Banning Books?

From Rebel Pundit:

The authors of the books we offered to ban were Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, Andrew Breitbart, Ayn Rand, Michael Savage, Bill Clinton, Michael Moore, Karl Marx, Adolf Hitler and Barack Obama. While there were in fact less than two handfuls of individuals who did tell us they don’t think any books should be banned, unfortunately there were a shocking amount of guests at this book fair who were quite open to the idea, and in fact lined up quite excited for the opportunity to voice their opinion.

Participants overwhelming chose Sarah Palin who received 53 votes putting her at 36% overall, Glenn Beck at 23% and Ann Coulter at 22%. All of the other choices received a very minimal amount of votes, with the next most popular to ban being Adolf Hitler at 0.5%. Ironically, Michael Savage, who has been banned from entering Britain over things he often says, did not receive one vote to have his words banned in Chicago.

~Conservative Buttons~ (Double-Standard)

Finally the violent stomping of a man by SEIU members is going to court. The video will be a big part of the trial. Rather than — or instead of — zeroing in on the violent nature of the left throughout history and American politics, I wanted to focus on one aspect of how the media portrays the indecent. This from Gateway Pundit, Nearly 2 Years After Beating – Kenneth Gladney Case Goes to Trial Tomorrow:

CBS Local reported:

Twenty-months after he claims he was beaten by two union activists, while he tried to sell conservative buttons outside a Congressman Russ Carnahan town hall forum on health care reform, Kenneth Gladney now has a court date.

The case against two Service Employees International Union members accused of attacking Gladney is scheduled for July 11th, according to St. Louis County Counselor Patricia Reddington.

SEIU members Elston McCowan and Perry Molens are charged with misdemeanor assault. Both men pleaded not guilty and requested a jury trial.

Earlier, Gladney had complained that the delay in scheduling a trial was “political” and he pointed the blame at Reddington and fellow Democrat, County Executive Charlie Dooley.

Reddington countered that the delay was caused soley by the defendant’s request for a jury trial. Her municipal court system has no jurors, so she had to work with he state courts to set up a court room and a jury, Reddington said.

“Conservative buttons” vs. “Service Employees.” The question I have, have you EVER heard the media reference buttons or anything for sale at Democratic activist gatherings as “liberal buttons,” or, “progressive items for sale”? These buttons are in fact worn by Democrats and Independents who are part of the Tea Party. To say we are taxed enough already (T.E.A.) and top call the government to some fiscal responsibility is not a partisan concept. However, less spending does mean less government… this is where the basis for the difference of the parties kinda becomes partisan. But I digress. Would the media call this [above/right] a “progressive button?

Somehow I doubt it, even thought SEIU stuff was for sale at the same event… you will never hear “liberal” or “progressive” used of any item or person by the media. This should come as no surprise since the following is believed by the majority of the press/media:

  • The media will not only not identify Democrats typically, like they label persons as conservative or Republican, they will often times misidentify persons.