All Cause Mortality (Invoked and Explained | + Articles)

This is a newer description by Dr. Victory, to add to the below use of her in the video that follows this one: There Was An Unexpected 40% Increase In ‘All Cause Deaths’ In 2021

Two short videos w/ Dr. Drew and Dr. Kelly Victory


I piece together two sources, one Dennis Prager via my Rumble (Dennis Prager Interviews M.D.’s: Marik, Kory; and Ph.D. Milgrom); and another “Rumbler” and their upload titled: All-Cause Death Rates Among 18 – 49 Up 40% Life Insurance DoD WhistleBlowers Vaccine Kelly Victory.

Some articles that are related:

  • All-Cause Mortality Skyrockets In 2021 | Data from Europe and the U.S. show increased all-cause mortality in everyone under age 65 after the introduction of coronavirus shots (TOBY ROGERS)
  • FDA Report Finds All-Cause Mortality Higher Among Vaccinated | FDA report shows Pfizer’s clinical trials found 24% higher all-cause mortality rate among the vaccinated compared to placebo group. Report emphasizes that “None of the deaths were considered related to vaccination.” (ISRAEL NATION NEWS)
  • COVER UP: DOD Silent After Whistleblowers Expose Covid ‘Vaccine’ Injuries in Military (RAIR FOUNDATION)
  • Surprise—Pfizer Untruthful—Berenson (PECKFORD 42)
  • No All-Cause Mortality Benefit from The Moderna Covid Vaccine (NAVIGATING THE COVID CONFUSION)
  • Shock Report Shows 40 Percent Increase in All-Cause Deaths Among Working-Age People in Indiana (AMERICAN GREATNESS)
  • “Highest Death Rates In History” – Indiana Life Insurance CEO Says Deaths are UP BY A WHOPPING 40% Among People Aged 18-64 in 2021 – Only a Fraction From Covid Deaths (GATEWAY PUNDIT)
  • Unprecedented: Deaths in Indiana for ages 18-64 are up 40% (STEVE KIRSCH)
  • Crisis in America: Deaths Up 40% Among Those Aged 18-64 Based on Life Insurance Claims for 2021 After COVID-19 Vaccine Roll Outs (MEDICAL KIDNAP)
  • Has The Mystery Been Solved? We Just Got Some New Numbers That Nobody Can Deny (ECONOMIC COLLAPSE)

  • 10 COVID-19 ‘Truths’ That Weren’t True | VIDEO as well (DAILY SIGNAL)

Flood Stories and More

UPDATED 8-6-2022 w/Video

(hat-tip to Otangelo Grasso: REASON AND SCIENCE for the video)

The following are clipped from my debates in 2001, 2005, a supplement I posted in 2013 to a men’s group, and a response to a question asked by a friend in 2018 (not in any order)


BTW, as a side note, everything YEC’ers (young earth creationists) say happened in this mega flood and is derided by most until recently:

Many also talk of a near global flood on Mars… or features of what young earth creationists discuss about the features involved in the Noahic Flood. (Which are rejected on Earth but not Mars.)

  • Fassett, C.I. and Head III, J.W., The Timing Of Martian Valley Network Activity: Constraints From Buffered Crater Counting, Icarus 195:61-89, 2008.
  • Rodriguez, J.A.P., Kargel, J.S., Baker, V.R., Gulick, V.C., Berman, D.C., Fairen, A.G., Linares, R., Zarroca, M., Yan, J., Miyamoto, H., and Glines, N., Martian Outflow Channels: How Did Their Course Aquifers Form, And Why Did They Drain So Rapidly? Scientific Reports 5(13404): 1-9, 2015.
  • Wang, C-y, Manga, M., and Wong, A., Floods On Mars Released From Groundwater By Impact, Icarus 175:551-555, 2005.
  • Toon, 0.B., Segura, T., and Zahnle, K., The Formation Of Martian River Valleys By Impacts, Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Science 38: 303-302, 2010.


Now, I want to, as a fellow believer, do what the scripture tells us to, “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.” (2 timothy 4:2) that’s what I want to do, is exhort you in the way of scripture. Since this is my post – Seang30 – I will hopefully be allowed some freedoms. But first, let me write down that scripture for you from another translation, keep in mind that Timothy is telling all Christians this: “Herald and preach the word! Keep your sense of urgency [stand by, be at hand and ready], whether the opportunity seems to be favorable or unfavorable. [Whether it is convenient or inconvenient, whether it is welcome or unwelcome, you as preacher of the Word are to show people in what way their lives are wrong.] And convince them, rebuking and correcting, warning and urging and encouraging them, being unflagging and inexhaustible in patience and teaching.” okay, I think that makes that verse clear in case it wasn’t before. On to the “meat” of the topic.

It may indeed be possible for a Christian to be an evolutionist (either through ignorance or deliberate disobedience), but evolution can itself cannot be Christian, for obvious reasons that Christ was not an evolutionist. Consequently, there is no such thing as Christian evolution.

Jesus Was A Creationist/Creator

He [Jesus] accepted the compatibility of the two supposedly contradictory accounts of creation in Genesis 1 & 2: “Have you not read that He… made them male and female [quoting Gen, 1:27], and said, ‘For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and, they twain shall be one flesh?’” [quoting Gen. 2:24] (from Matthew 19:4-5 – all quotes, above and below, are Jesus)

He believed that the creation of man and women was at the beginning of the creation, not 4 billion years after the earth’s beginning and 15 billion years after the big bang: “From the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.” (Mark 10:6)

He believed that the cosmos actually had a beginning, and that matter was not eternal: “Such as was not since the beginning of the world [Greek – kosmos] to this time.” (Matthew 24:21)

He believed that it was God who did the creating, not some natural process: “From the beginning of the creation which God created…” (Mark 13:19)

The Apostles Were Creationist/And Acknowledged The Creator

Paul, Peter, Matthew, Luke, etc., etc., were all creationists’. Because they knew Christ was Creator and they recorded His view on the matter. I can give more Bible references, but the point is to say that you’re a Christian means you are a Christ follower or want to be “like” Christ. We have His words and His theology in the form of the Bible, so I suggest, in an “unflagging and inexhaustible in patience and teaching” that you take another look at this whole topic, with patience and understanding. I will end with the apostles and Christ’s testimony of the flood. In addition, remember that if you don’t believe in a flood as Christ describes, than you are calling God a liar.

The lord Jesus Christ himself, as well as Peter (2 Peter 2:5 and 3:6) and the author of Hebrews, probably Paul (Hebrews 11:7), confirmed that the Flood at least destroyed all mankind. Christ said, “the flood came, and destroyed them all” (Luke 17:27). The modern system of geology and archaeology, which the local-flood theory tries to accommodate, certainly includes a worldwide distribution of mankind long before any possible Biblical date for the Flood. A flood that was anthropologically universal would certainly have to be geographically universal.

God’s unequivocal promise never again to send the Flood (Genesis 9:11) has been broken repeatedly if the Noachian flood were only a local flood. Therefore, the local-flood theory not only repudiates the plain meaning of the Biblical record of the Flood, but even changes God with breaking His promise!

The Scriptural record says the Flood covered the tops of the highest mountains (Genesis 7:19-20) and that this situation prevailed until ten months (Genesis 8:5) after the flood began.


(Quote you)

  • It seemed weird to me that the Bible was the only source to mention a flood that was supposed to be world wide. It seemed more likely that it was a contained flooding.”

This is a false statement that anthropology has shown false.

~ Commonality of flood stories found in over 270 historical documents and stories from ancient cultures ~

  1. a) Humans are guilty of transgression.
  2. b) A God sends a flood as punishment.
  3. c) Instructions are sent to an individual to build a craft.
  4. d) The instructions include ensuring the survival of all species.
  5. e) The flood destroys the old race.
  6. f) Most include a bird being sent out prior to “departure.”
  7. g) Most tell of a sacrifice being made to the God who sent the flood
  8. h) After the flood, a new, less sinful race emerges to repopulate the earth.

Australian Aboriginal; Aztec; Algonquin; Assyrian; Andaman; Arekuna (Guyana); Babylonian; Basonge; Bakongo (western Zaire); Batak (Sumatria); Caddo (Okalhoma, Arkansas); Chaldean; China; Chippewa; Chorote (Eastern Paraguay); Cheyenne; Cameroon; Celtic; Fiji; Greco-Roman; German; Gunwinggu; Hindu; Hebrew; Hawaiian; Haida (Queen Charlotte Is., British Columbia); Hopi; Huarochiri; Huichol; Ipurina (Upper Amazon); Ifugaos (Philippines); Jicarilla (Apache); Jivaran Indian (South America); Kabadi (New Guinea); Kwaya (Lake Victoria); Kammu (northern Thailand); Kikuyu; Kootenay (southeast British Columbia); Lenni Lenape; Lakota; Lake Tyras (Victoria); Miao/Yao; Micmac; Mayan; Makiritare (Venezuela); Mandingo (Ivory Coast); Maori (New Zealand); Malorotare; Netsilik Eskimo; New Hebrides; [North American Indians generally]; [Northern California Coast]; Navajo Pima (SW Arizona); Nizqualli; Ojibway; Papago (Arizona); Pygmy; Palau Islands; Palau Isles; Quamish; Quechua; Quillayute; Roman; Shuar (Andes); Sioux; Shasta; Samoan; Skagit; Sumerian; Scandinavian; Tahiti; Toba (Northern Argentina); Toltec (Mexico); Totonac (eastern Mexico); Tsetsaut; Tahitian; Toltec; Tsetsaut; Wiranggu (Australia); Yoruba; Yamana (Tierra del Fuego); Yuma; Yakima; Yanomamo; Zoroastrian; ETC., ETC.!

HAWAII: Long after the death of Kuniuhonna, the first man, the world became a wicked, terrible place to live. There was one good man left; his name was Nu-u [close to Noah]. He made a great canoe with a house on it and filled it with animals. The waters rose up over all the earth and killed all the people. Only Nu-u and his family were saved.
CHINA: ancient Chinese writings refer to a violent catastrophe that happened to the earth. They report that the entire land was flooded. The water went up to the highest mountains. One ancient Chinese classic called the “Hihking” tells the story of Fuhi [close to Noah] whom the Chinese consider to be the father of their civilization. This story records that Fuhi, his wife, three sons, and three daughters [in-law] escaped the great flood. He and his family were the only people left alive on earth. After the great flood they repopulated the earth. An ancient temple in China has a wall painting that shows Fuhi’s boat in raging waters. Dolphins are swimming around the boat and a dove with an olive branch in its beak flying toward it. The Chinese word for boat is literally a drawing of a boat with eight people in it.
TOLTEC: found in the histories of the Toltec Indians of ancient Mexico is a story of the first world that lasted 1,716 years and was destroyed by a great flood that covered even the highest mountains. Their story tells of a few men who escape the destruction in a “toptlipetlocali,” which means a closed chest. Following the great flood, these men began to multiply and build a very high “zacuali,” or a great tower, to provide a safe place if the world were destroyed again. [*Note ~ most of the cultures in the 270 plus stories have a story of all races coming from one geographical area. All races having the same language, etc.. The commonality of the boomerang, bow and arrow, the ziggurats, etc.,  in all cultures are a testament to a common background.] However, the languages became confused, so different language groups wandered to other parts of the world. The Toltecs claim they started as a family of seven friends and their wives who spoke the same language. They crossed great waters, lived in caves, and wandered 104 years till they came to Hue Hue Tlapalan (southern Mexico). The story reports that this was 520 years after the great flood.
BABYLONIAN: one of the most ancient accounts of the “Great Flood,” also called the Deluge, is a tablet inscription found in Babylonia. The Tablet referred to an older tablet from which this was copied, but only fragments have been found of that older copy, which was handed down from a previous king of Babylon. That previous king could very well have been King Amraphel (Genesis 14:1), who was one of the early kings of Babylon after the flood. The Babylonian gods told a man to build a boat and fill it with his family, property, cattle, wild beasts, and food [big boat]. The coming rains would destroy life on earth. After only six days the rain stopped, then this Babylonian “Noah” sent out a dove, a swallow, and a raven. When he left the boat, he sacrificed an animal.
GREECE: in an ancient Greek story a man made a box into which he put all the things necessary for life. When he and his wife shut themselves in the box, the Greek god Zeus caused a great rain to fall, everyone died except those who climbed to the tops of very high mountains. For nine days and nights the man and his wife were tossed to and fro on the sea, finally the box landed and the man and his wife departed.
INDIA: An early story from India tells of a fish that warned a man named Manu [close to Noah] about a flood that would kill everything. Like the Biblical story, Manu was told to build a boat, and he alone survived the flood.
NORTH AMERICA: In North America, the Lenni Lenape Indians told of a time when a powerful snake made all people wicked. The snake caused water to destroy everything (via his wicked influence). But on an island was a man named Manabozho, the grandfather of all men [like “grandpa” Noah]. He was saved by riding on the back of a great turtle.
SOUTH AMERICA: From Peru a story comes about a shepherd and his family. They noticed one day that their llamas were sad, so they studied to find out why. The stars told about a great flood which was coming. The shepherd and his family climbed to the top of a mountain. The flood waters came and the mountain began to float. The shepherd and his family were the only survivors.
THE PACIFIC: Even the islands of the Pacific have flood stories. One of these explains how a fisherman got his fishing hook caught in the hair of the ocean god. The god awoke and decided that people were evil and should be destroyed. The fisherman begged for forgiveness, so the god told him to go to an island where he would be safe from the flood he would send to wipe out all men.

FLOOD LEGENDS ~ in story fashion

  • (Greek legend from Syria recorded by Lucian) – “Not one of us now living is a descendant from the original race of man. We, numerous as we are, are no other than a second race sprung from nucalian (< spelled wrong [this is the Noah of this legend]). The original peoples were full of pride and insolence. Unfaithful to their promises, inhospitable to strangers… death to supplicates.”
  • (Hawaiian legend) – “Long after the time of Kuniuhonna, the first man, the earth became wicked and callous of the worship of the gods. One man was righteous, Nu-u.”
  • (Babylonian) – “the god Cronos (< spelled wrong) had come to him [‘Noah’] in a dream that all men would perish by a flood.”
  • (Greek legend from Syria recorded by Lucian) – “Nucalian (<spelled wrong) put himself with his wives and his children in a great chest. And thereupon, there came to him bores and horses and lion and serpent and all kinds of land dwelling animals. He took them in.”
  • (Ancient Indians of Cuba) – “an old man built a great ship and went into it with his family and an abundance of animals.”
  • (Hawaiian) – “Nu-u made a great canoe with a house on it and stored it with food, taking animals and plants into it.”
  • (Aztec legend) – “But before the flood began, god warned the man Nota (< spelled wrong) and his wife Nina (< spelled wrong) saying, ‘Hollow the great cypress into which you shall enter, the waters shall near the sky,’ and when god had shut them in…”
  • (Fiji islands) – “…the angry god gathered the dark clouds together and caused them to burst, pouring streams of water down upon the doomed earth.”
  • (Greek legend from Syria recorded by Lucian) – “The earth suddenly opened its lucids (< spelled wrong, I think) and heavy showers of rain fell… the rivers swelled”.
  • (Latin poet Ovid) – “The rivers breaking out, rushed through the open plains and bore away together the standing corn, the graves, flocks, men, houses and temples… floated like trunks of trees the corpses about. Like the spawns of fish they now fill the sea.”
  • (Fiji) – “towns, hills, and mountains were slowly submerged”.
  • (Latin poet Ovid) – “and now the sea and land had no mark of distinction. Everything was now ocean. The wolf swims with the sheep.”
  • (Athapascan Indians) – “Every day it rained, every night it rained. The sky fell. The land was not. Animals of all kinds drowned, there was no land.”
  • (Ovid) – “The wandering bird having long sought for land where it might be allowed to alight, its wings fail, falling into the sea”.
  • (Greek legend from Syria recorded by Lucian) – “Except Nucalian (< spelled wrong), who on account of his virtue and piety was saved to give birth to a new race”.
  • (Transylvania) – “After a year, the waters began to recede”.
  • (Persia) – “A violent wind then came and dried up the ground”.
  • (Mechoachen Indians) – “He sent out a crow, which at first did not return; staying to feed on the dead bodies. But afterwards, returned with a green branch”.
  • (Fiji) – “The persons saved… eight in number”.

September 2013


Firstly, the most basic thing one can say about Genesis is that its authors intended it to come across as literal. James Barr, Oriel Professor of the interpretation of the Holy Scripture, Oxford University, England, in a letter to David C.C. Watson (23 April 1984), stated the following:

The following is an extract from a letter written in 1984 by Professor James Barr, who was at the time Regius Professor of Hebrew at the University of Oxford. Professor Barr said,

“Probably, so far as l know, there is no professor of Hebrew or Old Testament at any world-class university who does not believe that the writer(s) of Gen. 1-11 intended to convey to their readers the ideas that (a) creation took place in a series of six days which were the same as the days of 24 hours we now experience (b) the figures contained in the Genesis genealogies provided by simple addition a chronology from the beginning of the world up to later stages in the biblical story (c) Noah’s flood was understood to be world-wide and extinguish all human and animal life except for those in the ark. Or, to put it negatively, the apologetic arguments which suppose the ‘days’ of creation to be long eras of time, the figures of years not to be chronological, and the flood to be a merely local Mesopotamian flood, are not taken seriously by any such professors, as far as I know.”

Thus, according to the Regius Professor of Hebrew at Oxford, Tim is completely deceived in his wish to read Genesis figuratively. Let it be emphasized that according to professor Barr, virtually every professor at a world-class universities believes Gen. 1-11 are intended to convey the six 24 hour day creation and universality of Noah’s flood. (Planet Preterist)

Barr, despite not believing Genesis’ literal sense, does however, understand what the Hebrew so clearly taught. It was only the perceived need to harmonize the Bible with the alleged [evolutionary] age of the earth which led people to think anything different of the easy reading of Genesis—it was nothing to do with the text itself.

So the memory points can look like this:

• One of the leading Hebrew professors of our day;
• From Oxford University;
• Who did not believe in the literalness of Genesis;
• Teaches that the language and cultural times;
• Demand a literal reading of the text;
• Whether you agree with the outcome of that reading or not.

Simple enough. If one kinda’ remembers these points they can communicate the text’s meaning in a way that shows that insertion of long ages is a newer phenomena, not something warranted by the text itself. Here is an opening of a debate between a theistic evolutionist and a young earth creationist that makes clear the theological implications of anything but the Biblical position (the entire debate can be found HERE):

While theistic evolution is almost at complete odds with the Gospel message, we should understand that the union between man-and-God is the acceptance of Jesus, not these particulars.

Joe Biden, Serial Liar Selling Our Country Out

  • “I have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their businesses. Period.” — JOE BIDEN (2019)

The NEW YORK POST sets up the video well:

Joe Biden hosted a White House meeting with two Chinese energy executives with ties to his son Hunter back when he was vice president in 2014, records show.

The president, who still insists he never spoke to Hunter about his son’s overseas business dealings, met the two executives from Wanxiang — a major Chinese company — in the West Wing on July 25, 2014, according to White House visitor logs.

Wanxiang America president, Pin Ni, and Wanxiang Resources Co. president, Youhong Han, were at the White House for just over an hour — after the last-minute meeting was scheduled a day earlier, the records, first reported by the Daily Mail, show.

A client of Hunter’s Seneca Global Advisors company, GreatPoint Energy, had previously partnered with Wanxiang in 2012 for a $1.25 billion natural gas plant in China.

Hunter was also linked to the Chinese company via his investment in the Fisker car business, which was bought by Wanxiang in February 2014. Biden’s son had previously purchased one of Fisker’s electric sports cars for more than $100,000……….


Bitter Pill: Risperdal (an Attention Deficit Disorder Drug)

Here’s one of my stories on the ADD drug Risperdal, with side effects causing little boys to grow breasts & sometimes “feel like a girl” & get mastectomies. In whose interest would it be to not want wider questions asked about our youth population?

First order of business – “what the effe?”

The U.S. is one of the most over-prescribed countries in the world and there are millions of cases of adverse drug reactions every year. Full Measure examines one widely-prescribed pill that’s had devastating side effects for young boys. This is an older story (August 7, 2016), but found it because of Sharyl’s Tweeting it.

  • Last month, a Philadelphia jury awarded $70 million dollars to the family of a boy who developed breasts at the age of five after taking Risperdal. Johnson and Johnson is challenging that verdict, the largest to date. Jurors found the company intentionally falsified, destroyed or concealed evidence in the case. In 2013, Johnson and Johnson paid $2.2 billion dollars to settle a host of criminal and civil fraud claims for illegally marketing Risperdal and other drugs. The firm won’t say how much money it’s made from Risperdal or how many are taking it.

Gay Priveledge (Monkeypox Edition)

(The below is from ACE OF SPADES! | Must see TWITCHY as well)

Of course, of course. You can’t tell gays to stop having sex. Or even to stop having sex with multiple partners in a week.

I mean — that’s sacred. That’s holy.

What you can do is forbid people to stop doing non-sacred, non-holy things, things like: Going to church, going to marriage ceremonies, going to funerals, going to christenings, seeing relatives who are in the hospital or on their deathbeds, etc.

But you certainly can’t stop gays from having sex with multiple partners. That is too firmly rooted in this nation’s culture!

Plus, as they say, it just wouldn’t be effective. Gays would just ignore the your “advice.”

Thousands of gay men clad in leather, latex — and often much less — partied along Folsom Street here last weekend during the annual kink and fetish festival. Even after the city had just declared the monkeypox outbreak striking its gay community a health emergency — one day after the World Health Organization urged men to sleep with fewer men to reduce transmission — San Francisco public health officials made no attempt to rein in festivities or warn attendees to have less sex.

As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention weighs whether to recommend limiting sexual partners, health officials in San Francisco, Chicago, New York and other U.S. cities battling surges disproportionately sickening gay men are avoiding calls for sexual restraint, wary of further stigmatizing same-sex intimacy.

Public health authorities typically emphasize safer sex over abstinence to prevent the spread of diseases through intimate contact. But monkeypox is presenting new challenges in calibrating the right message to stop the rare virus from becoming endemic while limiting government intrusion into the bedroom.

I don’t remember being told to be “safer” at the gym or beach during covid.

I was told I simply was not permitted to go, and if I tried to go, I would be arrested.

There was no “Use Your Best Judgement” under covid. There was no “You can do what you want to do, just put a band-aid over your sores” under covid.

During covid, the health authorities did not merely offer advice. They also sent out the police to arrest pastors that held church services. And to arrest business owners who opened their businesses. And to shutter parks and gyms with gates and chains.

And other coercive means.

But you can’t do that with gay bars and gay fetish parties.

Again, gay fetish orgy parties are simply too rooted in the misty chords of American memory to be subject to state control, unlike petty matters like religion, children’s schooling, children’s sports, adults’ past-times, or commerce of all kinds.

America was founded on two things: unprotected gay multipartner sex, and leftwing riots and murder.

They’re blessings of liberty, bigot.

The FBI and NIH both agree.

People were also fired from their jobs for not complying with The Regime’s dictates on vaccination.

But some people’s liberty is just more sacred than other people’s.

In the Empire of Lies, the truth has a selective utility:


Can I ask a serious question:

Why are no Republicans in Congress asking Rachel Walensky or Anthony Fauci about this?

Do even our representatives so care about the New York Times’ opinion of them that they won’t ask highly-relevant questions?

Why has not a single reporter at the supposedly-conservative Fox News asked these questions?

Oh right, because Fox News isn’t conservative, it’s as leftwing as CNN and MSNBC. It would be homophobic to ask why gays are allowed to continue having multipartner gay sex during a pandemic spread by multipartner gay sex…..

Ex-Members of 3hO Talk of Heartache and Betrayal Years Later


  • This is about how Kundalini Yoga and Yogi Bhajan are now seen accurately as a cult that harmed people in many ways, and they are still doing damage, though many of the victims don’t realize it when it’s happening.

(BTW, some of the photos used in Vice’s documentary are my wife’s)

(This was originally posted in 2010, brought here in 2012, updated 5-1-2015)

(Not ALL of the info below is 3HO specific)

I have written on the issue of evil and reincarnation/karma, here: Reincarnation vs. Laws of Logic

(Keep in mind the above critique is by a Sikh, not a Christian)

Shame on 3HO for NOT acknowledging innocent kundalini yoga students raped & abused by Yogi Bhajan! (Go to this forum to talk to and see ex-members talk about this abuse. If you’re having a problem signing into the website be sure to click on as a guest using the red button in the far bottom right of the screen.)

Yogi Bujan

Stories of Yogi Bhajan’s improprieties and crooked financial dealing (theft from members) can be found at the (like this one). As well as found at RELIGION NEWS BLOG, (like: 3hO, and Yogi Bhajan as topics in their archive).

I have personally heard stories about Yogi Bhajan because of close family members that use to be involved in this breakaway form of Sikhism.

Having an extensive collection of comparative religious texts that deal in some-form-or-fashion with Sikhism mainly and 3Ho to a lesser extent, my understanding of this “sect” is unfortunately deepened via the personal stories of anguish below, merely confirming that which is already known.

Articles like these (See: BRITNEY SPEARS) are rare due to the small nature of this “sect” and people assuming it is part of the world religion of Sikhism.

….Bhajan taught, among other things, that he could see auras and see into the future. But perhaps his most outrageous claim was that he was the official religious and administrative leader of all Sikhs in the Western world. I am told that most legitimate Sikhs avoid any association with Bhajan’s group, and that Yogi Bhajanism is by no means representative of the five-century-old Sikh tradition whose homeland is in the Indian Punjab.


Further below I merely produce parts of the articles from REGISTERGUARD, in the hopes that it adds to an understanding of this movement (maybe a previous innocent naiveté, a, postmodern “who are you to judge” attitude) and how many lives it affected.

One should note that with extreme political ideologies as well as religious ones,

the family unit is broken up, either to bolster the State (communism, fascism, socialism), or a way for one man or a small group to control many (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Jim Jones, etc).

Remember, for instance, in the novel Animal Farm when the offspring of Jessie and Bluebell (two characters in the story — dogs) were taken away from them by Napoleon at birth and reared by Napoleon to be his security force. These dogs are trained to be vicious, going so far as to rip many of the animals to shreds including the four young pigs, a sheep and various hens. Similarly, as the sign over Auschwitz entrance to the medical facilities reads:

“I freed Germany from the stupid and degrading fallacies of conscience and morality…. We will train young people before whom the world will tremble. I want young people capable of violence — imperious, relentless and cruel.” ~ Adolf Hitler, A sign of his quote hangs on the wall at Auschwitz; Ravi Zacharias, Can Man Live Without God, p. 23.

(Read More)

It is — the breakup up the family unit — a means for a person to control another. Isolation, separation and alienation leads to the group becoming a substitute family. Members are often encouraged to drop worldly (non-members) friends, may be told to change jobs, quit school, give up sports, hobbies, and the like (source).

Yogi Bhaja 2

Here is some great insight to this dilemma of people stuck in a cult (applicable to political extremes as well):

Milieu Control – the control of the environment including information, associations, time, and energy work to exclude any opportunity for opposition while also promoting the ‘party line’.

Mystical Manipulation – this is the ‘higher calling’ for the follower to be a part of a utopian goal which requires his full devotion. The followers see the leaders as having achieved this higher calling hence they are worthy to be followed.

Demand For Purity – the utopian goal can only be achieved by purity of devotion. Any failure to succeed means impurity exists somewhere and will be searched out by those in control.

Cult of Confession – Failure to succeed means confessions must be made. Any weakness or failure, real or perceived, are to be confessed for the sake of the group. Even confessions where no wrong was actually done can spur the group to more purity.

Sacred Science – The ideology, doctrine and mission of the group are so sacred that they must not be doubted or questioned. To do so is one of the worst offenses possible. However, without the option of questioning, a lie cannot be uncovered.

Loading the Language – Certain words and phrases are so loaded with meaning that stark choices are implied leading to the end of critical thinking.

Doctrine Over Person – What you see, hear or think is irrelevant in the face of the groups doctrine. You must submerge your opinions in the group’s worldview.

Dispensing of Existence – Only those who are committed to the group are valued. Those who oppose or betray the group can be dismissed, defamed, disfellowshipped, or killed.


May I also add that in these types of “religions,” there is no love story entwined in it. The video to the right is a “parable” of sorts on Christ sacrifice for us… it is the Cosmic Love Story that IS the Good News. I have a longer post explaining core Christianity a bit better (how we view our relationship to God), to wit:

In our busy schedules choose a single verse from each section and on Monday study that single verse about our sinful nature. Use an online resource such as Blue Letter Bible to read a commentary on it or Bible Gateway to read a version you haven’t read of the verse. (Or one of your home resources… whatever the case may be.) On Tuesday take a verse on forgiveness (mine, or one that has hit a cord with you over the years). Etc.

By Friday, T.G.I.F. takes on a new meaning. The following week, do the same, but with a different verse. Habits.



A slow, painful awakening led Premka Kaur Khalsa, a top secretary in Yogi Bhajan’s Sikh organization for almost 20 years, to leave the religious group in 1984, she said.

Premka Khalsa, 66, said she could no longer participate because of the inconsistencies she said she had witnessed between the yogi’s behavior and his teachings — the deception and abuse of power.

In 1986, she sued Yogi Bhajan and his Sikh organizations, settling out of court. In court papers, she alleged that the married yogi had sexually and physically assaulted her, that he was sexually involved with other secretaries and that, as the head of his administration, she worked long hours for little or no pay.

The organization’s religious leaders vehemently deny those allegations. Its business leaders did not respond to requests for comment for this story.

Kamalla Rose Kaur, 55, another former member of Yogi Bhajan’s 3HO (Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization) who wrote for a grass-roots newsletter in the community, said a light switched on for her when she was researching and writing about religious groups and thought, “Hey, we’re acting a lot like a cult.”

Former member Guru Bir Singh Khalsa, 60, who had been appointed a “lifetime minister” by Yogi Bhajan, said he received a wake-up call in the early 1990s, when Sue Stryker, then an investigator with the Monterey County District Attorney’s office, laid out evidence linking members of his spiritual community to criminal activity. Stryker, now retired, said a member of Yogi Bhajan’s Sikh community pleaded guilty and served time in prison for a telemarketing scam that bilked seniors out of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

These and other ex-members of Yogi Bhajan’s organization say they aren’t surprised by events unfolding now, six years after his death. Legal disputes threaten to splinter the community. Allegations of the yogi’s past wrongdoing are resurfacing. And the future of the Sikh organization’s businesses are in question.

The outcome will ripple far beyond the religious group, whose companies have become intertwined with the local economy and business community.

In Multnomah County Circuit Court, the group’s religious leaders are suing the group’s business leaders over control of the community’s multimillion dollar businesses, including Golden Temple natural foods in Eugene and Akal Security in New Mexico.

“Organizations/cults that have charismatic leaders and their followings, once their charismatic leader dies, this is generally the kind of thing that occurs,” Premka Khalsa said.

“It’s the meltdown of a cult,” said Kamalla Kaur, who spent nearly 20 years in 3HO, and now runs an Internet forum for ex-members. “They actually kept it together longer than we expected.”

Steven Hassan, a Massachusetts-based author, counselor and former leader of the Moon cult in the 1970s, said he has counseled about two dozen former 3HO members, including leaders, over the years.

“The group, from my point of view, was always about power and money,” he said. “(Yogi) Bhajan is the consummate … cult leader. By not specifying someone to take over, there often are these kinds of political battles and meltdowns — people basically being greedy like Yogi Bhajan was and wanting more of a slice for themselves.”


Watching the business leaders back away from the group’s religious practices, some former members said, reminds them of what they experienced when they decided to leave the group.

“You go through stages of discovery of how you gave away your power and were deceived,” Premka Khalsa said.

“Once the person who is defining your reality — the charismatic leader — once he’s not there continuing to enforce the beliefs, then your eyes start to open,” she said. “You see things in a different way, and it can be disillusioning.”

Premka Khalsa said that’s especially true for the yogi’s secretaries, such as herself, who sacrificed much of their lives to serve him.

“I met him at 25,” she said. “I was 41 by the time I left, so my life of family, child bearing and (being) productive in the world, that whole piece was gone. Nothing was put into Social Security, and I walked out with the clothes on my back.”

The women in his inner circle “were denied having a personal relationship with any other men,” she added. “Some of us wanted to get married and have children, but we got sidetracked into agreeing to forego that with the intention of serving something bigger than us. Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice.”


In her 1986 lawsuit, Premka Khalsa alleged that Yogi Bhajan repeatedly physically and sexually assaulted her from November 1968 to November 1984.

McGrory, the religious leaders’ attorney, said his clients deny all the allegations in Premka Khalsa’s lawsuit, which “were never verified or substantiated.”

In court papers, she alleged that the yogi was sexually involved with various female followers, and that he ordered her to coordinate his sexual liaisons, including orgies, with other secretaries, which she refused to do.

The head of Yogi Bhajan’s administration, and an editor and writer for his publications, Premka Khalsa said she worked on average 10 hours a day, five days a week. She alleged that she was paid $375 a month — only in her last three years with the group.

“It was another part of how he kept us bound,” she said. “We didn’t have independent resources. He had a fleet of cars — one of which was mine to drive. And he had properties to live on, but they weren’t mine. You had few independent resources, so it made it hard to live out on (your) own. He did that with lots of people.”

Premka Khalsa alleged in her lawsuit that Yogi Bhajan called her “his spiritual wife, destined to serve mankind by serving him in a conjugal capacity.” He said if she did so, he “would care for her for all of her natural life,” she alleged.

When Yogi Bhajan died in 2004, his wife Bibiji Inderjit was to inherit half of their community property, and he designated that his half go to Staff Endowment, a trust to support 15 female administrative assistants.


She said she was with the group from 1975 to 1985. In her 1986 lawsuit, she alleged that starting in 1978, Yogi Bhajan repeatedly physically and sexually assaulted her.

The lawsuit alleged that the yogi was sexually involved with Guru Amrit Khalsa, as well as various other members of his administrative staff.

Guru Amrit Khalsa’s sister also alleged that Yogi Bhajan did not compensate her for skin and hair care products and snack foods she had developed and turned over to him in 1983 and 1984, after he had promised her an ownership stake or other payment


“Sikh means seeker of truth and therefore I was just a seeker of truth,” he said. “The reason I wanted to put those documents on the Internet was to just turn the light on in the closet.”

“Yogi Bhajan had a dark side, and I think a lot of people don’t want to see it because of what that means about him,” Guru Bir Khalsa said. “I know, for myself, I wasn’t ready and didn’t want to see it. It’s kind of tough when you think you’ve invested as much as you have into something.”



Bottom line with comparing healthy religion to a cultic idea of financial commitment:

Religious leaders regard their followers as being individuals who need protection and assistance, while cult leaders tend to regard people as a resource to be exploited. It seems to be the standard practice that cult victims will end up with no money. But people who become religious are often encouraged to adopt practices that can increase their income (e.g., by avoiding alcohol and drug use). Most people who regularly attend church and who are in a good financial position are expected to donate 10% of their income – which still allows them to have a good standard of living.


I want to leave the reader with this thought by Robert Hume. In his book, The World’s Living Religions, he comments that there are three features of Christian faith that “cannot be paralleled anywhere among the religions of the world” [I can add here, the cults either]. These include the character of God as a loving Heavenly Father, the character of the founder of Christianity as the Son of God, and the work of the Holy Spirit. Further, he says:

The nine founders among the eleven living religions in the world had characters which attracted many devoted followers during their own lifetime, and still larger numbers during the centuries of subsequent history. They were humble in certain respects, yet they were also confident of a great religious mission. Two of the nine, Mahavira and Buddha, were men so strong-minded and self-reliant that, according to the records, they displayed no need of any divine help, though they both taught the inexorable cosmic law of Karma. They are not reported as having possessed any consciousness of a supreme personal deity. Yet they have been strangely deified by their followers. Indeed, they themselves have been worshiped, even with multitudinous idols.

All of the nine founders of religion, with the exception of Jesus Christ, are reported in their respective sacred scriptures as having passed through a preliminary period of uncertainty, or of searching for religious light. Confucius, late in life, confessed his own sense of shortcomings and his desire for further improvement in knowledge and character. All the founders of the non-Christian religions evinced inconsistencies in their personal character; some of them altered their practical policies under change of circumstances.

Jesus Christ alone is reported as having had a consistent God-consciousness, a consistent character himself, and a consistent program for his religion. The most remarkable and valuable aspect of the personality of Jesus Christ is the comprehensiveness and universal availability of his character, as well as its own loftiness, consistency, and sinlessness.

Robert Hume, The World’s Living Religions (New York, NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1959), 285-286.

a small portion of a documentary about Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (an Oregon cult):

(For those readers interested, I debated a Sikh — not a 3Ho member — and we spoke about truth… since he was a seeker of it. Portions of this debate are reproduced here: FIRST DEBATE; SECOND DEBATE) <— this is a very old blog I had from a LONG TIME ago. Sorry for the neglected format).

Senator Pat Toomey Responds to Jon Stewart (Ben Shapiro)

Stewart hysterically ranted against Senator Pat Toomey after he and other GOP senators temporarily blocked the passage of the PACT Act, which expands healthcare benefits for veterans and first responders. Shapiro weighs in.

New Studies On Weed Support Earlier Studies (Dr. Drew Update)

UPDATED TODAY w/VIDEO (original post, 1-31-22)

PJ-MEDIA notes a new study on the great ability of marijuana to make one stupid:

….Weed today is, on average, five or six times as potent as the stuff the hippies smoked back in the ’60s and ’70s. In 1972, the average THC content in most marijuana in the United States was 3% to 4%. Today’s pot commonly has a THC content of 20% or more. Additionally, the percentage of the compound CBD has decreased, which experts say can increase the overall effect of the more potent grass.

Note that I’m not here to bash the positive results many have had from treating chronic issues with medicinal herb but to remind everyone that getting high all the time for no reason is dumb. Don’t be a lotus-eater.

Yesterday, NBC News highlighted a recent study that shows that not only does smoking pot impair numerous mental functions of the user, but these effects can linger for weeks after use has stopped. The Canadian study was one of those meta-reviews that analyzes data from multiple existing scientific studies to discover overarching trends. What it found was that, every time someone gets high, they can be dumber for weeks. Hardest hit was the ability to learn from what one hears and to remember things. So, for example, if you told your drummer to be at your house for rehearsal on Thursday night, not only would he have trouble understanding what that meant, he would probably forget it even if he did. Also particularly affected is the stoner’s ability to focus or pay attention and to process information. Smaller deficits were also recorded for executive functioning, decision-making, inhibitory processes, and flexibility.

“Although acute intoxication can last several hours, research has revealed that THC is a fat-soluble compound that may be stored in body fat and, thus, gradually released into the bloodstream for months,” say the scientists. “Indeed, studies have shown impaired cognition that persists beyond the acute intoxication period in both adult and adolescent cannabis users,” they write. The more heavy the use, the more pronounced the effects, but even someone who only smokes weed once every week or two could still be consistently impaired. Most of us have a hard enough time keeping up; why on earth would anyone choose to jettison an extra couple dozen IQ points?

And not only does pot make people stupid, but it can also make them crazy. This is particularly true among heavy users and younger users whose brains are still forming. Narcanon notes that chronic use of today’s super-jacked weed can induce panic attacks, paranoia, wild mood swings, fragmented thoughts, depersonalization (losing one’s sense of identity), and straight-up psychosis. A 2017 study published in the journal Neuropharmacology ties youthful marijuana use to increased onset of severe mental illnesses:

Prospective epidemiological studies have consistently demonstrated that cannabis use is associated with an increased subsequent risk of both psychotic symptoms and schizophrenia-like psychoses. Early onset of use, daily use of high-potency cannabis, and synthetic cannabinoids carry the greatest risk. The risk-increasing effects are not explained by shared genetic predisposition between schizophrenia and cannabis use…..




Orwellian/Messianic Pronouncements of the Left

(Rough quote) “If we call a man a woman, that’s what he is. If we call an open border a secure border, that’s what we have. If we tell you a collapsing economy is a robust economy, that’s what it is.” Fox News host Tucker Carlson rips President Biden for denying the United States is in a recession despite what economists say on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’

Tucker acknowledges the Mandela Effect many of us are experiencing on the definition of “recession.” Thankfully, the Biden administration is here to help. Highlights include:

“What matters is not the way things actually are. What matters are the words we use to describe things.”……………


Gov. Ron DeSantis Moves Florida to Counter ESG


Gov. Ron DeSantis announces his plan to fight back against ESGs:

  • “We want to stop these kind of masters of the universe from trying to do through economic power what they cannot achieve at the ballot box.”


Stu explains what ESG is,

  • Glenn has warned about ESG scores — environment, social, and governance — for months now. They’re a key tenet to the Great Reset and could be used to control YOUR finances. If you have a low ESG score — due to certain purchases or investments the far-left deems ‘un-woke’ — then you could face major difficulties securing loans or other services from the world’s biggest banks. Now, Citi just announce its latest decision to move this plan one step further. Per Bloomberg, ‘Citigroup Inc. will eventually expect borrowers to have a credible plan for measuring and reducing their carbon footprint as part of the bank’s pledge to achieve net-zero greenhouse-gas emissions.’ ESG IS HERE!


An ESG “strategist” sounds off…. it seems the host wants more of it in order to really “make a dent”

  • ESG has become a buzzword on Wall Street as companies face pressure from investors to be more transparent. Christian McCormick, Allianz Global Investors senior ESG strategist, and Hal Lambert, founder and CEO of Point Bridge Capital, join “Squawk Box” to discuss.