Author: Papa Giorgio
Newt on the election
Krauthammer on the election
A Miraculous Story
PARIS (AFP) – An 18-month-old boy survived after falling seven floors and bouncing off a Paris cafe awning into the arms of a passer-by, witnesses said Tuesday.
“My son saw a little boy on a balcony. He had gone right outside the railing… I said to myself I mustn’t miss him,” the toddler’s saviour, local doctor Philippe Bensignor, told AFP, recounting Monday’s drama.
“I had time to move from side to side to get in the right position,” he added. “The little boy was fine. He cried a little bit but calmed down straightaway.”
An official involved in investigating the incident said the boy had been left alone in the family apartment in northern Paris with his sister by their parents, who were taken into custody afterwards.
“It’s a real miracle,” said the cafe’s barman, who gave his name as Gaby, pointing to a small tear in the awning where the toddler bounced off.
“We were closed yesterday but the mechanical device for closing the awning wasn’t working.”
The UN and Planned Parenthood Support This Policy
NewsBusters h/t:
World Magazine (august 2009):
A mute woman must undergo sterilization before the government allows her to marry. A young woman hides her second child, buying a baby’s corpse from an abortion clinic to convince family-planning officials her baby died. Christian villagers hide pregnant women and children from officials seeking to levy fines for transgressing China’s population-control policies.
These are the stories the Population Research Institute discovered when it conducted a study of China’s population policies in March and May. Its just-released study concludes that even in counties where a United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) presence is supposed to preclude coercive policies, the abuse continues. PRI president Steve Mosher said: “We are funding a program of forced abortion and forced sterilization in China through the UNFPA.
UNFPA says it spent $6.8 million in China last year and that China has demonstrated “significant progress” in achieving UNFPA goals. President Bush banned U.S. funding of UNFPA and banned funding for groups that promote abortion overseas (known as the Mexico City policy). President Obama has revoked those decisions, and so far Congress is backing him up.
House and Senate committees have approved at least $50 million for UNFPA. Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., failed in his efforts to pass a committee amendment reinstating the Mexico City policy, while the Senate Appropriations Committee passed an amendment backing its reversal. Both the House and the Senate generously funded family-planning programs, with the Senate Appropriations Committee allocating $628.5 million and the House increasing funding by 40 percent from 2008.
But pro-life members of Congress feel they have a chance to curtail abortion-related spending once the House and Senate confer to decide on a final budget draft. Smith told the House it was a “serious problem” to fund pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood and Marie Stopes International: “They are American surrogates in foreign countries. They speak for us. They certainly don’t speak and act for millions of pro-life Americans.”
Daily Kos: Blame Dem Losses on Racism
ABC CBS NBC only label Tea Party and Conservatives as extremists (media bias)
An Oldie but Baddie
Am I a Racist?~Bill Maher
The Blaze h/t – Let me say quickly that I agree with what Bill Maher is saying. He has a misunderstanding of what “separation of church and state” mean and he fears that Christians want a theocracy (which is the furthest thing from the truth), but on this matter, he is spot on.
Signs at the Restoring Sanity Rally
Violent Racist Democrats
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