Author: Papa Giorgio
Did Macho Man Foil Harold Campings Prediction? We May Never Know
Name That Tune~Examples of worldviews in popular literature and media (Nancy Pearcey)
America’s Christian History-A Presentation by David Barton
h/t: Religion of Conquest
Citizenship not required in Canada to vote
From Libertarian Republican:
Nobody checked his Face to verify his identity.
“You don’t even have to have proof of citizenship” anymore.
Tory Immigration Minister Jason Kenney, quoted in the National Post, Feb. 13:
“I believe in personal liberty, even if I find some expressions of personal liberty a bit peculiar. I don’t think we should be regulating what people wear but when a citizen comes to deal with the government, particularly to exercise their right to vote, I think it’s entirely reasonable that we say we need to confirm who you are and a facial identification is a reasonable way of doing that,”
Atlas Shrugged has this:
…Outbursts of public condemnation overturned a similar initiative earlier this year by Quebec’s Election Commission. The Commission was forced to reverse its consent to “burqa voting” when offended Quebec citizens and public interest groups threatened civil disobedience at election time. Highlighting the problem of double standards and arbitrariness, voters promised to attend polls with their faces covered by paper bags, sheets, hockey masks and other head coverings, and to assert “sensitivity” and special religious privilege as their justification for doing so.
“Elections Canada’s initiative violates the basic premise of public voting in Canada and the principle of equality of all Canadians before the ballot box. It is an invitation to fraud, misrepresentation and the debasing of our democratic electoral system,” said David Harris, CCD Senior Fellow for National Security.
Beyond the ballot box, religious face coverings have at times been misused in Canada and around the world to facilitate fraud and other criminal acts. Veiling has been used abroad to advance terrorist operations, including suicide bombings. Such risks compelled France to ban the burqa in certain public spheres, and the Netherlands’ government among others is considering doing the same. And last fall in Quebec, ADQ leader Mario Dumont went beyond the ballot box issue, stating that he did not “rule out the possibility of laws to make illegal the wearing of the burqa.” Yet some of Canada’s elites, apparently unfazed by the threat to electoral integrity and public safety, appear helpless in the face of radical lobbying in the name of “accommodation”.

Six Part Presentation Challenging Assumptions In Radioactive Decay Rate
Green Energy-Hot Air
Dr. John Warwick Montgomery responds to Bart Ehrman’s latest book (Serious Saturday)
Dr. John Warwick Montgomery responds to Bart Ehrman’s latest book, Forged: Writing in the Name of God–Why the Bible’s Authors Are Not Who We Think They Are
RIP Randy Macho Man Savage
Some Aftermath in Washington After the Prez’s Middle-East Speech
California Teachers Prompted with Simple Questions (My favorite is when the old lady says of herself~I Sucked!~)
i.e.,Obama Does Not Deal From Reality-He Deals from Wishes
Full Presser: