GOP Takeover of Congress = Death Knell of the Species (Chomsky)

GATEWAYPUNDIT posts this video of Noam Chomsky:

Following the link to THE DAILY CALLER, Chomsky is referring to the scare tactics of the left while using scare tactics to describe the right:

The problem? The new members of Congress aren’t on board with the theory of anthropogenic global warming.

“One of the reasons is because they’re global warming deniers,” he said. “Almost all – that means the powerful House committees, like science and technology and so on, are in hands of people who think there’s nothing to it – or at least claim that they think that, but what they actually think is another story.”

He pointed toward the United States’ stature in the world as to why it means the entire downfall of humanity.

“If this was happening in some small country, in you know maybe Monaco or something, it wouldn’t matter much, but when it’s happening in the richest, most powerful country in the world – it’s a danger to the survival of the species,” Chomsky said. “Nobody else is going to do much if the United States doesn’t do a lot, not just some but take the lead. So we’re essentially saying let’s kiss each other goodbye.”

When Leftists Take Over

Big Governnment has this story about a commercial which I saw but didn’t pay attention to some of the eco-green slant of the company since it has been run by the government and large portions of the company handed over to the unions. Good catch.

….The brand that used to compare itself to Baseball, Hot-Dogs, and Apple Pie is no longer content to just make reliable vehicles, it is now as green as a wheatgrass and algae smoothie.

For instance, in the following commercial: Chevy isn’t just building cars anymore, it’s “investing” in windmills, and planting trees.

This is the kind of business model that you get when Leftists take over. Before 2008, GM just tried to make cars that people would buy, for a little more money than they cost to build. Now, they have to plant a forest.

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California Nanny State Begins Anew

Libertarian Republican has this update on California and its role in limiting business, jobs, and freedom.

New Regs: Ban on Trans-Fats; Mandatory Food Hand-outs at Farmers Markets; strict “Green” Building Codes; Prison sentence for Parents who school kids at Home; Rapists, Murderers, Child Molesters set free if they have a “disability.”


■AB 97 bans the use of trans-fats in food facilities.

■AB 537 will make food stamps an acceptable form of payment at farmers markets through an EBT process.

■SB 1317 allows the state to slap parents with a $2,000 fine if their K-8 child misses more than 10 percent of the school year without a valid excuse. It also allows the state to punish parents with up to a year in prison for the misdemeanor.

■AB 715 makes a change to the California Green Building Standards code. The change will require new California buildings to be energy efficient.

■SB 1399 allows California to medically parole state prison inmates with physical incapacitating conditions and ultimately shifts some of the cost of care to the federal government.

Liberals seem to be at a loss in regards to what are freedoms worth mandating. They outlaw clove cigarettes but SB 1449 makes the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana an infraction with a penalty of a $100 fine.

California Cap-n-Trade Set to Hurt the Middle-class and Poor

HotAir brings to the attention of all of its hot-heads this story that affects all Californians:

Via Blue Collar Philosophy:

California regulators Thursday are expected to adopt the nation’s most comprehensive carbon trading regime, creating a market-based way to lower greenhouse gas emissions at a time when similar efforts have stalled in Congress.

The program is the centerpiece of the state’s 2006 global warming law, which aims to slash carbon dioxide and other planet-heating pollution to 1990 levels by 2020. That would amount to a 15% cut from today’s level.

The cap-and-trade system “will help drive innovation, create more green jobs and clean up our air and environment,” said California Air Resources Board Chairwoman Mary D. Nichols, adding that it “provides flexibility” to industry and takes “into consideration the current economic climate.”

The ambitious program would cap most of the state’s greenhouse gases, including those from more than 600 power plants, refineries, cement plants and other big factories. It would allow companies to buy and sell emission allowances among themselves to reach an overall goal of cutting planet-warming pollutants 15% below today’s levels by 2020.

Well, states are the laboratories of democracy. An imposition of cap-and-trade would allow the rest of the country to see how well it works to lower carbon emissions, and just how much it “drives innovation” and “provides flexibility.”  The only innovation this will likely produce will be the relocation of energy producers to neighboring states.  Los Angeles, for instance, buys a significant amount of its power from Arizona, a trend that will likely intensify as the cost disparity for producers grows as a result of regulatory growth and mandated caps on production.  Welcome back to rolling blackouts when energy production fails to grow with demand.

Nor will that be the only impact on California’s economy.  The costs of cap-and-trade will get passed to consumers in the form of higher energy bills.  As has been repeatedly shown, that will have a deeply regressive impact on California’s poor and working class.  They will either have to spend more of their smaller discretionary funds on energy or cut back, forcing them to spend less on energy-consuming products and damaging the retail economy in California even more.  Those who can move will relocate to other states, mainly the middle class, which will accelerate a trend already seen in California.

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CO2 Insanity explains how this new regulatory increase in California that effects us all, especially the poor.

Sure it’s pretty but people and businesses are already moving out and it will get worse when this kicks in and everyone’s wallets start getting drained more than they already are. You can go here and read up on it if you want to.

Want a clue on how bad it already is? According to The Tax Foundation…..

California’s business climate ranks 49th out of 50 states (57 if you’re President Obama)(Soon to be 50!)

California’s top income tax rate is 4th highest in the nation (Soon to be #1)

California’s sales tax rate is the highest in the nation (See? We’re already #1)

As far as the Feds go we give up $1.00 and get 78 cents back, meaning we support other ‘vampire’ states. (THAT’S what that donor thing on my driver’s license means!)

Federal OSHA isn’t good enough, we get to support a redundant Cal-OSHA

Federal EPA isn’t good enough either, we get to support the California Air Resources Board giving us the ‘privilege’ of paying more redundancy. (They’re the ones that employ people with mail-order PhD’s and overestimate diesel pollution by 340% so they can screw us more than they already are)

Now thanks to the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bill Gates, James Cameron and other eco-loons, we failed to get enough voters with brains to reign in AB32 (actually, based on the last election, having enough voters with brains in California appears to be a statistical impossibility).


In a very short time everything you buy will suddenly cost more because just about everything and anything you buy uses power generated by fuel or electricity to be manufactured or delivered.

Your gas and electric bills will be rising because the gas and electric companies will now have to buy permits from the state and/or reduce their pollution. Think PG & E or Edison are going to eat this? If you do you’re dumber than a rock. And don’t give me that BS about the wind turbines and solar panels being subsidized because it’s your money (called taxes bonehead) that’s subsidizing it. Absent that no one would be installing them because they’re either unprofitable or they’d have to charge you $10,000 a month to turn the lights on in your home to pay for them.

Those higher power charges will result in  ALL businesses in California having to raise the price of what they sell. Grocery stores, car dealers, restaurants, motels, hotels, movies, hospitals, doctors, lawyers, Indian Chiefs and everyone else in the state will have to either eat the rate increases or charge YOU more to make up for it. Guess which one’s going to happen?

Everything you buy is delivered by trains, planes, trucks, or steamships. They all run on diesel, gas or aviation fuel. Think they’re going to eat it? Nope! They’ll  apply a fuel surcharge to everything including your airplane tickets to make up for the additional charges from the refineries so they can pay for their permits to pollute or invest more money to reduce their pollution. That money doesn’t grow on trees greentards! YOU get to pay for it.

Want a new house? Well wait until the price of lumber, nails, screws, roofing, stucco, cement, tile and everything else used in construction goes through the roof.  That house that was a million last year will soon be a lot more.

Retired? I’d suggest you move to another state as soon as possible before a) you run out of money b) you can’t find anyone to buy your house because they’re all broke and c) the price to move out will be out of site because your mover spends 5 fortunes a year on diesel fuel for his trucks.

Think about it, even your crab will cost more once this starts because those boats run on diesel engines, they don’t row out to the Farallon Islands anymore folks. You can watch the price of your cable TV, cell phones, auto repairs, furniture, clothing, appliances and EVERYTHING go up.

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Who Said It? (Find the Radical)

Pictured above to the left, thanks to Big Peace, is the Discovery Network hostage taker/environmental extremist, James Lee. To the right we have Obama’s Science Czar, John Holdren. And I want to play a bit of a game, and it is – WHO SAID THAT. It is straight forward and simple, for instance, who said this:

Civilization must be exposed for the filth it is.  That, and all its disgusting religious-cultural roots and greed.  Broadcast this message until the pollution in the planet is reversed and the human population goes down!  This is your obligation. (source)

If you guessed James Lee, you would be correct. It should be, after that quote, pretty obvious who said this then:

Such a comprehensive Plenetary Regime could control the development, administration, conservation, and distribution of all natural resources, renewable or nonrenewable…not only in the atmosphere and oceans, but in such freshwater bodies as rivers and lakes…The Regime might also be a logical central agency for regulating all international trade…The Planetary Regime might be given responsibility for determining the optimum population for the world and for each region and for arbitrating various countries’ shares within their regional limits…the Regime would have some power to enforce the agreed limits. (source)

If you guessed James Lee… you would be WRONG. You see, Holdren believes a world government might play a moderate role in the future: setting and enforcing appropriate population levels, taxing and redistributing the world’s wealth, controlling the world’s resources, and operating a standing World Army. He went on to say on page 917 of the book he wrote that “security might be provided by an armed international organization, a global analogue of a police force…The first step necessarily involves partial surrender of sovereignty to an international organization.”

Who’s the radical? One can hold a few hostages in a Discovery Channel building, thet other can hold the entire country hostage through Cap n’ Trade and other eco-fascist legislation that sneaks by the purview of the American public via the Obama admin EPA. Have you always wondered how to pray about a President… I mean we are always told we should pray for the leaders. You can pray by petitioning our Lord that these radical ideas stemming from flawed worldviews that wish to replace Him on high and put man in the center of the universe [rather than God] not stand in His wake. And if they do stand, that it is His will working towards a just end… and that you worry for the souls not only in leadership but you pray that these rebellious persons hear the clarion call and submit to God in ways never before realized in their lives. That what I pray when I pray for my leaders.

Unfortunately, Obama’s Czars are pretty much all like the above example. If you do not realize how Marxist values are being promulgated (at least in legislative attempts so far) against us/the world, you can see it in Holder’s recent actions:

He detailed the mechanism for global socialism just two years ago. In a February 2007 report of which he was a coordinating lead author, urges the United Nations to undertake “a global framework” that is “more comprehensive and ambitious” than the Kyoto Protocol. Holdren states the UN must mandate “A requirement for the early establishment of a substantial price on carbon emissions in all countries, whether by a carbon tax or a tradable permit approach.” Although he prefers a global carbon tax presided over by a United Nations-strength IRS, he is open to a stringent global cap-and-trade program. However, that program must contain: “A means for transferring some of the revenue produced by carbon taxes upon, or permits purchased by, countries and consumers with high incomes and high per capita emissions to countries and consumers with low incomes and low per capita emissions” (source)

This is one of the most foundational positions in Marxism. Redistribution of wealth. Again, Who Is the Radical?

Some older posts on Holdren:

Eco-Fascist Killed After Taking Hostages

The co-founder of Greenpeace, Patrick Moore, said something that I think rings just as true as when he said it:

“I now find that many environmental groups have drifted into self-serving cliques with narrow vision and rigid ideology…. many environmentalists are showing signs of elitism, left-wingism, and downright eco-fascism. The once politically centrist, science-based vision of environmentalism has been largely replaced with extremist rhetoric. Science and logic have been abandoned and the movement is often used to promote other causes such as class struggle and anti-corporatism. The public is left trying to figure out what is reasonable and what is not.” (Old Post)

Moonbattery makes a great point about when this nuts eco-fascism started:

….When a moonbat starts barking about “saving the planet,” anyone he bites should be tested for rabies. How did this kook get such crazy thoughts in his head?

Lee reportedly said he began working to save the planet after being laid off from his job in San Diego. He said he was inspired by “Ishmael,” a novel by environmentalist Daniel Quinn and by former Vice President Al Gore’s documentary “An Inconvenient Truth.

Discovery Communications is about as ecomoonbatty an outfit as you will find. One of its channels even runs “Whale Wars,” a program dedicated to glorifying the terrorist activities of sociopathic hippy pirates who sabotage whaling vessels. But to a moonbat, moonbattery could never go far enough.

Happy, Prince Albert? Your global warming crisis has finally claimed a victim.

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Here is part of the news from CBS:

(CBS News) A radical enviornmentalist who took three hostages at the Discovery Channel headquarters while wearing what police may be explosives was shot and killed by officers, police said.

The gunman, identified as James Lee, was killed by police following four hours of negotiations but the hostages are all safe, said Montgomery County Police Chief J. Thomas Manger.


In a rambling manifesto on Lee’s website, believed to have been written by Lee, the writer rails against “disgusting human babies,” “parasitic infants,” and says people should “disassemble civilization.” The manifesto also calls on Discovery to “broadcast to the world their commitment to save the planet.”

Click here to read excerpts of the manifesto on James Lee website

….The building, which houses the offices of Discovery Channel and its sibling networks including Animal Planet, is located just outside Washington DC.

Lee operates the Web site and was arrested in 2008 following a demonstration held at Discovery’s headquarters. Lee was found guilty of disorderly conduct.

According to a post on his Web site, Lee said he was thrown “in the nut house” for four days following his arrest.

Lee has been demanding a boycott of Discovery Channel since at least 2008.

On his website, Lee posted a rambling manifesto under the title “My Demands,” which espouses a far-radical environmentalist and misinthropic philosophy and calls on the channel to cease programming about giving birth, war and weapons.

“The planet,” he wrote, “does not need humans.”

The document, which appears to have been created on July 17, is interspersed with references to esoteric philosophers, childish language, misspellings, and capital letters.

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