Is Trump “Nasty” (Larry Elder | Mark Levin)

People jump at the media’s headlines, hook and sinker. I start with Larry Elder (till 7:20) dealing mightily with the London Mayor and his attacking of OUR President. I have uploaded in the past Mark Steyn discussing London Mayor, Sadiq Khan (YOUTUBE). I likewise have posted on this pseudo-Jihadist in the past (The MSM and #NeverTrumpers Join Forces in “Wooden” Literalism). This is what the Londanistan Mayor said:

  • “Donald Trump is just one of the most egregious examples of a growing global threat,” declared Khan, “The far right is on the rise around the world… Viktor Orbán in Hungary, Matteo Salvini in Italy, Marine Le Pen in France and Nigel Farage here in the UK are using the same divisive tropes of the fascists of the 20th century to garner support,” he claimed, warning that they are “using new sinister methods to deliver their message.” — Sadiq Khan of Trump

Then Mark Levin (7:20) wallops the media for the “nasty” quote in the interview with Trump. The MSM loves narratives against Trump, but as soon as Trump is out of office, CNN and MSNBC will be struggling bigly. This is what Trump was responding to:

  • “[H]is misogynistic outbursts and attacks on journalists, minorities and anyone else perceived as an enemy drive a good number of people to conclude that he is a dangerous man to hold so much power” — Meghan Markle of Trump

A great ONE-TWO punch from Larry Elder and Mark Levin! For a good post on the issue, see LEGAL INSURRECTION.

The NYTs Rehashed Old News As New News (Trump Taxes)

Rush Limbaugh does a great job in comparing New York Time’s articles from 2016 to this story (2019), as well as the news coverage from those years. He ends the show with the first season of Apprentice, which aired in 2004 — where Donald admits to being dead broke at one point, a billion+ in the hole. It is soo funny what people glom-on-to. I add the opener video to The Apprentice to the beginning, but keep just the audio to Rush’s ending. (“I won, bigly…” This line has always cracked me up! Who says that? Trump does, that’s who.)

See my previous uploads on this here:

Paul Krugman Steps In It (Again)

Another Fail by the Left’s “economist” (see my TAG for all the posts on Krugman via RPT) — via TWITCHY.


Remember when Nobel Laureate economist Paul Krugman made the call two and a half years ago now that global stock markets would collapse because of newly elected President Trump? The political novice and general societal delinquent would trigger a recession, Krugman wrote in The New York Times. The only thing triggered was Krugman himself and countless others who have been predicting the Apocolypse since November 2016(FORBES)

Even if he’s a one-term president, Trump will have caused, directly or indirectly, the premature deaths of a large number of Americans. Some of those deaths will come at the hands of right-wing, white nationalist extremists, some will come from failures of governance, like the inadequate response to Hurricane Maria. Some will come from the administration’s continuing efforts to sabotage Obamacare. BUT THE BIGGEST DEATH TOLL IS LIKELY TO COME FROM TRUMP’S AGENDA OF DEREGULATION.

Yes, doomsday is truly upon us. We’re all being led to the slaughter by a tangerine-hued Antichrist. An evil scum-bucket hellbent on putting lead in our tap water and denying us the skyrocketing premiums under Obamacare. This is all our fault for having to audacity to believe in individual rights.

According to lefties like Krugman, a centralized government is the only thing which can save us from ourselves. We must dispense of our individual desires and prostrate ourselves at the altar of the almighty state. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more wimptastic doucheburrito dying to be told what to do (STEVEN CROWDER)

Krugman predicted in 1998 that the Internet would have little effect on the economy and commerce, with “no greater impact than the fax machine”. That’s Paul, always out for laughs, endless entertainment.

In 2003, he claimed California’s taxes are “now probably below average”, when California’s taxes were then ranked eighth-highest among 50 states, and headed higher. In 2010, Krugman falsified a quote by Newt Gingrich, deceived his readers about Obamacare by misrepresenting data contained in a report he quoted, and in 2011 praised Veterans Affairs Administration as a triumph of “socialized medicine”. Krugman ignored the glaring truth about U.S. debt in 2014 by calling it “distinctly non-alarming”.

When America’s oil-fracking industry started up, he predicted that the U.S. was going to be “just a bystander” in global energy markets. In 2012, “Wrong-Way” Krugman opined that the soon-to-default economy of Argentina will be “a remarkable success story”. He predicted in 2015, “the Puerto Rico story is one (that will) fall well short of utter disaster”, and said what will save their economy is “the saving grace (of) big government” (BIZPIC)

Another MSM Story Down in Flames

If there was one thing I have learned over the years of attacks against Bush over eight years, and now Trump… the rule of thumb is to wait about a week (or more) for the truth of the situation to come out. This is a prime example. Many who have a visceral hatred for Trump immediately jump on the band wagon [just like BDS, Bush Derangement Syndrome — there is TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome]… and… the below meme is a prime example.

During conversation with a Facebook friend about a meme posted regarding the Dianne Feinstein with Attorney General Bill Barr, I linked the FULL exchange to the exchange. After some talk, the below meme was posted:

Not a day after he posted the above, a writer I check in with daily had this post, entitled: “NBC NEWS MAKES CORRECTION TO TRUMP-PUTIN STORY.” In it she notes:

After incorrectly reporting that President Trump had discussed former White House counsel Don McGhan’s potential testimony in the House with Russian President Vladimir Putin, NBC News was forced to issue a correction:

CORRECTION (May 3,2019, 1:51 p.m. ET): An earlier version of this article incorrectly included one topic that White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Presidents Trump and Putin discussed on Friday. They did not discuss the possibility of former White House counsel Don McGahn appearing before Congress. Sanders was answering a question from reporters about whether McGahn would testify before Congress.

HILARIOUS. I bet “unnamed sources” are at the center of this story. You can add this to the TRUMP IS CHUMMY WITH PUTIN conspiracy the Left and NeverTrumpers have:

Secretary of State Michael Pompeo said the U.S. has a full range of options available to help oust Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and didn’t rule out “ultimately” using military action on top of diplomatic, political and other pressure points.

“We’re preparing those for him so that when the situation arises, we’re not flat-footed,’’ Pompeo said on ABC’s “This Week,” one of three scheduled appearances on Sunday morning political shows.


Trump on Friday said Russian President Vladimir Putin assured him he isn’t seeking to “get involved” in the crisis, although Pompeo and National Security Adviser John Bolton both said earlier in the week that the Kremlin talked Maduro out of leaving Venezuela after U.S.-backed Guaido attempted to end his regime by calling for a military uprising.

“The president has made clear, we want everyone out, and that includes the Russians,” Pompeo said.


The Washington Post Steps In It Again #FakeNewsHeadline

Larry Elder dismantles the Washington Post’s VERY misleading headline, “Mueller Complained To Barr About His Summary Of Russia Probe.” You have to read to the 13th paragraph to read this:

  • nothing in the Attorney General’s March 24 letter was inaccurate or misleading



I added some video of Ted Cruz, as well as James Evans Jr. (JJ from the CBS television series Good Times) — WHY YOU ASK — because when “the Sage” acted out Bill Barr calling Mueller, it reminded me of this. I add Stewie Griffin from Family Guy for good measure in my “video ‘added emphasis’.”

When “Spying” Was Acceptable To The MSM

NEWSBUSTERS notes well how the current media blames the use of “spying” as a “right-wing” term. Except, just weeks ago they were using it handily…

Cable news talking heads suffered a collective conniption on Wednesday at Attorney General William Barr’s continued use of the word “spying” in reference to an FBI informant in the Trump campaign. Yet many of those melting down over this so-called “loaded language” had previously (repeatedly) used that same term in reference to the FBI’s surveillance of former Trump campaign official Carter Page.

On the day of Barr’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, CNN law enforcement analyst Josh Campbell did his best to explain precisely why everyone was suddenly treating “spy” like a curse word. “It’s only used to refer to what foreign governments do to us, for example when you’re trying to stop foreign spies, foreign threats,” he pontificated as the panel nodded approvingly.

Over at MSNBC, host Brian Williams was evidently appalled by Barr’s chosen terminology:

Obviously, what we just saw there was an attempt by [Senator] Sheldon Whitehouse to nail down this Attorney General on the charge of shilling for the President who appointed him. Spying, being a word preferred by the Trump right-hand side of the media to describe authorized surveillance techniques by the government the United States.


Chris Cuomo Gets A Civic Lesson from AG Michael Mukasey

Chris Cuomo Gets A Civic Lesson from Attorney General Michael Mukasey On TV:


Cuomo apparently didn’t know the attorney general of the United States had the authority to decide whether charges should be filed, or he was being supremely disingenuous. “[W]hat your friend did is not just by the book. He took it on himself to decide this rule. He didn’t have to do that,” he bitterly declared.

Continuing his crusade against Attorney General William Barr, Cuomo wrongly stated that the special counsel was “separate from the DOJ” and insisted Congress had the power to indict.

Mukasey had to undo the damage Cuomo was doing to his audience and called his host out for misleading people:

MUKASEY: Of course he had to do it.


MUKASEY: Who was going to decide if we were going to indict or not?

CUOMO: Congress, as a political matter. Leave it to them.

MUKASEY: They decide whether to impeach or not. They don’t decide–

CUOMO: And Mike, you’re skipping the big point, which you taught me about very early on.

MUKASEY: That is the big point.

CUOMO: They can’t indict him. That is the opinion from the OLC so there’s nothing to decide on that level. It’s purely political. It always would be.

MUKASEY: Congress doesn’t indict. Congress can impeach.

CUOMO: I’m using it as just a metaphor here.

MUKASEY: But you’re misleading a lot of people.

After Mukasey had to explain all the other ways Special Counsel Robert Mueller could have taken action against the President if he had the goods, Cuomo put on his rhetorical tin foil hat and accused Barr of being part of a cover-up:

CUOMO: AD Barr didn’t need to do it for that reason. He needed to do it to protect the President. That’s why he did it.

MUKASEY: Protect the President from what? When he can’t be indicted?

CUOMO: From criticism in the open question and giving Congress that kind of momentum. That’s why he did it.

MUKASEY: Oh, come on.

CUOMO:That’s why he did it. That’s why he wrote the letter the way he did. That’s why he gave the press conference the way he did. That’s why he misled us to what the report would look like the way he did…..

“This is the end of my Presidency. I’m ‘effed'” (Trump)

Larry Elder goes over the media’s portrayal of Trump saying he is fucked: “Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.” AS IF Trump was meaning connections between he and Russia were about to be found out were the reason driving his exclamation.

Larry reads through some headlines and then dives into the full quote.

  • Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked. Everyone tells me if you get one of these independent counsels it ruins your presidency. It takes years and years and I won’t be able to do anything. This is the worst thing that ever happened to me. (WASHINGTON EXAMINER)

He then plays some Lawrence “socialist” O’Donnell to continue the point. The Sage finishes with an analogy to Trump being accused of saying “there are good Nazis and bad Nazis,” so-to-speak.

Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theories Obliterated (Glenn Greenwald)

Here are the areas (plus a little more) that Larry was reading from, via GLENN GREENWALD:

THE TWO-PRONGED CONSPIRACY THEORY that has dominated U.S. political discourse for almost three years – that (1) Trump, his family and his campaign conspired or coordinated with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election, and (2) Trump is beholden to Russian President Vladimir Putin — was not merely rejected today by the final report of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. It was obliterated: in an undeniable and definitive manner.

The key fact is this: Mueller – contrary to weeks of false media claims – did not merely issue a narrow, cramped, legalistic finding that there was insufficient evidence to indict Trump associates for conspiring with Russia and then proving their guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. That would have been devastating enough to those who spent the last two years or more misleading people to believe that conspiracy convictions of Trump’s closest aides and family members were inevitable. But his mandate was much broader than that: to state what did or did not happen.

That’s precisely what he did: Mueller, in addition to concluding that evidence was insufficient to charge any American with crimes relating to Russian election interference, also stated emphatically in numerous instances that there was no evidence – not merely that there was insufficient evidence to obtain a criminal conviction – that key prongs of this three-year-old conspiracy theory actually happened. As Mueller himself put it: “in some instances, the report points out the absence of evidence or conflicts in the evidence about a particular fact or event.”


All criminal investigations require a determination of a person’s intent, what they are thinking and what their goal is. When the question is whether a President sought to kill an Executive Branch investigation – as Trump clearly wanted to do here – the determinative issue is whether he did so because he genuinely believed the investigation to be an unfair persecution and scam, or whether he did it to corruptly conceal evidence of criminality.

That Mueller could not and did not establish any underlying crimes strongly suggests that Trump acted with the former rather than the latter motive, making it virtually impossible to find that he criminally obstructed the investigation.

THE NATURE OF OUR POLITICAL DISCOURSE is that nobody ever needs to admit error because it is easy to confine oneself to strictly partisan precincts where people are far more interested in hearing what advances their agenda or affirms their beliefs than they are hearing the truth. For that reason, I doubt that anyone who spent the last three years pushing utterly concocted conspiracy theories will own up to it, let alone confront any accountability or consequences for it.

But certain facts will never go away no matter how much denial they embrace. The sweeping Mueller investigation ended with zero indictments of zero Americans for conspiring with Russia over the 2016 election. Both Donald Trump, Jr. and Jared Kushner – the key participants in the Trump Tower meeting – testified for hours and hours yet were never charged for perjury, lying or obstruction, even though Mueller proved how easily he would indict anyone who lied as part of the investigation. And this massive investigation simply did not establish any of the conspiracy theories that huge parts of the Democratic Party, the intelligence community and the U.S. media spent years encouraging the public to believe.

Those responsible for this can refuse to acknowledge wrongdoing. They can even claim vindication if they want and will likely be cheered for doing so.

But the contempt in which the media and political class is held by so much of the U.S. population – undoubtedly a leading factor that led to Trump’s election in the first place – will only continue to grow as a result, and deservedly so. People know they were scammed, that their politics was drowned for years by a hoax. And none of that will go away no matter how insulated media and political elites in Washington, northern Virginia, Brooklyn, and large West Coast cities keep themselves, and thus hear only in-group affirmation while blocking out all of that well-earned scorn.


“Fancy Lawyer” Drop Kicks MSNBC Hosts On Obstruction/Collusion

Jay Sekulow, President Trump’s personal attorney, tells Ari Melber and Nicolle Wallace that he received an early version of the Mueller report on Tuesday, confirming that AG Barr provided a version of the report to both the White House and The President’s defense attorney days before providing anything to Congress.

More from the DAILY CALLER (hat-tip DAN BONGINO):

“My first question, I’m afraid, is going to verge on plain English,” Williams began. “Where did the attorney general get off with that characterization this morning, including four mentions that there was no collusion? What document was he reading, compared to the one we’re left with?”

Sekulow responded, “Well, page two of the document says, ‘The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign coordinated with the Russian government in its election of interference activities.’ So it’s right from the document itself.”

“Have you read part one?” Williams retorted.

“I have read part one and part two,” Sekulow added.

Williams shot back, “Do you find good news in here for the president and the administration?”

“The investigation—page 181—the investigation did not establish the Contacts described in volume one—that’s the Russian contacts—amounted to an agreement to commit any violation of federal criminal law, including foreign influence and campaign finance laws,” Sekulow followed up. “Yes, I think it’s very good win.”……


Denying Spying and Defending It (Mathews vs. Todd)

Circling the wagons around Obama has begun…

Despite mounting evidence that the FBI pursued an array of efforts to gather intelligence from within the Trump campaign — and the fact that the FBI successfully pursued warrants to surveil a former Trump aide in 2016 — House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., told Fox News that Barr’s loyalties were compromised….

PRO-TIP: If the FOX video plays automatically, there is an off switch in the settings gear to turn it off

I commented on my Facebook about this on my Facebook, and it was in response to Chuck Todd (Chuckles) saying this (h-t, NEWSBUSTERS):

By-the-by… while Chuckles is denying it, Chris Matthews is leading the defense of it:

Here is my response to Chuckles:

  • Let me just say that for Chuck Todd to call what Barr said a conspiracy theory when Mark Levin pieced it all together from leaks reported in the Washington Post, the New York Times, and other mainstream (so called) sources in March of 2017, noting then that this operation had been going on a year — mentioning FISA warrants, spying, and the like…. shows just how out of touch Todd is with evidences he would normally accept (WaPo and NYT) if not for Levin (over 2-years ago) and Barr (today).

Here is the (March 5th 2017) video of Mark Levin using MSM sources:

Chuckles should do some soul searching. The latest news of course is this — via SARA CARTER:

PRO-TIP: If the FOX video plays automatically, there is an off switch in the settings gear to turn it off

Svetlana Lokhova, the Russian historian at the center of Michael Flynn investigation for ‘alledge contacts with Russians’, told Fox News in an exclusive interview with Catherine Herridge, that she is not a Russian spy and that she thought “there’s a high chance that is was coordinated, and believe it needs to be properly investigated.”

Here is Hannity’s show from yesterday… And he spoke of the BAKER TESTIMONY a bit: