“Those who can make you believe in absurdities can make you commit atrocities”
Voltaire (1765)
This is sadly part 2 of this topic, the first is here and was inspired by the politically motivated suicide of an Air Force member:
I have always been about reality, and so I will warn you if you are sensitive:
You Have Been Warned
As a history buff of the Vietnam War, I am familiar with self-immolation
While this is said to be suicide… it is quite literally murder – as much as I think euthanasia of people are. The recent self-immolations by the Air Force serviceman and the guy yesterday were suicides… and if someone doused them with gasoline, led a trail away from them and lit the trail – that person would be facing criminal charges. Plain and simple. Buddhist monk Thích Quảng Đức is doused… let me repeat that… is doused with gasoline by “team monks” during a protest demonstration in Saigon, on June 11, 1963
THE ATLANTIC has an article titled “Stop Glorifying Self-Immolation“ Here are some excerpts, and, it primarily is written with the Air Force kid setting himself on fire:
And RED STATE shows the hero worship of these potential mass killers. In my previous dealing 2-months ago, I noted this – adapted anew:
- The one positive that I can pull out of these two self-immolators, Aaron Bushnell & Max Azzarello, is, that at least they hurt themselves. It’s tragic. I wish someone could have been able to talk them out of it. But, hurting themselves versus hurting fellow service members or protestors to make a statement… I’m going with the the former. Much of the distorted view within the Left that radicalizes it is a narcissistic victim mentality, and this often leads to violence. So thinking through this, this morning, I would add that had the propensity to harm others as part of his statement based in lies and his egoism.
Again, Voltaire:
- “Those who can make you believe in absurdities can make you commit atrocities”
How did the media try and spin this? That he was a right winger… but MOONBATERY noted the following:
And the BEST post so far I have come across on the crazy guy can be found over at POST MILLENNIAL. They post readable pictures of the pamphlets the guy was touting when he burned himself. Here is one of the “political” grabs from Maxwell Azzarello’s REDDIT posts:
NOT THE BEE notes the media’s attempt to say this guy was a righty: “The media is out there right now hinting that the man who set himself on fire outside Trump’s trial in NYC is a Trump supporter himself.”
They go on to list similar points that the above sites do from his manifesto, like these:
One last thought, what rolled thru my mind when I saw him pictured with Newt Gingrich… leading some to speculate he was a Republican.
Max is wearing an “Eat the Rich” T-Shirt. I thought it was Ironic because he BBQed himself. After I thought that I thought the pain from this death into a second death — which is eternal seperation from God [more torment than mere flames] — must be unimaginable. And I praise God I do not have to imagine it.
And on that note I exit stage right.