Author: Papa Giorgio
Serious Saturday and Robert P George (3-26-2011)
Steven Crowder on Casey the ~Punisher~
Democrats On Libya Versus Iraq
Media Bias Towards War Coverage
Friday Fodder (3-25-2011)
The Kitty Snake Charmer:
A Cruel Bungee Jump Prank:
Alex Trebek Calls a Football Game:
1st Person Mario:
Charlie Sheen’s Winning Recipes:
Infant Loves Worship Service:
Two Dogs Dinning At Restaurant:
The Whitest Gathering Since the John Stewart Rally~Krauthammer
Jihad on Campus-Stakelbeck on Terror
Captain America Trailer-HD
Last In First Out
Temp Hold On Same-Sex Marriage Stays
One News Now has this updated story to the saga known as Prop 8:
A federal court ruled Wednesday it will enforce Proposition 8, the California law passed in November 2008 that defines marriage between a man and a woman, as the state’s highest court weighs the law’s constitutionality.
On Wednesday, the San Francisco-based Ninth U.S. Court of Appeals announced it will not lift a temporary ban on same-sex “marriages,” despite pressure from lawyers arguing against Prop. 8. Proponents of same-gender marriage had been joined by California Attorney General Kamala Harris, a Democrat, in urging that the ban be lifted.
But the Ninth Circuit’s three-judge panel noted that the order to pave the way for homosexuals to marry in California was rejected “at this time” as the state Supreme Court deliberates whether initiative proponents have the right under state law to defend the law. The state’s highest court announced it will not begin hearing oral arguments until September, further delaying the decision on Prop. 8.
Matt Staver of Liberty Counsel tells OneNewsNow while he is pleased with the Ninth Circuit’s decision to uphold Prop. 8 for now, marriage traditionalists cannot let up.
“This is very good news,” says the Christian attorney. “We can’t simply take for granted, however, that this will be the ultimate outcome of this Ninth Circuit because they’re not at a point where they’ve ruled on the merits. But at least they have not decided to torpedo the law at this point.”