The Book That Made Your World ~ Serious Saturday

This presentation by Vishal Mangalwadi is based on his book, “The Book that Made Your World: How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization.” The description of the book is as follows:

Whether you’re an avid student of the Bible or a skeptic of its relevance, The Book That Made Your World will transform your perception of its influence on virtually every facet of Western civilization.

Indian philosopher Vishal Mangalwadi reveals the personal motivation that fueled his own study of the Bible and systematically illustrates how its precepts became the framework for societal structure throughout the last millennium.  From politics and science, to academia and technology, the Bible’s sacred copy became the key that unlocked the Western mind.

Through Mangalwadi’s wide-ranging and fascinating investigation, you’ll discover:

  • What triggered the West’s passion for scientific, medical, and technological advancement
  • How the biblical notion of human dignity informs the West’s social structure and how it intersects with other worldviews
  • How the Bible created a fertile ground for women to find social and economic empowerment
  • How the Bible has uniquely equipped the West to cultivate compassion, human rights, prosperity, and strong families
  • The role of the Bible in the transformation of education
  • How the modern literary notion of a hero has been shaped by the Bible’s archetypal protagonist

Journey with Mangalwadi as he examines the origins of a civilization’s greatness and the misguided beliefs that threaten to unravel its progress.  Learn how the Bible transformed the social, political, and religious institutions that have sustained Western culture for the past millennium, and discover how secular corruption endangers the stability and longevity of Western civilization.

Rush Explains Gov. Scott Walker’s Blueprint for Conservatives

“T” is NOT for Twinkie! Hint: rub the lotion on its skin

“T” is for Transgender Defense.”

I don’t know whether to thank Gay Patriot for this, or walk away?  ;)

A male-to-female transgender person in Washington state claims s/he cannot be held responsible for a series of murders s/he committed prior to undergoing gender-reassignment surgery because they were committed by the man he was, not the woman he is.

Douglas Perry, 63, who now goes by “Donna,” was arrested late last year after DNA evidence linked him to the murders of prostitutes Yolanda Sapp, Kathleen Brisbois and Nickie Lowe, whose bodies were all found unclothed in the Spokane River in 1990 with fatal gunshot wounds.  He is being held in Spokane County Jail under $1 million bond on three counts of first degree murder.


But Perry insists that as “Donna,” he’s never killed anyone, and that his new status as a woman means the alleged murderer no longer exists.

Whether he killed the women after instructing them to “rub the lotion on its skin” is unknown at this time.

GP thinks this defense won’t fly, but I am sure a lighter sentence may be PC’ed in, so-to-speak. Need I remind people of the Twinkie Defense? (Which I only mention tongue-in-cheek)

Another Example of Progressive Ideals Ending in Disaster!

An interesting post (@HotAir) caught my attention in regards to birth-control, and the dangers associated with them. Again, the Left has a vision which it thinks will increase choices made in the utopian dreams envisioned of a perfect society. But what leftism fails to do which conservatism does is ask three questions:

1) compared to what?
2) at what cost?
3) what hard-evidence do you have?

Here is the article:

…First it was former Winter Olympics hopeful and former intern Megan Henry — sidelined due to use of the intrauterine device NuVaRing — whose joining of a class-action lawsuit against NuVaRing parent company Merck Pharmaceuticals made news across the country.

Then there was a 10,000-word essay from Vanity Fair, which asked “why, despite evidence of serious risk, a potentially lethal contraceptive remains on the market.” And Ricki Lake’s documentary on hormonal contraception and “the unexposed side effects of these powerful medications” is getting backlash from writers at and Slate.

Registered nurse and pro-life activist Jill Stanek told me this exposure is no surprise, delayed though it is:

“In 2005, the World Health Organization classified the morning-after pill as a Class 1 carcinogen — as dangerous as cigarette smoke and asbestos,” Stanek said. “With all of the studies showing links between oral contraception and greater chances of glaucoma, heart risk and breast-cancer risk, it’s amazing any women use them. And the NuvaRing lawsuit shows how dangerous hormonal contraception is.”

“The American people are belatedly finding out from the mainstream media just how far we’ve gone off the path of proper care of the bodies of women,” stated Stanek. She said media attention to the issue, as well prominent political attention to issues like the HHS contraception mandate, has created “a perfect storm for greater knowledge by women about why they should use better wisdom and responsibility in their sexual practices.”


Obviously, women won’t stop using birth control overnight — and their male sex partners aren’t likely to ask them to stop — but it’s important that young women receive all of the facts surrounding the use of contraception. This is especially true as the HHS mandate forces coverage of products with literally deadly potential.

(read it all)

“Masculinity Is Not An Act” (Plus: It’s Not About the Nail)

Gay Patriot made my night! Just heading to bed and I got a laugh-and-a-half from the video! PLUS, I have been a fan of doc-Sommers for some time.

…Christina Hoff Summers, writing on… shatters the assumptions about manhood and masculinity that form the foundation of contemporary feminist thought. To summarize the main points briefly:

  1. Masculinity is not a mask, it’s how men are.

  2. Despite feminist desires to the contrary, it’s unnatural for men to act like women.

  3. Masculine behavior in boys is not a mental disorder; again, contrary to what feminism teaches.

  4. Men don’t need to express emotions to each other empathetically in order to be psychologically health.

The video [above], linked by a commenter a few months back, illustrates the point quite well.

Below is a Prager University video that is perfect for the topic at hand. Albeit a bit too “naturalistic” with its perceived history (time-table) of man, it is still chalked full of truth:

Lesbian Police Chiefs, Code Pink, and Homeland Security = The Left

Yes, The Left Confuses Me Too!

There’s nothing like a lesbian feminist authority figure who boasts of being the first female police chief in Minneapolis donning a symbol of male ownership in a patriarchal tribal society to express the deep schizophrenia of the left in its enthusiastic enabling of Islamists. (Frontpage)

A young girl at the Minnisota “hijab” press event”

(Gay Patriot) Janee Harteau is the Minneapolis police chief who “married” one of her female sergeants. (Try doing that in Teheran or Riyadh.) Now, she’s one of several city officials in Minneapolis who wore Islamic Hijabs to show their Solidarity with the people who perform clitorectomies and stone gay people to death.

Another piece of relevant news via Gateway Pundit is the recent meeting of our Secretary of Homeland Security (Jeh Johnson) meeting with the leaders of Code Pink:

It’s an Obama world.

As the United States faces a Cold War showdown over Russia annexing Crimea and an international passenger jet having seemingly disappeared, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson met with leaders of the terrorist support group Code Pink at Homeland Security headquarters in Washington, D.C. on Monday.

It is another feather in the cap of a group that has a history of working with terrorists and state sponsors of terrorism against the United States, Israel and free Iraq while simultaneously operating at the top levels of the United States government and Democratic Party. Code Pink’s allies since the group’s founding in 2002 have included Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, the Taliban, al Qaeda (various branches) and members of the Weather Underground. Code Pink has also allied itself with the terrorist governments of Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Code Pink is also allied with the Obama administration. Members of Code Pink’s leadership have fundraised and campaigned for Obama’s elections. They have also acted as a messenger between terrorists and President Barack Obama. Code Pink leaders have also served on the advisory board of the Progressive Democrats of America alongside Rep. John Conyers (MI) among others.

Frontpage expands on craziness of Code Pink:

…In late 2004 Code Pink delivered $600,000 in cash and aid to what Benjamin called the families of “the other side” in Fallujah, Iraq as U.S. Marines, British and free Iraqi forces fought to liberate the city from al Qaeda….

UPDATED with this CRAZY story! Via The Daily Mail:

A Kuwaiti woman who once ran for parliament has called for sex slavery to be legalised – and suggested that non-Muslim prisoners from war-torn countries would make suitable concubines.

Salwa al Mutairi argued buying a sex-slave would protect decent, devout and ‘virile’ Kuwaiti men from adultery because buying an imported sex partner would be tantamount to marriage.

And she even had an idea of where to ‘purchase’ these sex-salves – browsing through female prisoners of war in other countries.

The political activist and TV host even suggested that it would be a better life for women in warring countries as the might die of starvation.

Mutairi claimed: ‘There was no shame in it and it is not haram’ (forbidden) under Islamic Sharia law.’…

ABC’s Nightline Defines “News” Differently Than I Do

(Via NewsBusters) How do the journalists at Nightline define news? On Monday night, co-host Dan Harris and reporter Mariana van Zeller spent an astonishing nine minutes and 33 seconds on the salacious, gossipy phenomenon of “bootleg butt injections.” Yet, it’s been 123 days, 17 and a half weeks, since the show’s hosts have focused on ObamaCare and the problems with the law’s implementation.