Fired for Saying Dems Received More Oil Money

This goes out to a NewsBusters h/t:

Long-time DC TV news anchor Doug McKelway has been suspended by local ABC affiliate WJLA-TV (owned by Allbritton Communications, the same people who own the paper and website Politico) after a standup report last month from a liberal cap-and-trade rally trying to capitalize on the BP oil spill.

“According to several of McKelway’s colleagues,” reported Paul Farhi in The Washington Post, “the newsman’s reporting may have lapsed into partisan territory when he commented live on the air about the oil industry’s influence in Washington, particularly its contributions to Democratic politicians and legislators” — which must have included bigtime BP recipient Barack Obama.

Don’t question the Democrats from a liberal protest! Then came trouble: “The episode led to a meeting between McKelway and Bill Lord, WJLA’s station manager and news director, that featured sharp exchanges between them,” anonymous WJLA sources told the Post. They insisted the issue wasn’t the lines about Democrats, but about “insubordination.”


When asked late last month by morning radio host Elliot Segal if he had been fired, McKelway said, “All I can say is, I got a great lawyer.”

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Same-Sex Marriage Judge Finds That a Child Has Neither a Need Nor a Right to a Mother

Gender NO big deal for this judge:

U.S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker, who ruled last week that a voter-approved amendment to California’s constitution that limited marriage to the union of one man and one woman violated the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, based that ruling in part on his finding that a child does not need and has no right to a mother.

Nor, he found, does a child have a need or a right to a father.

“Children do not need to be raised by a male parent and a female parent to be well-adjusted, and having both a male and a female parent does not increase the likelihood that a child will be well-adjusted,” the judge wrote in finding of fact No. 71 in his opinion.

“The gender of a child’s parent is not a factor in a child’s adjustment,” the judge stated in finding of fact No. 70. “The sexual orientation of an individual does not determine whether that individual can be a good parent. Children raised by gay or lesbian parents are as likely as children raised by heterosexual parents to be healthy, successful and well-adjusted. The research supporting this conclusion is accepted beyond serious debate in the field of developmental psychology.”….

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Islamic Welfare-France Funding Its Own Downfall

A few things here to note.Firstly, this is a great example of how the West is losing its identity. Through that of population replacement. The daays of having large families and sacrificing the amenities we are use to is from a bygone era. He had 15 children and was only 35. There is good news however, Europe is experiencing a bit of a birth rate increase… something that was not happening before. But it is hard to keep up with this religious mandate of four wives.

Another thing to watch out for in this video is the fact that this man is officially married to one woman, but under Sharia law – which is higher than French law – he is married to four women. Polygamy is rampant in Islam, something the West should not favor, even for religious purposes. But deeper than this is the underlying cause, Sharia. There are Muslims out there who stand against Sharia. Support them. Even if its an “atta boy.”

Another thing that is killing the French is the fact that you will hear in this video as well. These women were all living off of the social programs that the French subsidize people with, especially “single” mothers. Welfare, WIC, health-care, etc. These types of programs allow these immigrants to seize the opportunity to bilk off of France. A country whose laws they wish to replace. France is funding their own destruction. If these programs didn’t exist, or were only for French nationals and this one man had to provide for 15 kids and four wives… it is hard to see him or this situation surviving as it does.

Religion News Blog h/t

Hebbadj, who was detained Friday, contests the charge, but there was “sufficient reason” to file preliminary charges — which triggers a full investigation, the prosecutor said. Hebbadj’s ex-companion claims she was repeatedly raped from 2003-2007.

The Algerian-born Hebbadj made headlines for purportedly being a polygamist, but because his reported four companions and up to 15 children live under separate roofs investigators could not prove polygamy as defined by law.

He was charged in June with fraud for allegedly collecting too much state aid for the women and children.

The case became public last April when his veiled wife was issued a traffic citation for driving with apparel that hinders vision.

Hebbadj, who wears a back and white head covering, caused a media storm when he first appeared before TV cameras to discuss the case.

Pink Floyd the Wall-With a Twist

Red Planet h/t:

If you haven’t heard this awesome song yet, click over to watch the deeply affecting video: Two Iranian brothers in exile covered Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall,” tweaking the chorus to “Hey Ayatollah, Leave Those Kids Alone!” The brothers living in Canada — Sepp, 28, and Sohl, 35 — keep their surname private for the safety of their family back in Iran, and got a blessing to cover the song from Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters.

Buy the song from Blurred Vision at iTunes for 99 cents, with proceeds going to Amnesty International.