After being denied the same grace to paint a D.C. street with their message, two attendees of the Students for Life event highlighting their “Black Preborn Lives Matter” campaign were arrested for supposed defacing of public property…with children’s sidewalk chalk.

Nothing “Peaceful” About These RIOTS | Hodge Twins (BONUS Added)
Coleman Hughes BONUS

Ex-Police Chief Bernard Kerik Notes NYC Priorities

Black Lives Matter (Michelle Malkin Investigates – 2017)
(Originally aired 2017) The self-appointed leaders of Black Lives Matter say all they want is for people to know more about the high-profile murders of black men and women at the hands of police offices. But there’s a not-so-hidden agenda behind this Marxist-inspired revolutionary war on our peace officers.
- This clip is from her original show aired in 2017 with CRTV, but it might as well have been produced today because everything she exposes in this clip is being manifest full throttle right now. As usual, this feisty little conservative firebrand is right on target! (FREEDOM FORUM)
Many good intentioned Americans have updated their social media status and purchased products to show support for #BlackLIvesMatter. But do they really know the radical leanings of the official organization?
We take you along to meet the self proclaimed marxist founders of Black Lives Matter and unpack some of their extreme leftist views.

“Burn Down This System” Chair of BLM for N.Y. (Larry Elder)
The chair of Black Lives Matter for Greater New York said recently on Fox News, “If the country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system.” He said he could be speaking figuratively or literally, saying “it’s a matter of interpretation.” To help assess these statements, Larry Elder takes a look at some of the demands from the group.

“All Lives Matter – Period” – Grandfather of Murdered 11-year Old
11-year old Davon McNeal was murdered on the 4th of July. Six other children also lost their lives from senseless acts of violence that day. Davon’s grandfather has a message to Black Lives Matter: ALL LIVES MATTER. This is about people – period. It is not a black versus white issue, it’s about COMMUNITIES standing strong and helping each other build. We all have to live, work, play in the same community. There is no room for riots, anarchy, or murder in our streets. Lawlessness is not the American way and defunding the police will only expand our problems
11 year old Davon McNeal was shot and killed on The Fourth of July in his Washington DC neighborhood. Davon was one of 6 black children killed in shootings this month. Their lives matter. Benny Johnson travels to the heart of Davon’s community to find out if residents ACTUALLY WANT to “Defund The Police” Every single Leftist should listen to these hurting Americans.

Convicted Terrorist Sits On Board of BLM Fundraising Arm
(Via 100% FED-UP) A convicted terrorist, Susan Rosenberg, she sits on the Board of Directors for the fundraising arm of Black Lives Matter.
She was convicted for the 1983 bombing of the United States Capitol Building, the U.S. Naval War College and the New York Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association.
Rosenberg was released from prison after serving 16 years of her 58-year prison sentence when Bill Clinton commuted her sentence on his last day in office.
Bernard Kerik spoke to Tucker Carlson about Rosenberg’s history and his concern that this Marxist is at it again:

Black Lives Matter Is Anti-Christian (Part 2)
(PART ONE is linked as well as PART 1.6)
Black Lives Matter is now protesting churches in New York!
Here is a sermon that a mentor sent me — keep in mind there is a volume warning, the pastor is impassioned at times (via FACEBOOK):
[fbvideo link=”” width=”690″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]

God’s Law or Chaos (Anti-Christian PART 1.6)
(This is PART ONE POINT SIX of an “anti-Christian” series. PART ONE and TWO can be viewed, respectively)
Watch this powerful new sermon from Apologia Church. Dr. James White and Jeff Durbin both preach to the congregation about the recent events, #BlackLivesMatter, #Marxism, and #Communism. Don’t miss this vitally important message and be sure to tell someone about it!
What’s so controversial about Black Lives Matter? Shouldn’t everyone, especially Christians, agree with this phrase? Of course. Unfortunately, though, it’s much deeper than simply a phrase or statement. Black Lives Matter is an organization that Christians need to understand, especially when it comes to this important question: should Christians support Black Lives Matter?

Hodge Twins | Black National Anthem

Sports Anchor Marcellus Wiley Slaps the NBA W/Reason
Speak For Yourself’s Marcellus Wiley explained why it’s a bad idea for the NBA to paint Black Lives Matter on the court or to put the message on jerseys, and he totally nailed it. (Via RIGHT SCOOP)

Larry Elder On The “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” Lie (Plus, FLASHBACKS)
Did you know: the fraudulent narrative was SO PERVASIVE that even #BlackLivesMatter was founded on this very lie.
“Hands Up. Don’t Shoot.” NEVER HAPPENED
You’ve been manipulated. Here’s the truth behind the Ferguson Lie.
- Correction: 1:33 Michael Brown was 18, not 19.
Michael “the Gentle Giant” Brown’s toxicology report is out… and it suggests hallucinations. This would explain well the erratic behavior some (like the Rev. Al “Not So Sharp” Sharpton) in the above clip have issue with. Here is some info from CONSERVATIVE TRIBUNE (now Western Journal):
…Eyewitness testimony has already confirmed that Brown did not have his hands up when he was shot, and the recently released county autopsy report indicates the same. In addition, forensic tests proved that Michael Brown’s blood was present on Wilson’s gun, uniform, and interior car door panel, corroborating his statement that the two struggled for control of Wilson’s gun in the car.
Now the toxicology report has been released, and it, too, puts another nail in the coffin of the liberal narrative surrounding the Brown shooting, according to The Washington Post.
“Jurors have also seen the St. Louis County autopsy report, including toxicology test results for Brown that show he had tetrahydrocannabinol, the active ingredient in marijuana, in his system,” the paper reported on Thursday.
“The Post’s sources said the levels in Brown’s body may have been high enough to trigger hallucinations,” it continued.
It’s only speculation, of course, but hallucinations could account for some of Brown’s reportedly irrational behavior that day, including his attempt to take a gun away from a trained police officer.
The race hustlers, or at least some of them, will undoubtedly portray this report as further evidence of the conspiracy to deny justice to Michael Brown, as if exonerating Wilson were a perversion of justice, rather than its necessary outcome — assuming, of course, that when all the facts are in, Wilson’s story remains credible….