Rep. Mia Love (R-UT) delivers remarks at the March for Life in Washington, DC. Watch the complete video HERE. This comes by way of POLITICHICKS!

Egyptian Official Ties Obama`s Half-brother to Muslim Brotherhood
I have, likewise, dealt with the close ties in this administration to the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama has invited them to the White House, as well as supported their rise in Egypt. Sick. The following Examiner excerpt comes with a h/t to my mom:
When the Egyptian government and mainstream media reported on the role of Barack Obama’s half-brother, Malik Obama, and his ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, former Muslim Brotherhood, Walid Shoebat on Monday pointed out that the connections are now coming clearer on why President Obama has been soft on Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood’s reign of terror in Egypt.
Shoebat stated that one of the reports he did in the past, he showed that Malik is a member of the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO), an arm of the Sudanese government, which is led by President Omar al-Bashir, who is himself a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
For that reason, Shoebat said that the former Chancellor of the Constitutional Court of Egypt and current adviser, Tahani Al-Jebali stated that the reason the United States cannot fight the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood is because the brother of U.S. President Barack Obama is the architect of the investments for the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Translated by Shoebat, Al-Jebali stated in an interview, “I want to inform the American people that their president’s brother Obama is one of the architects of the major investments of the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood.”
“We will carry out the law and the Americans will not stop us. We need to open the files and begin court sessions. The Obama administration cannot stop us… they know that they supported terrorism. We will open the files so these nations are exposed, to show how they collaborated with them [the terrorists]. It is for this reason why the American administration fights us.”
Shoebat has extensively covered Malik Obama in relation to President Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood.
In a previous report, Shoebat revealed that the IDO was created by the Sudanese Government, which is considered by the U.S. State Department as a terrorist state. Since Malik Obama is a member of the IDO, this puts him in direct connection with Islamic terrorists as well an official with a terrorist state.
The Obama Administration’s involvement with Egypt, Libya, and the Muslim Brotherhood have been well-documented by the Paulding County Republican Examiner (PCRE).
Deuce Bigalow, Male Gigolo makes a ringing endorsement for California Assemblyman Tim Donnelley`s run for Governor of California.
Via The Blaze and PolitiChicks:
(I have started uploading videos from The Daily Caller and other places [Breitbart and PolitiChicks for example] because there seems to be a wave of videos that just start playing on their own and your volume is up loud and you wake your spouse? Come-on! I have made this “blogger friendly” so the user can choose to play it. Choice. This “friendliness” should behoove the video’er — if that’s a word? — to follow suit in order that they can get their site/URL known more widely because it can be embedded without startling the be-Jesus out of someone.)