Author: Papa Giorgio
Paul Washer on False Teachers As Being Used by God As Judgment (good stuff)
Cultic Movements within Christianity (prosperity gospel)
The WORD on the Word of Faith h/t — this type of stuff breaks my heart.
Psychologist preyed on her patients (Cult Watch)
From Religion News Blog come some Queensland news:
A woman accused of leading a cult that has damaged the lives of scores of people is working as a psychologist with vulnerable patients at a community mental health service in Queensland.
Natasha Lakaev’s Universal Knowledge organisation was offering courses until last year that prophesied the world would end in December 2012 and almost everyone except her devotees would die.
A former member of her inner circle, Carli McConkey, has told The Sunday Age that Ms Lakaev was physically violent and psychologically manipulative, and had persuaded her followers that she was the Queen of Atlantis, a reincarnation of Jesus Christ, and one of 12 members of the Intergalactic Council of the Universe.
Ms Lakaev is now working as a government-employed psychologist at the Ashmore Community Mental Health Service near Surfers Paradise.
However, after The Sunday Age raised questions about her history, Queensland Health agreed to investigate the claims against her, and invited ‘‘anyone with concerns’’ to raise them with authorities.
Rand Paul Gets Standing O for not shaking Jack Conway after debate
The other videos of the original attack ad should be seen (via HotAir), the portion Rand Paul brings up in debate as well as the video posted below that Got Rand a standing O from his supporters:
- Not going to shake your hand!
Barney Franks significant other heckles Sean Bielat
HotAir (h/t) points out what another wonders if roles were reversed”
Doug Powers wonders what would have happened here had the roles been reversed and, say, Bielat’s wife been caught heckling Frank. My guess: The single most fulsome “to what uncivil depths hath these wingnuts sunk now?” column ever written by Frank Rich. Alas, we’ll never get to read it.
More Job Killing Policies Put Forward By Democrats-which points to the importance of winning in 2010 and 2012
A new study warns that a value-added tax would kill 850,000 jobs in a year and cut retail spending by $2.5 trillion over 10 years. Sounds too bad for Washington to pass up.
An analysis for the National Retail Federation by Ernst & Young finds that adding a VAT to the U.S. tax system would reduce GDP for years, causing the loss of “850,000 jobs in the first year,” plus “700,000 fewer jobs 10 years later.”
If you are not aware of what the Value Added tax is (VAT), Dick Army explains it a bit:
….“But, I always believed that when the Democrats got the majority in both the House and the Senate – and I’ve told this to people for years – when they get the House and the Senate and the White House, they’re going to add a Value Added Tax to the existing income tax,” said Armey.
“It’s not going to be a VAT instead of – it’s in addition to, and, of course, they are doing exactly what I predicted. Why? Because they’ve got gluttonous spending habits, and they want to spend more, and they need to raise money to do it, and they can’t raise the money out in front of God and everybody for the taxpayer to recognize what they’re doing,” he said.
“So they are looking at that best instrument to hide the tax from the taxpayer. And that’s why the VAT tax is attractive. The VAT tax has never been attractive to anybody except tax leviers,” Armey added.
The VAT is a general sales tax added to the price of goods and services at each step of production whenever value is added to those goods and services. According to the Tax Policy Center, the VAT was first imposed by France in 1948 and then by the European Community (EC) in 1968. To date, over 100 countries impose some form of a VAT except Australia and the United States.
…(read more)…
VAT is a good idea (flat tax is the best) if you abolish the income and state taxes all-together. But the Democrats want to add this tax ON TO the already existing tax matrix, thus, hurting the poor the most. Charles Krauthammer has been saying almost immediately after liberal-care (Obama-care) passed. Here is his article on the issue:
…We are now $8 trillion in debt. The Congressional Budget Office projects that another $12 trillion will be added over the next decade. Obamacare, when stripped of its budgetary gimmicks — the unfunded $200 billion–plus doctor fix, the double-counting of Medicare cuts, the ten-six sleight-of-hand (counting ten years of revenue and only six years of outflows) — is, at minimum, a $2 trillion new entitlement.
It will vastly increase the debt. But even if it were deficit-neutral, Obamacare would still pre-empt and appropriate for itself the best and easiest means of reducing the existing deficit. Obamacare’s $500 billion of Medicare cuts and $600 billion in tax hikes are no longer available for deficit reduction. They are siphoned off for the new entitlement of insuring the uninsured.
This is fiscally disastrous because, as President Obama himself explained last year in unveiling his grand transformational policies, our unsustainable fiscal path requires control of entitlement spending, the most ruinous of which is out-of-control health-care costs.
What will it recommend? What can it recommend? Sure, Social Security can be trimmed by raising the retirement age, introducing means testing, and changing the indexing formula from wage growth to price inflation.
But this won’t be nearly enough. As Obama has repeatedly insisted, the real money is in health-care costs — which are now locked in place by the new Obamacare mandates.
That’s where the value-added tax comes in. For the politician, it has the virtue of expediency: People are used to sales taxes, and this one produces a river of revenue. Every 1 percent of VAT would yield up to $1 trillion a decade (depending on what you exclude — if you exempt food, for example, the yield would be more like $900 billion).
It’s the ultimate cash cow. Obama will need it. By introducing universal health care, he has pulled off the largest expansion of the welfare state in four decades. And the most expensive. Which is why all of the European Union has the VAT. Huge VATs. Germany: 19 percent. France and Italy: 20 percent. Most of Scandinavia: 25 percent.
Ultimately, even that won’t be enough. As the population ages and health care becomes increasingly expensive, the only way to avoid fiscal ruin (as Britain, for example, has discovered) is health-care rationing.
It will take a while to break the American populace to that idea. In the meantime, get ready for the VAT. Or start fighting it.
Harry Reid vs Common Sense
Election ’10: The future debated the past in Nevada on Thursday night, with the Tea Party’s Sharron Angle demonstrating why the Democrats will no longer be the majority and Harry Reid will no longer be their leader.
It was no easy task for Sen. Harry Reid to stand up there and try to explain why he deserved re-election as senator from a state with 14% unemployment and a foreclosure rate five times the national average.
If the policies of an administration whose legislation he quarterbacked through the Senate were working, it is certainly not evident in Nevada. This time around, he has not only failed to bring home the bacon; he left even the pork rinds behind.
The administration he defends and the stimulus he passed have failed, with even President Obama, after orchestrating a trillion-dollar fraud, now admitting there was never any such thing as a “shovel-ready” job. The only thing that is shovel-ready is the end of Reid’s political career.
Reid repeated the canard that he and fellow Democrats had voted to cut taxes for 95% of all Nevadans in the past two years and to reduce the burden on small businesses eight times.
Yet he’s willing to let the Bush tax cuts and current tax rates that have stood for a decade as law of the land expire, resulting in a more than $3 trillion tax increase on all Americans.
The best debate would have been between Harry Reid and himself. On Thursday night, with as straight a face as he could muster, the man who said about Iraq, “the war is lost,” claimed the surge that he and the president opposed worked. Reid called a man he once all but called a liar (Gen. David Petraeus) and a man he did call a liar and loser (Bush 41) his friends. Success finds a thousand fathers and at least a few hypocrites.
If Sharron Angle has become the poster child for the Tea Party movement, then Harry Reid is the symbol of the overbearing, nanny-state government that helped spawn it.
Experience is perhaps not the best teacher, for Reid has apparently learned nothing. He is the prototype career politician whose career may be over.
Reid took aim at Angle’s statement that it’s not the job of a senator to create jobs. “What she’s talking about is extreme,” he said.
“Harry Reid,” she replied sharply, “it’s your job to create policies” that lead to the creation of private-sector jobs that create wealth, not government jobs that consume wealth.
Rob Zombie Talks About Directing CSI: Miami (Red Eye)
Thats a tautology but not an astute political point~George Will Schools Meghan McCain (she playing with the big boys)
David Gregory goes fishing for answer he never gets
Newsbusters puts it like this – “Dem Senator Destroys David Gregory’s Case About Racism In Tea Party”
Democratic Senator gives David Gregory an answer he wasn’t expecting when asked about the Tea Party and supposed racism: