Garlic Festival/Walmart Shooter Bio’s (Updated w/ Ohio Shooter)

To start out, I wish to quote someone I refer to as a “Cyber Friend,” a good thinker and lover of our Constitution.

The intense emotional reaction and grotesque ignorance during and following a mass shooting is PRECISELY why our Founders made the USA a Constitutional Republic, not a Direct Democracy — Bruce Carroll

Yep. This and other bios I post here are not to blame others, but to merely counter what I see on Leftists and Democrats (and now #NeverTrumper) social media saying these are Republicans killing people. Or that Trump or the GOP caused this. Dumb! I have been tracking with this lie since Dubya’s Presidency. You want to stop killing? Take all the guns away from Democrats and Leftists… and almost all the killings in the United States would stop. Here is a quick accounting of the three before we get into the weeds:

Let me be clear, as I link below and here… most of the political violence, murder, and hatred I have seen since I have been paying attention is from the Left. Here is another example:

Okay. It is sad, but unfortunately I have to update my “CRAZED GUNMEN BIO’S” section with some of the latest. Now tell me, do these guys sound like Republicans? (The OHIO SHOOTER update is below.)


First… the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooter, Santino William Legan. Prior to the shooting he posted three items on Instagram. One was this post:

For someone who is part Iranian, and to memorialize this man, Ali Asghar Vahabzadeh, is saying something:

  • An Iranian source told that anybody who idolizes Ali Asghar – Legan’s grandfather’s namesake – would view themselves as a Shia zealot to Islam. (LAURA LOOMER)

JIHAD WATCH throws water on the “jihadi” idea, but notes the proclivity of the media to leave out certain associations (empasized):

He railed against “Silicon Valley white twats,” so it’s unlikely that he was a white supremacist, contrary to establishment media claims. BUT ALTHOUGH HE HAD MATERIAL ON JIHAD, HE DOESN’T SEEM TO HAVE BEEN A COMMITTED MUSLIM, OR A MUSLIM AT ALL; he is more likely to have been a hate-filled individual with a thirst to do people harm than a committed jihadi.

In any case, it is characteristic of the establishment media to ignore the Islamic material that Legan had and play up the white supremacist material, as you can see in the SFGate’s headline.

[HEADLINE] Report: White Supremacist Materials Found In Gilroy Garlic Festival Shooter’s Home 


Federal law enforcement sources told the Chronicle that the makings of “massive attack” were found in the Walker Lake, Nevada rental home where the shooter was staying. Among the items found were a gas mask, “numerous” hard drives, a bulletproof vest and “READING MATERIAL ON WHITE SUPREMACY AND RADICAL ISLAM.”….

Not only that, but the book that, but the book Santino William Legan supposedly referenced and may have been in his possession is “Might Is Right or The Survival of the Fittest.” This book was written by a late 19th-century/early 20th-century Nietzschean Social Darwinist who worshiped the “strong man,” had anarchist sympathies, and despised Judaism and Christianity, which he thought were religions for the weak.

I also wish to note that the “Muslim” ties do not diminish the radical pre-war Germany reading list. Mein Kampf is a best seller in Arabic speaking countries. Here is a question and a response in a forum discussing this:

This article from the Telegraph makes the claim that Adolf Hitler’s infamous manifesto, Mein Kampf is a bestseller in the Palestinian territories:

AN Arabic translation of Hitler’s Mein Kampf which has become a bestseller in the Palestinian territories is now on sale in Britain.

This BBC article describes the book being a bestseller in Bangladesh:

Adolf Hitler’s autobiography manifesto Mein Kampf is selling as well as Dan Brown’s latest novel, The Lost Symbol.

The street vendors in Dhaka are found at every major road junction and intersection.

Most of the sellers are young boys and many compete with beggars to attract the attention of motorists.

This WND news piece goes even further and claims that Mein Kampf is a standard Arab textbook.

Are there any bestseller lists in Muslim countries that show that the book has become a bestseller in Muslim countries in the past 20 years?

According to the Middle East Media Research Institute’s Special Dispatch No. 48, Hitler’s Mein Kampf In East Jerusalem And PA Territories:

Mein Kampf “is sixth on the Palestinian best-seller list”. This was back in 1999, and supports the claim of the BBC article in the OP which is from 2002.

Though the title in the OP generalizes to “Muslim countries”, there is no corresponding claim referenced in the OP. Instead there is just one claim about the Palestinian territories and one claim about Bangladesh.

In India, which is essentially in a 3-way tie with Indonesia and Pakistan for the largest Muslim population, Mein Kampf has also been selling well according to Indian business students snap up copies of Mein Kampf. However, the article makes associations with Hinduism rather than Islam.

The article further states:

India is not the only country where Mein Kampf is popular. It has been a best-seller in Croatia since it was first published in while in [T]urkey it sold 100,000 in just two months in 2005. In Russia it has been reprinted three times since the de facto ban on the book was overturned in 1992.

See also Mein Kampf sales soar in Turkey

Additionally, according to Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ surges to top of e-book charts (2014) which has screen-shot evidence that the book was the #1 seller in the Propaganda & Political Psychology category:

A digital edition of the manifesto is currently Amazon’s top-selling Propaganda & Political Psychology book, the 17th best-seller in Amazon’s Nationalism category, and places in the top 20 on iTune’s Politics & Events chart — twice.

So it is true that Mein Kampf sells well in various countries.

There is also a significant Wikipedia article Mein Kampf in Arabic.

In other words, people infatuated with Arab culture in a more radicalized sense may also have an affinity towards “anti-Semitic” literature. The Gilroy killer allegedly swallowed a bottle of valium before he went out to kill… probably to dull his conscience.


Patrick Crusius, the shooter that killed 20 people at a Walmart in Texas (may be more depending on the medical condition of these persons — all this is really sad to type. The devastated families and grief of loved ones. Man.) This is with thanks to GATEWAY PUNDIT, who notes the following: “This is not to say he’s a Democrat or a Republican, but he is without question a progressive.” Continuing… this scumbag wanted to lessen the weight of the welfare state to “achieve ambitious social projects” in:

  • a basic universal income
  • like universal healthcare
  • complained about cost of college
  • talked about how oil companies polluted water
  • how we wasted resources — trees for overuse of paper-towels
  • railed against BOTh Democrats and Republicans

And said,

  • Corporations are heading the destruction of our environment by shamelessly overharvesting resources

Here are the portions of the above:

“In the near future, AMERICA WILL HAVE TO INITIATE A BASIC UNIVERSAL INCOME to prevent widespread poverty and civil unrest as people lose their jobs (to automation). Joblessness is in itself a source of civil unrest. The less dependents on a government welfare system, the lower the unemployment rate, the better. ACHIEVING AMBITIOUS SOCIAL PROJECTS LIKE UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE AND UBI would become far more likely to succeed if tens of millions of defendants are removed.”


“The decimation of our environment is creating a massive burden for future generations. CORPORATIONS ARE HEADING THE DESTRUCTION OF OUR ENVIRONMENT BY SHAMELESSLY OVERHARVESTING RESOURCES.”


This is why corporations lobby for even more illegal immigration even after decades of it of happening. They need to keep replenishing the low-skilled labor pool. Even as migrant children flood skilled jobs, Corporations make this worse by lobbying for even more work visas to be issued for skilled foreign workers to come here. Recently, the senate under a REPUBLICAN administration has greatly increased the number of foreign workers that will take American jobs. Remember that both Democrats and Republicans support immigration and work visas. Corporations need to keep replenishing the labor pool for both skilled and unskilled jobs to keep wages down. So Automation is a good thing as it will eliminate the need for new migrants to fill unskilled jobs. Jobs that Americans can’t survive on anyway. Automation can and would replace millions of low-skilled jobs if immigrants were deported. This source of competition for skilled labor from immigrants and visa holders around the world has made a very difficult situation even worse for natives as they compete in the skilled job market. To compete, people have to get better credentials by spending more time in college. It used to be that a high school degree was worth something. Now a bachelor’s degree is what’s recommended to be competitive in the job market. The cost of college degrees has exploded as their value has plummeted. This has led to a generation of indebted, overqualified students filling menial, low paying and unfulfilling jobs. Of course these migrants and their children have contributed to the problem, but are not the sole cause of it.


For example, this phenomenon is brilliantly portrayed in the decades old classic “The Lorax”. Water sheds around the country, especially in agricultural areas, are being depleted. Fresh water is being polluted from farming and oil drilling operations. Consumer culture is creating thousands of tons of unnecessary plastic waste and electronic waste, and recycling to help slow this down is almost non-existent. Urban sprawl creates inefficient cities which unnecessarily destroys millions of acres of land. We even use god knows how many trees worth of paper towels just wipe water off our hands. Everything I have seen and heard in my short life has led me to believe that the average American isn’t willing to change their lifestyle, even if the changes only cause a slight inconvenience. The government is unwilling to tackle these issues beyond empty promises since they are owned by corporations. Corporations that also like immigration because more people means a bigger market for their products. I just want to say that I love the people of this country, but god damn most of y’all are just too stubborn to change your lifestyle. So the next logical step is to decrease the number of people in America using resources. If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can become more sustainable.

He also wrote in the very first sentence of his manifesto this: “In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto.” I posted on the influences on this shooter. A Pagan nationalist named, Alain Benoist. A secular (pagan/New Age) philosopher. (More on my site.)

Lastly, he mentioned in his manifesto that he had started to hate Hispanics after reading a book back in 2011-2012 (LONG BEFORE TRUMP) The DAILY SIGNAL notes this:

The author expresses explicit support to the shooter in Christchurch, New Zealand, who killed 51 people at a mosque in March. The author also gained inspiration by reading “The Great Replacement,” a book by a white nationalist French author who claims European elites are conspiring to replace their native populations with non-European immigrants.

The manifesto ticks off a number of far-right grievances. However, the author also devotes a significant portion to overpopulation and its contribution to environmental degradation.

“The decimation of the environment is creating a massive burden for future generations. Corporations are heaing [sic] the destruction of our environment by shamelessly over harvesting resources,” it reads, saying Americans are unwilling to change their lifestyle to save the environment.

“Fresh water is being polluted from farming and oil drilling operations. Consumer culture is creating thousands of tons of unnecessary plastic waste and electronic waste, and recycling to help slow this down is almost non-existent.”

The author concludes that the “next logical step” is to decrease the population. “If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can become more sustainable,” the manifesto says….

That book discusses the Muslim immigration issue of France… and here Patrick swapped out Hispanic. Since he is in custody, and cooperating… he also noted the following (GATEWAY PUNDIT). He said he expected the media to blame the attack on President Donald Trump, noting: “This is not the case” — “My ideology has not changed for several years. My opinions… predate Trump and his campaign,” he wrote (DAILY MAIL).

Steve Hooper is a 30 year veteran of the FBI. Hooper said the El Paso shooter, during interviews, says he was triggered after watching the DNC debate where all the candidates raised their hands to provide “health insurance” to illegal immigrants.

It was the insanity at the Democrat Presidential debates that triggered the shooter, not Trump’s language.

So Democrats, and NOT TRUMP according to Patrick… and not CNN / MSNBC.


You cannot pigeon hole these guys as “Republicans,” and the use of RIGHT-WING is more akin to the progressive socialism of pre-war Germany. Just add these guys to the LONG LIST OF LEFTIST POLITICAL KILLERS and terrorists I note HERE.

Again, I am seeing all over Facebook from my friends and others that this is a Republican blemish. I would think not, and I posted on my sites RPT-FACEBOOK PAGE this linked story and asked my peeps to keep it in mind for some years to follow — THOMAS SOWELL:

One of the reasons for being glad to be as old as I am is that I may be spared living to see a race war in America. Race wars are often wars in which nobody wins and everybody ends up much worse off than they were before.

Initial skirmishes in that race war have already begun, and have in fact been going on for some years. But public officials pretend that it is not happening, and the mainstream media seldom publish it at all, except in ways that conceal what is really taking place.

For American society, a dangerous polarization has set in. Signs of this polarization over the years include opposite reactions between blacks and whites to the verdict in the O. J. Simpson murder case, the “rape” charges against Duke University students, and the trials resulting from the beating of Rodney King and the death of Trayvon Martin.More dangerous than these highly publicized episodes over the years are innumerable organized and unprovoked physical attacks on whites by young black gangs in shopping malls, on beaches, and in other public places all across the country today.

While some of these attacks make it into the media as isolated incidents, the nationwide pattern of organized black-on-white attacks by thugs remains invisible in the mainstream media, with the notable exception of Bill O’Reilly on the Fox News Channel.

Even when these attacks are accompanied by shouts of anti-white rhetoric and exultant laughter at the carnage, the racial makeup of the attackers and their victims is usually ignored by the media, and public officials often deny that race has anything to do with what happened.

These attacks have sent many people to the hospital, and some victims have died, but the attacks are often carried out in a festive atmosphere. What are called “troubled youths,” in this and other contexts, are often in fact young people enjoying themselves greatly by creating big trouble for others.

Some of these many attacks are covered in detail in a book titled White Girl Bleed a Lot, by Colin Flaherty. It was a phrase that I recognized immediately from my own previous research.

That phrase was uttered by one of a group of black attackers who descended on a group of whites at a July 4th fireworks show in Milwaukee. But what happened there was not unique, either in itself or in the efforts of police and political authorities to downplay what happened — and to say that race had nothing to do with it.

When the Chicago Tribune was criticized for editing out the race of the attackers in a series of similar organized attacks in Chicago, it replied that race was irrelevant. Yet race is not considered irrelevant when indignantly editorializing on a disproportionate number of young black males arrested and imprisoned.

Sadly, what happened in Milwaukee and Chicago were not isolated incidents. They were part of a pattern repeated in dozens of cities, in every region of the country. Colin Flaherty’s book, which is subtitled “The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It,” reveals this pattern in painful detail.

Other books are emerging that are more clearly a white backlash, in the sense that they attack behavior patterns among contemporary blacks in general.

Perhaps the most clearly “backlash” books are those written by Paul Kersey, whose central theme is that whites have created thriving cities, which blacks subsequently took over and ruined. Examples include his books about Birmingham (The Tragic City) and Detroit (Escape from Detroit).

Kersey even takes a swing at Rush Limbaugh (and at yours truly) for saying that liberal policies destroyed these cities. He says that San Francisco and other cities with liberal policies, but without black demographic and political takeovers, have not been ruined. His books are poorly written, but they raise tough questions.

It would be easy to simply dismiss Kersey as a racist. But denouncing him or ignoring him is not refuting him. Refuting requires thought, which has largely been replaced by fashionable buzzwords and catchphrases when it comes to discussions of race.

Thought is long overdue. So is honesty.



The suspect in the Dayton shooting early Saturday morning where nine people were killed has been identified as a 24-year-old man.

Law enforcement sources told CBS News the shooter was identified as 24-year-old Connor Betts, of Bellbrook, Ohio. The sources said police were searching his home Sunday morning. Police said the suspect was shot and killed by officers in less than one minute.

This update is with thanks to GATEWAY PUNDIT! Connor Betts is pictured here with a patch from a Satanist website called “Blackcraft,” a Satanic website. They have since taken the patch off their store, but here are the other patches they sell.

His mother was a Catholic and had many “Virgin Mary’s” in the house (per her social media posts… which may be why Connor was wearing a hoodie at the time of the shooting with a portion of a song from a metal-core band Acacia Strain: “No Heart to Feel, No Soul to Steal.” Here are the full lyrics:

I want to see the pieces fit into place, I want to feel your body temperature drop
I want to feel the wind against my face, I want to hear your heart stop
I have a pretty good idea of how the fuck you’re going to die
We fear what we don’t understand, and I’m afraid of everything
Hail Mary, the virgin whore
I can’t fucking take this anymore
Hail Mary with the broken face
You name the time, I’ll name the place
I wanted to tell her I felt it in my heart, but I have no heart to feel
I wanted to let them know I stole my soul, but I have no soul to steal
I believe that Hell is real, Hell is other people
I’m a burning building and you can’t save me
Hail Mary, the virgin whore
I can’t fucking take this anymore
Hail Mary with the broken face
You name the time, I’ll name the place
Hail Mary, the virgin whore
I can’t fucking take this anymore
Hail Mary with the broken face
You name the time, I’ll name the place
I am the one who will bring Hell upon you all
I’ll stand at the gates and watch your kingdom fall
Ashes to ashes, and dust into dust
This world is a graveyard
I don’t give a fuck
Hail Mary, the virgin whore
I can’t fucking take this anymore
Hail Mary with the broken face
You name the time, I’ll name the fucking place

HEAVY has this about the shooter:

Betts’ Twitter profile read, “he/him / anime fan / metalhead / leftist / i’m going to hell and i’m not coming back.” One tweet on his page read, “Off to Midnight Mass. At least the songs are good. #athiestsonchristmas.” The page handle? I am the spookster. On one selfie, he included the hashtags, “#selfie4satan #HailSatan @SatanTweeting.” On the date of Republican Sen. John McCain’s death, he wrote, “F*ck John McCain.”

On Nov. 2, 2018, he wrote: “Vote blue for gods sake.”

“This is America: Guns on every corner, guns in every house, no freedom but that to kill,” he wrote in December 2018. And, “’Tis! The pistol is a Beretta 93R, called the REK7 in BO4. Do love me some guns!” He also wrote, “Hammer, brick, gun.” On Feb. 14, 2018, he tweeted this at Sen. Rob Portman: “@robportman hey rob. How much did they pay you to look the other way? 17 kids are dead. If not now, when?” That was the date of the mass shooting at a school in Parkland, Florida.

The Twitter page gives the first public glimpse into the shooter’s politics, and what he wrote stands pretty much in polar opposite to accused El Paso shooter Patrick Crusius, whose own social media accounts indicated support for President Donald Trump and anti-immigrant measures, such as the border wall. You can read about Crusius’s pages here.


He shared a post that showed Donald Trump and referred to a global fascist movement…

He also praised the Antifa bomber.

What seems to be a theme here is a loss of the True knowledge of God, and it being deeply rooted in our country’s psyche. As we forget this and become more secular… we will see more of these shootings.

Pagan Nationalism Driving Deadly Violence (New Shooting Update)

(JUMP to UPDATE) This post is merely an intro to one of the proginators of a pagan nationalism that has created many violent followers. A “comparative-religion” intro to Alain de Benoist for my site.

Despite a veneer of fashionable progressivism, the fact is that environmentalism’s fundamental opposition to modernity propels it straight into the arms of neofascism. For just like their precursors in the twenties and thirties, today’s ultranationalist and neo-Nazi groups chime with many of the ideas that also march under the green banner. In France, Italy and Belgium, the Nouvelle Droite combined Hellenic paganism with support for the dissolution of national boundaries; it was anticapitalist and anti-American, adopt­ing sociobiological arguments to stress the uniqueness of each race and culture within national boundaries and to oppose colonization and empire. In Germany, the radical-right journal Mut was pacifist and ecological?’ Such groups met the left on the common ground of New Age paganism, expressed in particular through the religions and cultures of the East.

— Melanie Phillips (read her entire chapter discussing this, HERE)

I found the following review of Alain de Benoist’s “On Being a Pagan.” He (and thus his followers) are very confused… especially on the Bible and the Christian faith. While the below video is not done by a stated Christian (I assume she is a pagan from her other videos, but SHE HAS SOME VERY USEFUL posts and interviews), she does a great job on summarizing Benoist’s view of YHWH. 

PJ-MEDIA has an excellent article discussing the roots of the “far-right” in Europe. At the beginning of the article they note that the Mosque shooter, Brenton Tarrant, may have been viewed as a “Christian” — “The media may have given the impression that Brenton Tarrant, the New Zealand mosque murderer, was a Christian or accidentally conveyed that sense by spotty coverage.” But they go one to note the trail of these so-called “reborn Knights Templars.” They note the media searching for connections that are more a video game fantasy than real leg-work.

Here is the meat of the article:

What actually exists is Tarrant’s association with the Identitarian Movement of Austria. “A shadowy far-right group in Europe has been linked to Brenton Tarrant as its leader’s home was raided by intelligence agents who found a large donation from a supporter with the same surname as the accused Christchurch terrorist. Electronic devices were seized from the home of Martin Sellner, head of the Identitarian Movement of Austria (IBO)”.

The white supremacist Identitarian Movement originated in France and is considered the equivalent of the American alt-right, rising out of the ashes of fascism and drawing on European Neo-Nazism and Germany’s New Right.

Its followers idolise anti-immigration French writers including Alain Benoist and Renaud Camus from whom Tarrant borrowed the title of his sickening manifesto, “The Great Replacement”.

Who is Alain Benoist? According to Wikipedia, “Alain de Benoist born 11 December 1943 is a French academic, philosopher, a founder of the Nouvelle Droite (New Right), and head of the French think tank GRECE”, dedicated to the abolition of Christianity and repaganization of Europe.

Benoist is opposed to Christianity, the United States, free markets, neoliberalism, democracy, and egalitarianism. His work has been influential with the alt-right movement in the United States, and he presented a lecture on identity at a National Policy Institute conference hosted by Richard B. Spencer; however, he has distanced himself from the movement

He is an admirer of Pan-European nationalism and neopaganismBenoist considers himself both left and right-wing.

Benoist’s manifesto, On Being a Pagan, frankly advocates a sophisticated form of nature-worship. “Paganism, far from being something that can be characterized as a denial of spirituality or a rejection of the sacred, consists on the contrary in the choice (and reappropriation) of another spirituality, another form of the sacred. Far from being confused with atheism or agnosticism, it poses a fundamentally religious relationship between man and the world — and a spirituality that appears to us as much more intense, much more serious, and stronger than what Judeo-Christianity claims for itself. Far from desacralizing the world, it sacralizes it in the literal sense of the word; it regards the world as sacred — and this is precisely, as we shall see, the core of paganism.”

Paganism — and nature worship — are part of the plan to put Europe back on top.

The alt-right is anti-Christian.  Not by implication or insinuation, but by confession. Its leading thinkers flaunt their rejection of Christianity and their desire to convert believers away from it. … Alt-right thinkers are overwhelmingly atheists, but their worldview is not rooted in the secular Enlightenment, nor is it irreligious. Far from it. Read deeply in their sources—and make no mistake, the alt-right has an intellectual tradition—and you will discover a movement that takes Christian thought and culture seriously. It is a conflicted tribute paid to their chief adversary. Against Christianity it makes two related charges. Beginning with the claim that Europe effectively created Christianity—not the other way around—it argues that Christian teachings have become socially and morally poisonous to the West. A major work of alt-right history opens with a widely echoed claim: “The introduction of Christianity has to count as the single greatest ideological catastrophe to ever strike Europe.”

Not only is paganism good because it is the original European religion but it is desirable because it “regards the world as sacred  — and this is precisely, as we shall see, the core of paganism.” The link between paganism and fringe environmentalism is yet another link the media hesitates to explore, yet is essential to the story.

In The Guardian‘s description of Tarrant’s intellectual history, it was clear the killer came to eco-fascism via the left-wing route rather than the churches. “When he was young, he was ‘a communist, then an anarchist and finally a libertarian before coming to be an eco-fascist.'” The term “eco-fascist,” which puzzled Heavy, is now very easy to understand. They wrote that “perhaps bizarrely, the gunman’s manifesto combines environmentalism with racism. He considers himself an ‘eco-fascist.'”


Once the reader realizes that nature worship, the abolition of Christianity, environmentalism and mass murder can all be part of the same package, a clearer picture of the mosque killer’s belief system emerges. But given the revulsion caused by Tarrant’s actions, it was far more convenient to tie him to the Reborn Knights Templars of World of Warcraft fame rather than a real “established, if somewhat obscure, brand of neo-Nazi” pagan environmentalism.

Great stuff!

You can hear Alain Benoist discuss his aversion to free-markets for yourself (thick French accent warning), thus showing his adherence to Marxism. Benoist is a Leftist, but in European confusion of everything categorical — he is considered “right-wing.” Something that has always infected almost all totalitarian thinking — Leftism.


THERE WAS JUST A SHOOTING today where the shooter of a Synagogue in San Diego praised Brenton Tarrant — the above Mosque shooter.

According to a possible manifesto he left after the shooting. Here are a couple relevant portions from it that coincide a bit with what is already written (added emphasis):

My name is John Earnest and I am a man of European ancestry. The blood that runs in my veins is the same that ran through the English, Nordic, and Irish men of old. I am a descendant of one of the original colonists of Roanoke—John Earnest. What happened to him I do not know, and nor does anyone. But I do know that he left his wife and son, James Earnest, back in England. This son shortly after made the same daring journey across the Atlantic to the New World. From my mother’s side I inherited the blood of very wealthy Yankees—intelligent, resourceful, uncompromising. From my father’s side I inherited the blood of poor Southern farmers—intelligent, musically gifted, self-sufficient. A part of my ancestors lives within me in this very moment. They are the reason that I am who I am. Their acts of bravery, ingenuity, and righteousness live on through me. Truly, I am blessed by God for such a magnificent bloodline.


“How does killing Jews help the European race? The European race is doomed? What are you talking about? These Jews were innocent!” Every Jew is responsible for the meticulously planned genocide of the European race. They act as a unit, and every Jew plays his part to enslave the other races around him—whether consciously or subconsciously. Their crimes are endless. For lying and deceiving the public through their exorbitant role in news media; for using usury and banks to enslave nations in debt and control all finances for the purpose of funding evil; for their role in starting wars on a foundation of lies which have costed millions of lives throughout history; for their role in cultural Marxism and communism; for pushing degenerate propaganda in the form of entertainment; for their role in feminism which has enslaved women in sin; for causing many to fall into sin with their role in peddling pornography; for their role in voting for and funding politicians and organizations who use mass immigration to displace the European race; for their large role in every slave trade for the past two-thousand years; for promoting race mixing; for their cruel and bloody history of genocidal behavior; for their persecution of Christians of old (including the prophets of ancient Israel—Jeremiah, Isaiah, etc.), members of the early church (Stephen—whose death at the hands of the Jews was both heart-wrenching and rage-inducing), Christians of modern-day Syria and Palestine, and Christians in White nations; for their degenerate and abominable practices of sexual perversion and blood libel (you are not forgotten Simon of Trent, the horror that you and countless children have endured at the hands of the Jews will never be forgiven); for not speaking about these crimes; for not attempting to stop the members of their race from committing them. And finally, for their role in the murder of the Son of Man—that is the Christ. Every Jew young and old has contributed to these. For these crimes they deserve nothing but hell.

I will send them there.




“Are you affiliated with any political ideology?”

Yes. It’s called not wanting to go extinct.

“Are you a conservative?”

I am not a useless, spineless coward so no—I am not a conservative. Conservative is a misnomer. They conserve nothing. They’ll complain all they want but they won’t take up arms and threaten their government with death (the only thing that works). Ever heard about the Battle of Athens (1946)? Find your balls again you insufferable faggots. If you do not defend your rights you deserve none.


“Do you feel any remorse for what you did?”

The Jews have depleted our patience and our mercy. I feel no remorse. I only wish I killed more. I am honored to be the one to send these vile anti-humans into the pit of fire—where they shall remain for eternity.

“Do you feel anything but hatred for Jews?”

Disgust. Disgust that a race can become so unrecognizably corrupted that they would commit the most heinous acts that only the most twisted of individuals could put into reality.


“Do you hate all Jews?”

I hate anyone who seeks the destruction of my race. Every Jew currently alive plays a part in the destruction of my race. Does that answer your question?

“Do you hate other races?”

I hate anyone who seeks the destruction of my race. Spics and niggers are useful puppets for the Jew in terms of replacing Whites. Of course, they aren’t intelligent enough to realize that the Jew is using them and they will be enslaved if Europeans are eliminated. Do they actively hate my race? Yes, I hate them. Are they in my nation but do not hate my race? I do not hate them, but they aren’t staying. Are they out of my nation and do not hate my race? Fine by me.


“Why did you use guns instead of a flamethrower? Wouldn’t a flamethrower have given you a much higher score?”

Yes. I encourage you to use flamethrowers as well as guns. Use what you think would be best in your situation. I used a gun for the same reason that BRENTON TARRANT used a gun. In case you haven’t noticed we are running out of time. If this revolution doesn’t happen soon, we won’t have the numbers to win it. The goal is for the US government to start confiscating guns. People will defend their right to own a firearm—civil war has just started. Stop the slow boil of the frog—prevent the Jew from using incrementalism. Make the Jew play all of his cards to make it apparent to more people how their rights are being taken away right before their eyes.

“Did your family cause you to think this way?”

Unfortunately, no. I had to learn what they should have taught me from the beginning.


“How long did it take you to plan this attack?”

Four weeks. Four weeks ago, I decided that I was doing this. Four weeks later I did it. I remember a specific moment in time after BRENTON TARRANT’S sacrifice that something just clicked in my mind. ‘If I won’t defend my race, how can I expect others to do the same?’ I immediately got to planning, and I never looked back. I never had doubts. I never felt afraid. I never felt anxious—just the occasional nervous excitement.

“Who inspires you?”

Jesus Christ, the Apostle Paul, Martin Luther, ADOLF HITLER, ROBERT BOWERS, BRENTON TARRANT, Ludwig van Beethoven, Moon Man, and Pink Guy.

REMEMBER, Bowers was the recent Synagogue shooter in Pittsburgh. He was a hater of Trump and Jews (via PAMELA GELLER)