Algerian Christians Appeal Against Prison Sentence Four Christian men of a small Protestant church in Algeria are appealing a court decision to hand them suspended prison sentences for worshiping without a state permission.
The verdict was the latest in a series of cases targeting converted Christians in the country. »
Rebel Group in Bangladesh Prevented Christmas Worship One of the two main political parties of the indigenous people in Bangladesh’s southeastern hill tracts prevented Christians from celebrating Christmas, sources said.
The United People’s Democratic Front (UPDF), which has demanded that Christian converts return to Buddhism, threatened tribal Christians of at least seven churches in Khagrachari district, some 300 kilometers (180 miles) southeast of the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka. »
Dec. 27 (Bloomberg) — A female suicide bomber carried out a Christmas Day attack in northwest Pakistan that killed 46 people, a local official said, as the UN food agency caught up in the blast closed centers that had fed 41,000 families.
The burqa-clad woman aged between 18 and 22 lobbed grenades and detonated an explosive vest near a World Food Programme distribution center after being stopped by security personnel, Mustaqeem Khan, a government official in the tribal region of Bajaur, said by phone today. At least 96 people were injured in what Dawn newspaper said was Pakistan’s first suicide bombing known to have been carried out by a woman.
Will straight service members that can’t or won’t accept service alongside open homosexuals be given honorable discharges like homosexuals were given for violating “Don’t ask don’t tell”? Or will they be thrown out under “Other than honorable” or even “Dishonorable discharges” and be labeled as haters because of their personal beliefs?
“I now find that many environmental groups have drifted into self-serving cliques with narrow vision and rigid ideology…. many environmentalists are showing signs of elitism, left-wingism, and downright eco-fascism. The once politically centrist, science-based vision of environmentalism has been largely replaced with extremist rhetoric. Science and logic have been abandoned and the movement is often used to promote other causes such as class struggle and anti-corporatism. The public is left trying to figure out what is reasonable and what is not.” ~ Read more: RPT Quotes
I posted a debate on this subject via Lou Dobbs in January 2009 (great video). Take note that with the dropping of the weather stations (MUST SEE) in suburban areas most likely got the temperature to where it needed to be — commenting on the first debater in the linked video of Lou Dobbs.
You read about those record cold temperatures hitting Europe and the northern United States and you say, “Well, sure, but winter’s just a few days away so it’s not that strange.”
This looks like one of those “What’s wrong with this picture?” pictures from back in grade school
Hmmm. Then how do you explain snow in Australia a few days away from summer? has the frigid factoids:
THONGS and board shorts gave way to beanies and scarves yesterday as summer gave way to a wintry blast of snow and icy temperatures in the country’s southeast.
While the bitter freeze in Europe continues, Victoria and NSW have had a cold snap of their own, with off-season ski slopes transformed into winter wonderlands.
Will the environmentalists admit that they were wrong? That’ll be a cold day in hell. And in Australia.
I recommend watching a documentary linked in my “Global Warming” section of my “VIDEO/AUDIO ROW” of the right hand column. The documentary you want to watch there is the movie called “The Great Global Warming Swindle.”
This disturbing report comes from Gateway Pundit and shows just how radical the Left is in this country. The popular Left, to be clear.
We’re starting to see a pattern here…
When the Iraqi people were being slaughtered in the street Obama said genocide was preferable to continued US presence in the region.
When the Iranian freedom protesters were being shot at from rooftops, he turned his back on them.
When the Honduran people rose against their socialist tyrant, he supported the tyrant.
And, now we learn that the Obama Administration has allowed American companies to do billions of dollars of business with evil anti-democratic regimes – including the Iranians who are supplying terrorists with bombs to kill US soldiers.
Despite sanctions and trade embargoes, over the past decade the United States government has allowed American companies to do billions of dollars in business with Iran and other countries blacklisted as state sponsors of terrorism, an examination by The New York Times has found.
In an interview, the Obama administration’s point man on sanctions, Stuart A. Levey, said that focusing on the exceptions “misses the forest for the trees.”