
This comes via Jihad Watch:

The intrepid Paul Williams has a report in Canada Free Press (thanks to all who sent this in) about his visit to Islamberg, New York, a camp run by the jihadist Jamaat ul-Fuqra group. The inhabitants wouldn’t let him into the compound, but he talked to some of the locals, and found out a good deal:

Islamberg is not as benign as a Buddhist monastery or a Carmelite convent. Nearly every weekend, neighbors hear sounds of gunfire. Some, including a combat veteran of the Vietnam War, have heard the bang of small explosives. None of the neighbors wished to be identified for fear of “retaliation.” “We don’t even dare to slow down when we drive by,” one resident said. “They own the mountain and they know it and there is nothing we can do about it but move, and we can’t even do that. Who wants to buy a property near that?”

The complex serves to scare the bejeesus out of the local residents. “If you go there, you better wear body armor,” a customer at the Circle E Diner in Hancock said. “They have armed guards and if they shoot you, nobody will find your body.”

At Cousins, a watering hole in nearby Deposit, a barfly, who didn’t wish to be identified, said: “The place is dangerous. You can hear gunfire up there. I can’t understand why the FBI won’t shut it down.”

Islamberg is a branch of Muslims of the Americas Inc., a tax-exempt organization formed in 1980 by Pakistani cleric Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani, who refers to himself as “the sixth Sultan Ul Faqr,” Gilani, has been directly linked by court documents to Jamaat ul-Fuqra or “community of the impoverished,” an organization that seeks to “purify” Islam through violence.

Though primarily based in Lahore, Pakistan, Jamaat ul-Fuqra has operational headquarters in New York and openly recruits through various social service organizations in the U.S., including the prison system. Members live in hamaats or compounds, such as Islamberg, where they agree to abide by the laws of Jamaat ul-Fuqra, which are considered to be above local, state and federal authority. Additional hamaats have been established in Hyattsville, Maryland; Red House, Virginia; Falls Church, Virginia; Macon, Georgia; York, South Carolina; Dover, Tennessee; Buena Vista, Colorado; Talihina, Oklahoma; Tulane Country, California; Commerce, California; and Onalaska, Washington. Others are being built, including an expansive facility in Sherman, Pennsylvania.

Expose: The Islamic Society of Boston Mosques

Via Creeping Sharia

The Islamic Society of Boston mosques have been home to 11 members, including the Tsarnayev brothers, who are either dead, in jail, or on the run due to terrorist activity. Extreme Muslim leaders in Boston have established a blueprint to radicalize and brainwash America’s kids to become fighters…and this pattern is being replicated in communities all across the country.

6 Times the Administration Said Its Job Was to Promote Islam

Breitbart has this alarming post that makes you want to slam your head on your table:

On Thursday, White House press secretary Josh Earnest announced that the Obama administration would prioritize fighting Islamophobia in the aftermath of the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo in France. Never mind that most Westerners aren’t Islamophobic, but rather, GettingShotInTheFaceForExpressingMyOpinion-Phobic.

The real problem, according to the Obama administration, is lack of leadership in defending Islam:

There are some individuals that are using a peaceful religion and grossly distorting it, and trying to use its tenets to inspire people around the globe to carry out acts of violence. And we have enjoyed significant success in enlisting leaders in the Muslim community, like I said, both in the United States and around the world to condemn that kind of messaging, to condemn those efforts to radicalize individuals, and to be clear about what the tenets of Islam actually are.  And we’re going to redouble those efforts in the days and weeks ahead.

This, of course, is not the first time the Obama administration has discovered a duty to illuminate the inherent beauty and wonder of Islam. Over and over again, the Obama administration, in high culturally imperialist dudgeon, has attempted to explain to the world the true meaning of Islam.

Here are five other examples:

President Obama, 2009: Immediately upon taking office, Obama did an interview withAl-Arabiya in which he explained that his job as president encompassed apologizing to the Muslim world for evil America, and explaining to Americans that Muslims are the cream of the religious crop:

My job is to communicate to the American people that the Muslim world is filled with extraordinary people who simply want to live their lives and see their children live better lives. My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy.

If you forgot the provision of Article II of the Constitution that gives the president the authority to do outreach on behalf of Islam in the United States, that’s because it doesn’t exist. But don’t worry: Obama’s on the job.

President Obama, 2009: In speaking about Islam at Cairo University on June 4, 2009 – a speech to which the Obama administration invited the then-banned Muslim Brotherhood – Obama stated:

So I have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed.  That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t.  And I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear….

Read all of the defenses of the Obama administration of Islam.


The Left Is Bankrupt! The Latest Terror Attacks Show This

Liberalism blinds people to real evil.

Kohn Crazy

Here is Gay Patriots response to the above:

In response to this morning’s Mohammedan terror attack, Leftist Lesbian Media Person Sally Kohn asserts that Islamic terror is just as bad as Christian and Jewish terror.

Excuse me, sir… *what* Jewish and Christian terror are you referring to? Are the MFM in a huge conspiracy to cover up how militant Latter Day Saints have been firebombing performances of The Book of Mormon? Because I certainly did not hear anything about that.  Nor have I heard anything about Roman Catholics going on rampages because “edgy” artists get taxpayer grants to defile Christian iconography.

The truth is, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, and so forth do not systematically commit terroristic acts in retribution for alleged “offenses” to their religious sensibilities. They simply don’t. Nor are rare and isolated acts of violence condoned by the leaders of those sects.  But leftists are so fully invested in the dogma that Christianity is evil and intolerant, and Western Civilization is evil and intolerant, and Mohammedans are fellow victims of this oppression … they simply have to generate more lies to maintain the narrative; even if it requires total denial of reality.

But liberalism warps the logical mind. When one bases big decisions on emotive reasoning, such think such as the following is par-for-the-course:

 Another example is this latest one from the past Chair of the Democratic Party:

Idiot Democrats (Breitbart):

“You know, this is a chronic problem,” Dean said. “I stopped calling these people Muslim terrorists. They’re about as Muslim as I am. I mean, they have no respect for whatever anybody else’s life. That’s not what the Koran says. You know, Europe has an enormous radical problem. I think ISIS is a cult, not an Islamist cult. I think it’s a cult. I think you got to deal with these people.”

Here are some other PC headlines from around the world:

As usual the left leaning media will not blame Islam but instead free-speech and the West.

Multiple Terrorist Attacks in France (12-dead)

Idiot Democrats (Breitbart):

“You know, this is a chronic problem,” Dean said. “I stopped calling these people Muslim terrorists. They’re about as Muslim as I am. I mean, they have no respect for whatever anybody else’s life. That’s not what the Koran says. You know, Europe has an enormous radical problem. I think ISIS is a cult, not an Islamist cult. I think it’s a cult. I think you got to deal with these people.”


(Business InsiderFrench media outlet Metronews reports that there’s been a car explosion in front of a synagogue in Sarcelles, a city near Paris where two were two gunmen attacked the office of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo just hours earlier.

“The Future Must Not Belong To Those Who Slander The Prophet of Islam…” ~ Obama

(The Weekly Standard) WH Unsure Whether Murderous Rampage in France Is ‘Terrorism’ ~ ‘If based on this investigation it turns out to be an act of terrorism, then we would condemn that in the strongest possible terms, too’

(Jihad Watch) If they had mocked Jesus only, they would have been lauded and feted by the Western media and intelligentsia. Instead, they also mocked Muhammad, and were thus derided as “Islamophobic.” Now Islamic jihadis have murdered them, in accord with the death penalty for blasphemy in Islam. Will Hollande dismiss this as workplace violence, or even worse, will the Western elites sit back and say, “Well, they had it coming, they mocked Muhammad”? My money is on the latter.
