Election 2012
Not Radical Enough ~ Buyers Remorse
(h/t Verum Serum) What I want the “reader” (watcher) to note is that there is an undercurrent in the Democratic base that says Obama is not radical enough. Trust me, he is radical, but it is telling what the base of the Democrats REALLY want. Also, the “Obama” flag was donated to OWS, I will remind the reader about them after the video:
OWS Tally:
Overdoses, pushing conservative women down stairs, Molotov cocktails, urine and blood splattered on small business vendors, more ACORN connections, MLK’s niece comes out against movement, more antisemitism, OWS Leaders staying in $700 hotel; Gun and Ammo found (and rented truck); OWS yell at/threaten children; more rapes (a man and multiple women); White House shooter was at OWS for cover; child porn arrests; Arrested for public masturbation in front of kids; death toll reaches 7; lice, ringworm, super TB, lung issues (and probably STDs); a drama queen faking loss of pregnancy; tallied up to over $20-million in damages/clean up; 30-tons of trash picked up from L.A. occupy; L.A. Occupy was making weapons to use on police; Oakland occupy murderer arrested; still defacing the 9/11 memorial; Dems raise campaign money from… all while these groups support the movement; OWS block ambulance carrying stabbed police officer; block woman in wheel chair; 10-million[+] in Arson; occupy Israeli consulate; more ACORN connections & $$ behind Chicago “protests”; teacher unions busing in teachers; more deaths* ~ beaten to death; stabbed cop; leader of Rose Parade occupy convicted thief, 9-11 truther and former dem assembly politician; violent crime up 22% in D.C. connected with OWS; burn U.S. flags; D.C. McPherson camp – Rat-infested, Diseased, Meth-smoking, flying flags of Islamic Terrorists; L.A. Mayor has to lay off workers because of $COST$ of clean-up; Shut down ports, etc, etc, etc.
*(9 deaths, 5 found dead in tents, One found dead after 2 days – 2 murders – Tens of millions of dollars in damages, layoffs, vandalism, law breaking – Multiple Rapes – Thousands of arrests – Public masturbation – Feces)
Groups officially suporting OWS
• Communist Party USA
• American Nazi Party
• Ayatollah Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran
• Barack Obama (who received more donations from wall street than any other 2008 politician)
• The government of North Korea
• Revolutionary Communist Party
• David Duke
• Joe Biden
• Hugo Chavez
• Revolutionary Guards of Iran
• Black Panthers (original)
• Socialist Party USA
• US Border Guard (A Nazi group)
• The I.W.W. (Industrial Workers of the World)
• CAIR (A Muslim org. connected to terrorists in a Federal trial)
• Nancy Pelosi (who was one of the masterminds to regulate Fanny and Freddie to be forced to accept people who couldn’t afford housing loans to get them)
• Communist Party of China
• Hezbollah
• 9/11Truth.org
• International Bolshevik Tendency
• White Revolution
• International Socialist Organization
• PressTV (Iranian government outlet)
• Marxist Student Union
• Freedom Road Socialist Organization
• ANSWER (A George Soros Funded org)
• Party for Socialism and Liberation
• Weather Underground (a domestic terrorist group)
Michael Medved Quotes from Eric Dondero`s Article To Help Express Ron Paul`s Moonbattery
On Ron Paul: It’s still all about the Foreign Policy
“Racist” newsletters from Paul, stupid, silly, but real scandal is his opposition to Israel, and refusal to acknowledge Islamist attacks on America on 9/11
From KVUE TV – Austin, interview, late yesterday, “Former staffer weighs in on Paul foreign policy, newsletters”:
Dondero disagrees with Paul’s foreign policy of non-intervention and military disengagement, and he accuses the congressman of nearly voting against the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan after the September 11 terrorist attacks.
“I saw the parade of radical Islam, I saw that these people killed 3,000 of my fellow countrymen and I saw my boss sit there and just, shrug his shoulders,” said Dondero. “I can’t see any mainline Republican voter supporting Ron Paul at this point.”
Machosauce Does Ron Paul
guy who called Newt an `A-Hole` a Democrat
Gateway Pundit has this about the abusive DEMOCRAT (go figure) who called Newt Gingrich an asshole:
…UPDATE: Yup. He’s a democrat. This is what Tom Sorensen wrote about Sarah Palin last year.
I don’t like what Mike Sweet writes most of the time, but his piece on Sarah Palin was right on. She was chosen because she was a female in order to get women to vote for the GOP. Didn’t work. Until the GOP gets its act together they won’t win anything. If they ever do get it together I hope it’s after that old senile Grassley loses next year.
Iowa City
Busted. Tom Sorensen is just another abusive unhinged democrat. Don’t look for the media to report on this
I Hope This Is Our Next Prez!
Newt, the Man
Shame On Us If History is Repeated
Herman Cain Muck Being Drudged Up-Ann Coulter Responds (Updated with Cain`s Statement)
(Gateway) The most damning part of the report, which is not well sourced, seems to be that Mr. Cain made “physical gestures” that weren’t sexual in nature, but made the women uncomfortable:
There were also descriptions of physical gestures that were not overtly sexual but that made women who experienced or witnessed them uncomfortable and that they regarded as improper in a professional relationship.
~ The Other McCain is following this in-depth. The Other McCain is honest in his posting one of his latest update: Herman Cain’s spokesman J.D. Gordon’s call in to Jeraldo did not go well, see his post on it. He wonders if Perry is the source? If Perry is, he is done.
“I have never sexually harassed anyone, let’s say that. Secondly, I’ve never sexually harassed anyone, and yes, I was falsely accused while I was at the National Restaurant Association, and I say falsely, because it turned out, after the investigation, to be baseless. The people mentioned in that article were the ones who would be aware of any misdoings, and they have attested to my integrity and my character. It is totally baseless, and totally false, never have I committed any sort of sexual harassment,” Herman Cain told FOX News about claims from Politico that he was involved in the sexual harassment of two former employees.
Here is a video from The Other McCain: