Meet a L.A. Nazi (No White Bed Sheets Here) ~ Plus: Group Asks Democrats to Disavow Anti-Semitism in O.W.S.

Via LR

Gateway Pundit has this excellent point/post:

The Emergency Committee for Israel released a video plea today asking democrats to speak out against the anti-Semitism at their national Occupy Wall Street protests.
This video speaks volumes.

Interview with Deaf Woman (Sarah Churman) Who`s Video Went Viral

In the original video you hear her say she hears beeping when the nurse turns on the implant — when she says that however, she is hearing her voice for the first time in her life… and she reacts understandably so. One should visit her blog and give her an Internet congrats, and thank hubby for filming. Her story of faith and perseverance is uplifting. Here is the interview on Fox News (she also appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres Show, which is a must see):