control of in January. He explains one of the first glaring possibilities of change they will be confronted with and possibly try and truly change (let’s hope so):
Dennis Prager touches on just how much these unions (yes, teachers unions as well) are bankrupting the nation. He references an Economist magazine article that is also referenced in a previous post entitled, “500-Billion Unsecured California Pensions and growing; 3.2 Trillion Nationally” – below, Prager hits the nail on the head in his saying these are deals with the devil:
Con Air-TSA Edition
A Boy Can Dream Right?
A Great Mosque Experiment Underfunded (Reformational Islam)
The CATO Institute deconstructs the white houses presentatation on tax cuts/increases
One of the most powerful media men talk about John Stewart’s take on life (his worldview)
(A Newsbusters h/t) Roger Ailes talks about his frank discussions with John Stewart:
Fox News boss Roger Ailes offered his (negative) opinion of liberal comedian-slash-“fake news” personality Jon Stewart in the overlooked opening of his interview with Howard Kurtz:
When Jon Stewart was appearing on The O’Reilly Factor a few weeks back, he stopped by Roger Ailes’ office for an hour-long chat about politics. “He’s obviously really, really smart,” the Fox News chairman says. “He openly admits he’s sort of an atheist and a socialist. He once told me he would’ve voted for Norman Thomas.”
Ailes was appraising the Daily Show star in a friendly, good-natured tone. But that tone changed when the conversation turned to Stewart’s continuous carping about the excesses of cable news: “He hates conservative views. He hates conservative thoughts. He hates conservative verbiage. He hates conservatives.”
There was more.
“He’s crazy. If it wasn’t polarized, he couldn’t make a living. He makes a living by attacking conservatives and stirring up a liberal base against it.”
I tried to interrupt.
“He loves polarization. He depends on it. If liberals and conservatives are all getting along, how good would that show be? It’d be a bomb.”
But Stewart played clips of MSNBC as well as Fox at his Washington rally last month, casting them as part of the “24-hour politico, pundit, perpetual panic conflictinator.” He says his concern is not the ideology of cable channels but the tone of the discourse.
“Oh, horses–t,” Ailes shot back. “Look what he does to Sarah Palin.” If Stewart wants to go after cable hosts for the entertainment value, fine, “but don’t give me a social speech on the steps of the Washington Monument. Don’t lapse into non-comedy.”
War on Raw Foods
A Travesty of justice via the Obama Administration
Ghailani Acquitted of All But One Charge
(National Review) Ahmed Ghailani was found not guilty of each of the over 280 counts against him — save one — in the first civilian trial of a Gitmo detainee conducted by the Obama administration.
Ghailani was charged with one murder charge for each of the 224 people killed in the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, but was found not guilty on each. The lone guilty verdict came on conspiracy to destroy government buildings, which comes with a sentence of 20 years to life.
The jury in the case deliberated for seven days, with one female juror requesting to be replaced on Monday after telling a judge she disagreed with her peers on the verdict and was worried she’d face their ire.
Though Ghailani had previously confessed to his role in carrying out the bombings, that confession and a crucial prosecution witness were thrown out because each stemmed from interrogations at a CIA camp.
(See, Terror Trials from Blogspot)
Cobra and Apache Lightin Up Some Targets (Inferred Laser Targeting)
George Soros and the NWO-Which should your fear: more or less government? (Prager)
“Today China has not only a more vigorous economy, but actually a better functioning government than the United States” ~ Soros
Take note that i do not believe that there is a huge conspiracy to create a New World Order. The Left is full of socialists/Marxists that want to extend government to as much of the world as possible. This is very important because the most recent people we are putting in office are people who want less government. The people who support the current Democratic majority/administration want more government.