Islamo Fascism
Exposing radical Islamist preachers in Nashville,TN
Geert Wilders Gives a Speech In Toronto Canada
Watch Media Expunge Islamic Attempt to Bring Plane Down (yelled Allahu akbar 30-times)
Gateway Pundit notes the AP expunging of the chant. The AP reported:
Crew members and passengers wrestled a 28-year-old man to the cabin floor after he began pounding on the cockpit as an American Airlines flight approached San Francisco, the third security incident in a day on U.S. planes, authorities said Monday.
The man was yelling unintelligibly as he brushed past a flight attendant about 10 minutes before American Airlines Flight 1561 was due at San Francisco International Airport Sunday night, Sgt. Michael Rodriguez of the San Francisco police said.
A male flight attendant tackled the suspect, who carried a Yemen passport, and other crew members aided as the suspect banged on the cockpit door.
“He asked for help; a couple of passengers joined in,” Rodriguez told The Associated Press. “They were able to get him to ground and a flight attendant put him in plastic handcuffs.”
The Boeing 737 carrying 162 people landed safely at 9:10 p.m. and the man was taken into police custody.
He was identified as 28-year-old Rageit Almurisi. Though he carried a Yemen passport, it wasn’t clear if his nationality was also Yemeni, Rodgriguez said.
Update from LR:
Wright said al-Murisi never spoke to him directly but said “Allahu akbar” some more 30 times during the duration of the flight.
The mainstream media is still searching for a motive.
Osama a Progressive/Lefty?
This is some info that I sympathize with people on, and do not mind — and accept with all best intentions w– when someone responded to me, “Bin Laden Anti gay, pro fundamentalist religion! OMG, he must be a Republican!” I can understand where such a statement left on my Facebook comes from. I was amazed myself when I found out that Fred Phelps — of the Westboro Baptist Church/Cult — was a lifelong Democrat and ran for Democratic office many times. What elicited such a post on my Facebook? It was a linked article from Eric Dondero over at Libertarian Republican (A defunct blog, sadly):
Seems that the very worst suspicions about Bin Laden of conservatives and pro-defense libertarians may have just been confirmed.
More intelligence from his compound has just been released. We are learning that the Al Qaeda leader was a fan of AntiWar activists in the West, listened “constantly” to elitist liberal taxpayer-subsidized Western media, was vociferous in his anti-Capitalist views, and rooted for the Democrat Party in US politics.
From the NY Times “Bin Laden’s Secret Life in a Diminished World” May 8:
In 2007, he complained that Democratic control of Congress had not ended the war in Iraq, a fact he attributed to the pernicious influence of “big corporations.” In other messages he commented on the writings of Noam Chomsky, the leftist professor at M.I.T., and praised former President Jimmy Carter’s book supporting Palestinian rights.
(SEE ALSO: Osama’s tootsies: BBC, Chomsky, Carter and Democrats)
This is a tough subject for those who have not read on the topic… and… unfortunately they never may due to many of the authors being from a conservative point of view. This viewpoint (conservative) has nothing to do with the truth of the position of said authors. The reader must see for themselves if the facts used in the books are true or not. For instance, did American Leftists support the fascists in the build up to WWII? (Only later supporting Stalin in his “Stalinism”):
- The introduction of a novel term like “liberal fascism” obviously requires an explanation. Many critics will undoubtedly regard it as a crass oxymoron. Actually, however, I am not the first to use the term. That honor falls to H. G. Wells, one of the greatest influences on the progressive mind in the twentieth century (and, it turns out, the inspiration for Huxley’s Brave New World). Nor did Wells coin the phrase as an indictment, but as a badge of honor. Progressives must become “liberal fascists” and “enlightened Nazis,” he told the Young Liberals at Oxford in a speech in July 1932. Wells was a leading voice in what I have called the fascist moment, when many Western elites were eager to replace Church and Crown with slide rules and industrial armies.
Liberal Fascism, p. 21; more on this can be found in a post entitled, “Mussolini Defines Fascism: Does the Left = Communism? And The Right = Fascism?” Read more: RPT Margaret Sanger and the Racist History of Planned Parenthood (Black Genocide)
In another post that deals with this seemingly cultural/opposite ends is one that deals with homosexuality and the Muslim areas of the Middle-East, I end this post with this section trying to explain this seemingly oxymoronic positions held be progressives:
Is there a history of the New Left and this wanting of Islamo-Nazi type regimes that denigrate women and lift rape of young men to new levels? We read just a bit from David Horowitz’s intro of his book, Unholy Alliance:
A further irony of these complaints was that the shah had been, in fact, a modernizer who promoted education and the equality of women. His social progressivism was the very cause of the Islamic revolution that overthrew him. President Jimmy Carter’s liberal aversion to the shah’s authoritarian rule helped to undermine his regime and pave the way for the reign of the Ayatollah Khomeini and the Islamic revolution. While American radicals welcomed the revolution of the ayatollahs, their regime was far more reactionary and repressive than the government of the shah, and it both created and inspired the Islamic radicals who confront America as enemies today.
Why has the American Left made alliances of convenience with Islamic radicals who have declared war on the democratic West and whose own values are reactionary and oppressive? Why have American radicals actively obstructed the War on Terror, thereby undermining the defense of the democracies of the West? Why have liberals opposed Operation Iraqi Freedom, whose goals are the overthrow of tyranny and the establishment of political democracy and human rights—agendas that coincide with their own? Why have Democrats turned against the policy of regime change, which they had supported during the Clinton administration in both Kosovo and Iraq? Why has the Democratic Party declared political war on the president’s war and thus made foreign policy a point of partisan conflict for the first time since the end of World War II? What does this fracture of the American consensus mean for the future of America’s War on Terror?
These are the questions the current inquiry seeks to address. In doing so, it necessarily must confront others: What is the nature of the American Left? How does it think about the world? How did it come to ally itself with Islamic jihad? How significant is the threat posed by its opposition to the War on Terror? How powerful is its presence in the Democratic Party? What is its role in shaping the American future?
These are great questions. I think the book that answers them more fully in a short and concise manner can be found in the chapter entitled “The Red-Black-Green Islamic Axis,” in the book by Melanie Phillips — The World Turned Upside Down: The Global Battle Over God, Truth, and Power. While my small quote from Melanie does not do her thesis justice, it is a key connecting point in my minds eye:
These curious coalitions are frequently explained as merely opportunistic alliances, where certain groups make common cause with ideological opponents in pursuit of the shared aim of bringing down Western society. This explanation surely is only partly correct. What these various movements have in common goes much deeper: they are all utopian. Each in its own way wants to bring about the perfect society, to create a new man and a new world.
Each therefore thinks of itself as progressive; the supporters of each believe themselves to be warriors in the most noble of causes. The greens believe they will save the planet. The leftists believe they will create the brotherhood of man. The fascists believe they will purge mankind of corruption. And the Islamists believe they will create the Kingdom of God on earth.
What they all have in common, therefore, is a totalitarian mindset in pursuit of the creation of their alternative reality. These are all worldviews that can accommodate no deviation and must therefore be imposed by coercion. Because their end product is a state of perfection, nothing can be allowed to stand in its way. This is itself a projected pathology. As Eric Hoffer suggested in The True Believer, the individual involved in a mass movement is in some way acutely alienated from his own society, an alienation to which he is completely blind. Projecting his own unacknowledged deficiencies onto his surroundings, he thinks instead there is something wrong with society and fantasizes about building a new world where he will finally fit.” This belief that humanity can be shaped into a perfect form has been the cause of the most vicious tyrannies on the planet from the French Revolution onwards.
As Jamie Glazov notes in his book United in Hate, the totalitarian believer publicly denies the violent pathologies within the system that he worships. Privately, however, these are what drew him towards that system in the first place because he is aware that violence is necessary to destroy the old order so that utopia can arise from its ashes. Pretending he is attracted to “peace,” “justice” and “equality,” he actually stands for their opposite. He needs to empathize with the “martyrs” and the downtrodden in order to validate himself vicariously. The Third World, intrinsically noble since it is uncorrupted by the developed world, provides an apparently inexhaustible supply of such validation. That’s why the image of the Palestinian youth armed with only a slingshot touches the radical soul so deeply, and why the radical does not want to hear—why he even denies—the guns that are ranged just behind that youth as he throws his stones.”
Later, after following through with the history of the coining and idea behind the term “Westoxification,” she has a fabulous paragraph that puts in a pretty bow why the Progressive Left so often finds solace in these radical views you would think it would reject:
The Islamists committing mass murder in New York’s Twin Towers or a Jerusalem cafe really do believe they are fighting for justice and to bring about the Kingdom of God on earth. The communists and the fascists really did think they were ending, respectively, the oppression and the corruption of man. The environmentalists really do think they are saving the planet from extinction. The radical left really do think they will erase prejudice from the human heart and suffering from the world. And those who want Israel no longer to exist as a Jewish state really do believe that as a result they will turn suicide bomb belts into cucumber frames, and that they are moving in the way that history intended.
Mona Charen wrote a book dealing with this very issue of the Liberal Democrats during the cold war, an excellent book. Take note of the worldview difference that I build up to, and this is key to understanding why the Chomskies and the Zinns of the world as well as the organized revolutionary groups and unions have in common:
“With a President in disgrace, the antiwar Democrats in Congress could have their way. Starting with the 1974 budget, they refused to allocate another penny to Southeast Asia, and forbade US military action “in or over” Indochina. So much for the threat of air strikes to punish North Vietnamese violations of the peace treaty. It wasn’t enough that U.S. soldiers were out of it. The Democrats in Congress wanted the North Vietnamese to win. And they soon got their way.” …. “The victorious Khmer Rouge (Red Cambodians) rolled into Phnom Penh and began a systematic war on the entire population so savage that it almost defies description. Estimates of the number of dead range between 1.5 and 2 million out of a nation of 7 million. At least one million were executed and another million died of starvation and disease that were the direct consequences of government policy.” …. “Under Mao Tse-Tung, an estimated 65 million Chinese were killed by execution, torture, and starvation. Vietnam is held responsible for one million deaths. North Korea is believed to have murdered 2 million. And so the Cambodian ordeal stands out only in proportional terms. The Khmer Rouge were not qualitatively different from other Communists, but they were more rushed. Communists have often been called “socialists in a hurry.” The Khmer Rouge were Communists in a hurry.” …. “Right-Wing Isolationists of the 1930s had wished to keep America out of foreign entanglements on the grounds that we were too good for the world. Post-Vietnam liberal isolationists saw the world as too good for us.”
(Mona Charin, Useful Idiots: How Liberals Got It Wrong in the Cold War and Still Blame America First, pp. 48, 55, 65, 81.)
So, as these pieces come together you can see why someone like Osama can feel at home with the likes of revolutionary/leftist figures and groups and anti-war movements (which are really Marxist based of Islamo-fascist based – like the Palestinian movements or A.N.S.W.E.R.). Of course I have read the books I mention herein, so I am working from a knowledge base much different than your typical person, especially one who enjoys Chomsky’s and Zinn’s writings. Here is the entire chapter from Melanie Phillips books where she tries to explain the issue in whole: I highly recommend this book. As an agnostic, she has a fair view of this program the Left calls egalitarianism. This egalitarianism trumps their placatory stances on homosexuality, women’s rights, and the like.
Egyptians Burn Down the Two Biggest Christian Churches in Cairo-12 Dead-200 Injured
Two of Cairo’s largest Churches were burned to the ground last night by Salafist Muslim mobs. There are reports that the Egyptian Army stopped firefighters from entering the premises of one church until it was completely burned down. Other reports that the fires started by Muslim Youth throwing molotov cocktails.
As described the Seattle Post-Intelligencer (via the AP):
Muslim mobs set fire to a church and a Christian-owned apartment building in a frenzy of violence that killed 12 people and injured more than 200.
Muslim youths attacked a large crowd of Coptic Christian protesters…
Hours earlier, mobs of ultraconservative (sic) Muslims attacked the Virgin Mary Church [also known as the Hanging Church] in the slum of Imbaba on the opposite side of the Nile. The attack was fueled by rumors that a Christian woman married to a Muslim man had been abducted by the church. Residents said a separate mob of youths armed with knives and machetes attacked an apartment building several blocks away with firebombs.
ITALY: Muslim Man slashes throat of daughter 28 times,claims she was too Westernized
Egypt Quickly Falling to Extremists-BBC (pop music channel now broadcasting ideology)
The French Ban On Burqas Went Into Affect on Monday (Disturbing Video-Caution)
PARIS, April 11 (Reuters) – France’s ban on full face veils, a first in Europe, went into force on Monday, exposing anyone who wears the Muslim niqab or burqa in public to fines of 150 euros ($216).
A Muslim property dealer, who is urging women to keep wearing the veil if they want to, has urged supporters to go to Notre Dame cathedral in central Paris for a silent prayer during the day, and is also offering to help people pay the fines.
France’s five-million-strong Muslim minority is Western Europe’s largest, but fewer than 2,000 women are believed actually to wear a full face veil.
Many Muslim leaders have said they support neither the veil nor the law banning it.
The timing is all the more sensitive after France’s ruling political party, President Nicolas Sarkozy’s UMP, called a debate on the place of Islam in France, a move that some say risked stigmatising a portion of the population.
Police received a guide last week to help implement the ban. It tells them not to remove veils by force. It also notes that the ban does not apply inside private cars but reminds policemen such cases can be dealt with under road safety rules.
Rachid Nekkaz, the man who called for the Notre Dame prayer, said in a webcast that he was putting a property worth around two million euros up for sale to help fund his campaign.
“I am calling on all free women who so wish, to wear the veil in the street and engage in civil disobedience,” he said.
French police arrested 59 people on Saturday who turned up for a banned protest over the veil ban, one of them on arrival in France from Britain, according to a police spokesman. (Writing by Brian Love; Editing by Jon Boyle)
Remember, often times the wearing of these Burqas is forced:
Ivory Coast Explained-Fraud in Elections Via Ouattara
Here is also some commentary from Creeping Sharia on those many killed in the Ivory Coast:
Take note, Obama and the Ummah United Nations are behind Ouattara even though the winner of the election is in dispute. When it’s time to choose his poison, Obama always sides with the Muslim.
Update: Ivory Coast in chaos as ‘over 1,000 massacred’
Patrick Nicholson, of the Roman Catholic charity Caritas, said workers visited Duekoue last Wednesday and found hundreds of bodies of civilians killed by bullets from small-arms fire and hacked to death with machetes. He said they estimated that more than 1,000 civilians had been killed.
Nicholson, the Caritas spokesman, said the killings occurred over three days in a neighbourhood controlled by fighters loyal to internationally recognised president Alassane Ouattara, though it was not clear who the perpetrators were.
[This is]…the second source claiming no clue on who killed 1,000 people even though fighters loyal to the Muslim leader captured the town.
To catch the reader up on the issues in that part of Africa, one article explains why we find this tension growing:
A civil war began on September 19, 2002 due to several unresolved social, political, and military issues the government of the Ivory Coast had not proactively dealt with. One of the largest of these issues remains the increasingly grim “ethnic problem” that has led to violence around attempted pre-election periods. It is estimated that over 20% of the national population is of foreign descent, which has led to a national disunity concerning voting rights. The underlying problem of the voting rights issue is the indecision surrounding if foreigners, many from Burkina Faso, have the right to vote.
During the 30-year reign of Félix Houphouët-Boigny, ethnic tensions had been suppressed under the strong leadership of the government despite a growing influx of foreigners from other African nations. After Houphouët-Boigny, the nation struggled to integrate democracy into the fragmenting society largely due to a growing dislike of the “non-Ivoirity” population. Over the past several years, this term has been used as increasingly racist and is often used in the rampant nationalist, xenophobic politics to represent the population of the southeastern portion of the country, particularly in the capital of Abidjan.
As last century drew to a close, ethnic violence began to increase as the economy of the Ivory Coast continued to sink, forcing many urban workers to return to the growing fields that had originally made Ivory Coast a regional powerhouse. However, many of the farmers were immigrants from other African nations who had been drawn to the wealth of the Ivory Coast. This further exacerbated heightening tensions between ethnic groups, leading to frequent riots on plantation farms.
The final straw came before the 2000 elections, which required that both parents of any presidential candidate be born within sovereign territory of the Ivory Coast. This excluded northern presidential candidate Alassane Ouattara, a serious contender for the presidency from the race, who represented much of the immigrant community.
On September 19, 2002, northern troops mutinied and launched multiple attacks across Abidjan. By that night, much of the north was under their control despite a failure to take over Abidjan. French troops soon moved in to separate the two sides and evacuate expatriates. Despite a ceasefire soon afterwords, additional rebel groups appeared in the west of the country and fears of a nationwide security meltdown led to UN troops being deployed throughout the country. Sporadic violence has kept the Ivory Coast in a state of tension into 2010.
Currently, the international community is enforcing an arms and diamond embargo on the Ivory Coast, as well as freezing the assets of anyone standing in the way of peace.
Current Crisis Due to Multiple Unresolved National Issues
The failure of the shaky coalition government to deal with security issues, voting rights, and demobilization of the rebel group New Forces has created an environment that is not safe for free and fair elections to take place.
According to a judicial official, last week Ivory Coast investigators discovered evidence of “fraud” in a voters’ roll, triggering additional protests in the western town of Man, where the local court was ransacked by hundreds of angry civilians. The Independent Electoral Commission denied the allegations despite previous acknowledgements of major problems in providing fair elections. [see video near bottom]
According to news agency Reuters, on February 9, 2010:
“Rioters in western Ivory Coast burned down a local government building on Tuesday during a demonstration against the government’s handling of voter registration in a much delayed election. Witnesses said more than a thousand demonstrators marched through the city of Vavoua as local security forces tried unsuccessfully to disperse them by firing shots in the air…
Political tensions are rising as West Africa’s former economic giant looks set to miss another deadline for holding presidential elections needed to end years of political crisis…
President Laurent Gbagbo is locked in a row with electoral commissioner Robert Mambe, whom he accuses of trying to add around 430,000 names to the final voter list that were not properly vetted to check their Ivorian nationality.”
As violence and riots continue to mount, the spokesman for the ex-rebel group New Forces Sidiki Konate stated that the Ivory Coast is at a renewed risk for civil war:
“We have today in places a real danger to the peaceful coexistence of our communities. The communities are looking daggers at each other, ready to attack. The seeds of civil war are there, each one is already preparing its munitions.”
Such rhetoric, along with the ever-growing ethnic, political, and social issues such as:
- a government failure to deal with security issues
- voting rights
- demobilization of the New Forces
raises sincere concerns that not only will a national election be delayed yet again, but also that this time civil war could be resumed by it.
Election 2010 en Cote d’ivoire; la fraude… by blueteamci
Libertarian Republican has this update to how our Secretary of State is dealing with it (remember what Creeping Sharia said: Take note, Obama and the Ummah United Nations are behind Ouattara even though the winner of the election is in dispute. When it’s time to choose his poison, Obama always sides with the Muslim.):
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, quoted this morning by Fox News:
President Laurent Gbagbo to step down immediately,” she said. “His continuing refusal to cede power to the rightful winner of the November 2010 elections, Alassane Ouattara, has led to open violence in the streets, chaos in Abidjan and throughout the country… Gbagbo is pushing Cote d’Ivoire into lawlessness. The path forward is clear. He must leave now so the conflict may end.
One commenter humorously noted below the LR post that, “Now, FINALLY, Muslims will like us. Right?” One need only to read the headlines to know that Islam hate most of humanity. LR also has a story about Muslim Aligned Kenyan President wanting Gbagbo to step down. Here are some background posts to that one from LR:
- LR arcticle 2009 “New video surfaces Obama campaigning in Kenya for Raila Odinga”;
- LR article 2009 “More violence in Kenya: Muslim sect hacks to death 25 Chritian Villagers”;
- LR article 2008 “Obama’s ties to Radical Islam in his native Kenya”;
- LR article 2008 “Obama’s relative Raila Odinga linked to Ethnic cleansing in Kenya.”
A Trailer for a New Documentary About the Islamification in America
Creeping Sharia has this video and story leading up to the killing of a Marine on U.S. soil