Ezra Levant of TheRebel.media issues an appeal to “my fellow Hebrews,” making the case for a Donald Trump presidency. (More)
Donald Trump
Trump’s First Political Ad
Professor Peter Navarro Discusses Trump’s Economic Policies
Professor Peter Navarro (business professor at the University of California-Irvine – his books are here) is one of the specialists informing Donald Trump on his trade policies. This was a very informative interview and I plan on watching the documentary mentioned in this interview.
This conversation took a big step in elucidating me on the issue. I wish I could have heard a response to us (the U.S.) manipulating our currency and why this is an issue that I haven’t heard dealt with. In other words, if it is bad and really unlawful for China… why not us?
Trump v. Trump
The David Duke thing was great!
Dan Bongino Goes Renegade on Don Lemon
Dan Bongino, The Renegade Republican, was at a loss that the media at CNN were treating this as a DEFCON 1 issue.
WESTERN JOURNALISM makes notes of the exchange:
…The former Secret Service agent said no calls for violence against Clinton were implicit in Trump’s statement. He explained that the GOP nominee was directing his comments to “one-issue voters” who support the Second Amendment.
Bongino said, “It’s clear he’s trying to motivate people to go out and vote based on the potential for an open Supreme Court seat. How that’s clear to you that was some kind of call to an open revolution and to start firing your weapons at public officials, is utter absurdity.”
Lemon fired back asking, “As someone who’s running for leader of the free world, shouldn’t he be as clear in his words as possible?”
Bongino answered, “We can disagree about how imprudent he worded that, but to suggest that he was calling to violence means to me that you came into this with the idea that, ‘Donald Trump was calling to violence, let me make the case afterwards.’ You didn’t come into this with a clear and open mind.”
Lemon declared, “You’re lying to the American people and you know that you’re lying to the American people.”
“Right, I’m lying, Don,” Bongino answered sarcastically…
For more of Dan Bongino’s stuff, see here:
★ Conservative Review: https://www.conservativereview.com/authors/dan-bongino
★ His blog is here: http://blog.bongino.com/
★ Make sure to follow him on Twitter: https://twitter.com/dbongino
Media Hysteria Relegates Trump to Godfather Status
Dennis Prager touches on Donald Trumps poor use of the English vernacular to express his poor thinking. The bottom line is that Trump should stay on script and (b) we shouldn’t allow the media to form the narrative. One comment on another video on this topic reads:
I wish to reword this a bit myself:
➤ “Hillary wants to abolish – essentially abolish – the Second Amendment. If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the NRA and other pro-second amendment groups could continue the fight. But if Hillary gets to appoint judges for the Court, that would be a horrible day.”
Did Trump Call For An Assassination of His Rival?
HotAir comments on Dan Rather’s rather obnoxious indignation:
Before continuing, not how the story is presented, and then see Kayleigh McEnany rightly note the correct view of what Trump said:
Using the Left’s logic, however, we see that Hillary called for the assassination of Obama in 2008 (POWERLINE!):
Khizr Khan vs. Trump | Skagg3
Hillary Clinton’s Racist Comments About Mexico And Mexicans
If Trump is racist for saying it… why not Hillary? Hhmmmmm?
Clinton Cash (Movie) and Campaign Donor List! [+ More]
The following is with a h-t to YOUNG CONSERVATIVES, and comes by way of THE FEDERALIST PAPERS!
Take note that if you combine the above with this… you have in the Democratic Party EVERYTHING the Republicans are accused of. An example:
From maligning and subverting others in the race (GOP or Democrat), from taking bribes, to making bribes… what has happened here in the primary is a giant leap ahead of what Democrats accuse George Bush of doing in Florida. Florida is chicken feed to what was revealed from these leaked DNC emails. On the DNC Convention floor, Bernie signs were confiscated, they censored the California delegation with “white noise speakers” and “reserving” the seats. It is worth noting that the woman behind this original censoring in the leaked DNC emails, stepped down because of this activity… to only be immediately hired by Hillary’s campaign. I would also posit that this almost Orwellian censoring at the Democrat Convention has Debbie Wasserman Schultz finger prints all over it.
Republicans are rightly called “the stupid party” (read here Donald Trump) and the Democrats are called “the evil party” (read here Hillary Clinton).
I would rather be part of the Stupid Party.
Trump and Alzheimers?
Just a small political not. I did a search this morning on an idea I have had for about a week now. I have posited the idea that Donald Trump could be suffering from the early stages of Alzheimer’s. I found out his dad, Fred Trump, suffered from it late in life… and we know this disease can be passed on through a mutation in the genes:
I watch speeches by Trump, and especially the most recent one I uploaded a critique of. When I did this search online, all I could find [for the most part] are left wing “Daily Kos”/”Slate” type sites saying this. Many included racism in their posts. I have already posted a refutation of the “most” racist thing people say Trump said. So, I wanted to get on record here (7-24-2016), noting that an early onset of dementia may explain Trump’s behavior.
I merely wanted to divorce the crazy leftist blather from the more reasonable assertion that this may be the case. I can see the headlines now… “the GOP nominated a man in the throes of dementia.” To which I would respond that that is still a better choice than Hillary. (Like the similar response regarding Rush Limbaugh: “even on drugs Rush is right.”)
“…So Here We Are” ~ Gay Patriot