Jon Stewart
Wearing Political Bias on Your Sleeve All the While Denying It (Jon Stewart)
DAvid Barton Made An Appearance on the Daily Show
The Whitest Gathering Since the John Stewart Rally~Krauthammer
O’Reilly versus Stewart
One of the most powerful media men talk about John Stewart’s take on life (his worldview)
(A Newsbusters h/t) Roger Ailes talks about his frank discussions with John Stewart:
Fox News boss Roger Ailes offered his (negative) opinion of liberal comedian-slash-“fake news” personality Jon Stewart in the overlooked opening of his interview with Howard Kurtz:
When Jon Stewart was appearing on The O’Reilly Factor a few weeks back, he stopped by Roger Ailes’ office for an hour-long chat about politics. “He’s obviously really, really smart,” the Fox News chairman says. “He openly admits he’s sort of an atheist and a socialist. He once told me he would’ve voted for Norman Thomas.”
Ailes was appraising the Daily Show star in a friendly, good-natured tone. But that tone changed when the conversation turned to Stewart’s continuous carping about the excesses of cable news: “He hates conservative views. He hates conservative thoughts. He hates conservative verbiage. He hates conservatives.”
There was more.
“He’s crazy. If it wasn’t polarized, he couldn’t make a living. He makes a living by attacking conservatives and stirring up a liberal base against it.”
I tried to interrupt.
“He loves polarization. He depends on it. If liberals and conservatives are all getting along, how good would that show be? It’d be a bomb.”
But Stewart played clips of MSNBC as well as Fox at his Washington rally last month, casting them as part of the “24-hour politico, pundit, perpetual panic conflictinator.” He says his concern is not the ideology of cable channels but the tone of the discourse.
“Oh, horses–t,” Ailes shot back. “Look what he does to Sarah Palin.” If Stewart wants to go after cable hosts for the entertainment value, fine, “but don’t give me a social speech on the steps of the Washington Monument. Don’t lapse into non-comedy.”
The Daily Show Is Catching On
HotAir h/t:
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Working Stiffed | ||||
100% of 9/11 Families Agree With Me~Bloomberg
On the Jon Stewart programs NY Mayor Bloomberg told Jon Stewart that one hundred percent of the 9/11 families agreed with him. Well, if you read how he worded it, you will see politics in action:
“And the family members that I’ve talked to – and I’m chairman of the board of the World Trade Center Memorial – 100 percent in favor of saying, ‘These people, if they want to build a mosque, can build a mosque. The lives of our loved ones were taken because the right to build a mosque or say what you want to say was so threatening to people.'”
Not to mention that in fact many of the 9/11 families are against this mosques chosen area (the red-herring is the Constitutional argument in this debate… no one is talking about that except those that want to obfuscate the issue):
Bloomberg also dismisses, as do others, the many, many Islamic faces that have come out against this mosque as well as the polls:
A recent CBS News poll found that 71 percent of respondents believe it is “not appropriate” to build the mosque a few blocks from Ground Zero, including a majority (57 percent) of Democrats. A Time poll found that 68 percent are following the issue “somewhat closely” or “very closely.” (NewsBusters)
Even though I disagree with the main point behind this following cartoon, it does make me smile as well — KEEP IT UP DEMS!
Jon Sewart’s Rant Is Perfect Example of Pulling the Proverbial LOG Out of One’s Own Eye
This is NewsBusters making me chuckle inside:
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
News Corp. Gives Money to Republicans | ||||
Of course Jon Stewart forgot something, money trails:
Comedian Jon Stewart on Wednesday bashed Fox News for parent company News Corporation’s $1 million donation to the Republican Governors Association.
Unfortunately, Stewart failed to inform his viewers that Viacom, the parent company of Comedy Central, has so far given disproportionately to Democrats this year.
Also missing in the “Daily Show” host’s attack of FNC and Glenn Beck was that News Corp. prior to this contribution had historically given more to Democrats than Republicans.
Such facts were unimportant Wednesday evening, for Stewart was on another in a long line of Fox News is the devil incarnate rants…:
If Stewart is indeed concerned with “following the money,” maybe he should look at the contributions by his own company.
After all, according to Open Secrets, Viacom’s Political Action Committee has so far this year contributed 62 percent of its money to Democrats and only 38 percent to Republicans (h/t Lachlan Markay):
[… see graphs at original story]…
…Beyond this, as NewsBusters reported hours before Stewart made his comments, prior to this $1 million donation, News Corp. had actually given 54 percent of its donations to Democrats and 46 percent to Republicans…
…(read more)…

FINALLY! Jon Stewart Talks About Alvin Greene
South Carolina Democrats decide they like the color Greene more than they like the color… this is uploaded to refurbish old video regarding Democrat Senate nominee in South Carolina. More can be gleaned from my 1st post detailing this at: “ALVIN GREENE: SOUTH CAROLINA’S DEMOCRATIC CONUNDRUM” — Jon Stewart archives HERE.

Jon Stewart On Helen Thomas
Helen Thomas, Dean of the White House Press Corps, and Jon Stewart of The Daily Show both approached the issue of the Israeli attack on the aid flotilla to Gaza Strip in very different ways and not just because one is a reporter and the other a comedian.
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