Obamacare `Success` Story (e.g., Propaganda)

Reality and the re-Tweeting of Chad’s “success” story (see WaPo for instance) are two different things. The first being is that he is paying a lot more (Washington Examiner):

American media outlets were finally able to track down a mythical creature — a person who actually signed up for the Obamacare exchanges online.

But that person, Chad Henderson, admitted to the Washington Post that the premium for the plan he enrolled in was $175. Ouch! Wasn’t Obamacare supposed to lower premiums?

Henderson’s going to pay a $175 premium and he won’t even receive vision or dental insurance. He has contacts, so not having vision insurance is kind of a bum deal.

Henderson, as far as we know a healthy, 21-year-old college student at Chattanooga State Community College who lives in Flintstone, Ga., and works part-time at a day-care center, did not qualify for tax credits to purchase insurance, according to the Post.

Without Obamacare, Henderson could have received health insurance for as little as $44.72 on eHealthInsurance.com, according to Michael F. Cannon of the Cato Institute.

“I can’t yet say whether Chad’s $175 premium is the lowest-cost plan available to him through the Obamacare Exchange,” Cannon said. “[I’m in the process of researching that, and it’ll probably take a few hours.] But it’s probably close.”

Thanks to Obamacare’s community-rating price controls that take effect in 2014, Henderson’s cheapest plan option on eHealthInsurance jumped up to $190.23.

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See Twitchy!

The above shows something else in Chad’s “success” story. HotAir has this:

…Rothman was convinced they would properly vet The Only Man In America With ObamaCare Exchange Insurance … at least until he wasn’t:

Chances are you will soon be hearing the name Chad Henderson and his heroic story of enrolling successfully in a health care exchange. His is a saga of hope and redemption. If Chad can do it, maybe the millions of other healthy young people needed to sustain this program can too.

UPDATE: It turns out Henderson’s knowledge of OFA was not the result of his astuteness or political acumen. According to his LinkedIn profile, he is a current OFA volunteer. Maybe those many media outlets who spoke with him will make note of this seemingly relevant fact.

OFA? You mean Organizing for America, which spent the last year stuffing e-mail inboxes with an avalanche of missives about just how easy and wonderful ObamaCare would be?  That OFA?

It’s not just OFA, by the way, but also his past record of Democratic Party activism that the media should have noted.  Henderson either is now or recently has been the President of the Walker County Young Democrats, depending on how updated his LinkedIn summary is.  Shouldn’t that have been disclosed along with the miracle of his successful registration this week?

But hey, the mainstream media has lots of editors and fact-checkers.  I’m sure they’ll get around to it. (via Doug Powers at the Boss Emeritus’ place).

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Propaganda Busted!


Busted! Media’s Obamacare Poster Boy Chad Henderson Never Purchased An Obamacare Health Insurance Plan

The media’s poster boy and Organizing For America’s volunteer, Chad Henderson, admits he never signed up for an Obamacare plan.  Enroll America praised Chad as someone who had successfully purchased insurance coverage on HealthCare.Gov. Washington Post spoke with Chad’s father who said he did not believe Chad signed up for healthcare coverage.

Seymour Hersh, a Leftist Reporter Who Railed Against Bush, Says Obama Lies Systematically and Media Covers for Him

Newsbusters has this great blurb on a left leaning

Even a radical leftist like Seymour Hersh thinks the media are obsequious toward President Obama. In an interview with the leftist U.K. paper The Guardian, Hersh said “It’s pathetic, they are more than obsequious, they are afraid to pick on this guy.”

Hersh claims the Obama administration “lies systematically,” yet none of the leviathans of American media, the TV networks or big print titles, challenge him:

▼ “It used to be when you were in a situation when something very dramatic happened, the president and the minions around the president had control of the narrative, you would pretty much know they would do the best they could to tell the story straight. Now that doesn’t happen any more. Now they take advantage of something like that and they work out how to re-elect the president.”

The big difference is that Hersh was a “mainstream” media star during the Bush years when he was warning of a dangerous rogue president. Good luck finding him now when he’s singing the same song about Obama. Hersh now claims he has a big scoop coming on the takedown of Osama bin Laden:

▼ Don’t even get him started on the New York Times which, he says, spends “so much more time carrying water for Obama than I ever thought they would” – or the death of Osama bin Laden. “Nothing’s been done about that story, it’s one big lie, not one word of it is true,” he says of the dramatic US Navy Seals raid in 2011….

Ted Cruz vs. Wendy Davis and `Media Bias 101`

Via Dylan Byers of Politico:

Sen. Ted Cruz has been speaking on the Senate floor for almost 19 hours, as of this post. The talk is not technically a filibuster — he can’t actually block the Senate from going about its business — but symbolically, it’s more or less the same thing. The point is to show one’s opposition to something through a demonstration of physical will.

Which is why you can forgive conservatives for being upset with the mainstream media’s coverage of the Cruz affair. When a Democrat like Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis filibusters against abortion restrictions, she is elevated to hero status, her tennis shoes become totems. When Cruz grandstands against Obamacare, he is a laughingstock in the eyes of many journalists on Twitter, an “embarrassment” in the eyes of The New York Times editorial board.

“Gee I wonder why NYT and WaPo and everyone else gave ecstatic coverage to Wendy Davis but not to Ted Cruz. I just can’t make sense of it!” John Podhoretz, the conservative columnist, tweeted on Wednesday morning.

Yes, the difference between filibustering and grandstanding plays a part. Equally important is the fact that Cruz’s theatrics are frustrating members of his own party. But, part of the disparity in coverage is due to the fact that the mainstream media, generally speaking, don’t admire Cruz the way they admired Davis — or rather, they admire him only insofar as he makes for tragicomic theater, whereas they admired her on the merits.

Cruz is portrayed in the media as “aimless and self-destructive” (NYT ed board), elitist (GQ) and likely guided more by presidential aspirations than principles (CNN). Josh Marshall, the editor and publisher of Talking Points Memo, had no qualms about coming right out and calling Cruz, his former Princeton colleague, an “arrogant jerk” — and worse.

These portrayals may be accurate or inaccuarate — Cruz certainly has an elitist strain and he certainly has political ambitions. But that’s not the point: The point is that the coverage of Cruz has been critical, and in some cases unforgiving, from the outset. At least initially, Davis wasn’t viewed through a critical lens at all. Her willingness to stand for 11 hours was evidence of the American dream in action. Period.

After Davis’s filibuster in June, she got a glowing Vogue profile and was interviewed by nearly every major network and show that deemed her the new superstar from the Lone Star. 

In an interview shortly after her filibuster in June, CBS News’s Charlie Rose highlighted Davis’s history.

“You’ve met tough things before in your life as single mother, one who went form community college, to TCU to Harvard Law School and back to practice law, so this seems to be another challenge for you,” Rose said.

Davis was the “Sunday Spotlight” for ABC’s This Week after the filibuster and was interviewed by Jeff Zeleny in the dinner theater where Davis once waitressed….

Sea-Ice Update, No Media Coverage (Except Fox)

Via Breitbart:

You would think that the recent news about how Global Warming might not be real would be reason to celebrate in every corner of the media; Whoo-hoo we are not doomed! Oddly enough, though, except for some obligatory reporting about Arctic sea ice recovering to levels not seen in 35 years, and the news that the planet actually is not warming, the media almost seem to be covering this good news up.

Arctic ice and global temperatures were once big national news, at least when the trends moved the other way. Thus far, though, the media don’t seem too interested in the latest science on these very same topics–not even in this important study that shows humans are not to blame.

Howd`ya Like This Guy as Your Professor?

Via Gateway Pundit:

David Guth, a professor at the University of Kansas’ journalism department, Tweeted out a sick message to the world after Monday’s Navy Yard shooting.  He hopes that the children of NRA members are killed by the next crazed mass murderer.  And he calls it “God’s justice” on “misguided miscreants”.  Equally appalling is that the University stands behind its sick professor who wishes death on children.

An afterthought ~ Using the professors logic, couldn’t someone similarly posit that if the NRA “caused” these deaths, then God is working mysteriously? In other words, the profs later position backfires on him. It [his position] becomes incoherent, or, self-refuting… taking any moral high-ground he thought he was safe camping out on.

More Viewers Turned to Fox News for NAVY Yard Shooting News Than CNN, HLN, and MSNBC

Via Breitbart:

After years of shrill bias and embarrassing bungles, CNN long ago lost its crown as the Most Trusted Name in News, especially during major national events. Monday, during and after the horrific mass-shooting at the Navy Yard, America once again proved that true. Fox News trounced its competition in both total viewers and 25-54 demo viewers:

Total Viewers during primetime:

FNC: 1.541 | MSNBC: 673 | CNN: 852 | HLN: 297

Demo viewers during primetime:

FNC: 324 | MSNBC: 190 | CNN: 288 | HLN: 133

During the total day, the results were virtually identical:

Total viewers:

Total day: FNC: 1.601 | MSNBC: 541 | CNN: 922 | HLN: 321

Demo viewers:

FNC: 334 | MSNBC: 150 | CNN: 303 | HLN: 129

It is also worth mentioning that while CNN, CBS, and NBC have taken varying amounts of criticism for factual errors during their respective coverage, Fox News has received none.

Could You Imagine This Type of Support from O`Donnell for Bush ~ Me Neither

O’Donnell schooled by chess-player:

From video description:

On MSNBC’s The Last Word on September 16, after former chess champion and Russian political activist Garry Kasparov charged that President Obama had “blown up [the] reputation of his office” by allowing Russian President Vladimir Putin to talk him down from his “red line” warning against Syria, host Lawrence O’Donnell tried to argue that Obama had not really lost face since he never specifically promised military action, even though the President warned of “enormous consequences” if chemical weapons were used.

Kasparov called out O’Donnell’s spin: “Now, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I think, I agree that that was the goal, and that’s why President said, “red line.” I understand that red line means that if somebody crosses red line, then you act and don’t talk anymore.”

READ MORE: http://mrc.org/biasalerts/msnbcs-odonnell-gets-schooled-garry-kasparov-obamas-red-line-waffle

Take note the agreement does not include biological weapons:

NAVY Shooter, Gun-Free Zones, 2nd Amendment Examples (CAUTION! the last video is GRAPHIC!)-UPDATED! NO AR-15 (two pistols & Shotgun)

Gateway Pundit posts a great short comment about the NAVY yard shooter:

More than 40 federal agencies are armed to the teeth, including the Library of Congress, the Federal Reserve Board and the EPA.  But our military on military bases? Nope.

That fact is not lost on David Codrea at Gun Rights Examiner:

“While authorities are trying to piece together exactly what happened and who, if anyone besides dead named shooter Aaron Alexis was involved in today’s massacre at the Navy Yard in Washington, D.C., one fact is indisputable. The killer(s) took advantage of a “gun free zone” at not only the facility, but one that extends throughout Washington. D.C.

(Full exchange can be seen here)

UPDATE! Piers Morgan looks like an ASS! In the above video he says an AR-15 was and purchased in Virginia. What a dope!

Thanks HOT AIR!!!

Breitbart talks Clinton and “gun-free” zones:

It hasn’t always been the case that only MPs can carry firearms on U.S. military bases. A mere twenty years ago, “gun free zones” made their way to these facilities under the watch of President Bill Clinton.

According to a Washington Times editorial written days after the Nov. 5, 2009 attack on soldiers at Fort Hood, one of Clinton’s “first acts upon taking office… was to disarm U.S. soldiers on military bases.”

Clinton’s actions birthed Army regulations “forbidding military personnel from carrying their personal firearms and making it almost impossible for commanders to issue firearms to soldiers in the U.S. for personal protection.”

In other words, thanks to Clinton, citizens who join the military to use guns to defend liberty abroad cannot practice their constitutional right to keep and bear arms while on active duty at home.

As the Times editorial board put it: “Because of Mr. Clinton, terrorists would face more return fire if they attacked a Texas Wal-Mart than the gunman faced at Fort Hood.”

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