Radically Dangerous Democrats!
The above is from MOONBATTERY, and notes some of the dangerous issues involved in the schools controlled by the left:
….The first presentation included a quote from communist executioner Che Guevara: “The true Revolution is guided by a great feeling of love.” What these people mean by “love” is incomprehensible, but they are very clear that “revolution” is to be taken literally.
New teachers were presented with a slide that read: “Definition of Revolution – a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system. How do you see your work as this kind of revolution?”
One presenter talked about the 1967 Newark rioters, the ones who got 26 people killed, hundreds injured, and left a path of looting and destruction that affected thousands of lives for years, as being “part of the revolution” and the National Guardsmen who restored order as “oppressors.”
The teachers broke into small-group “decompression sessions” where the whites among them had to “own up” to their “white privilege.”
Finally, the conference ended with everyone standing in a giant circle with their fists in the air chanting “Love and Revolution” over and over again.
The control of education by the radical left has become an existential threat to America….