More subterfuge by the unbiased media

In the above photo of Edrie Irvine, she is at a “Netroots” event. Here is the “latest news” statement from Netroots:

Netroots Nation is no stranger to regional events; we’ve been doing them for years. Netroots California was the first event in a pilot program we’re developing to build infrastructure at the state and regional level. The progressive movement has made some great strides nationally, but it’s still pretty undeveloped at the state level.

For our next event, we’re embarking on a new first—our first international event. We’re partnering with the Trades Union Congress (TUC) and other bloggers and organizations across the pond to produce the first-ever Netroots UK.

On January 8, 2011, hundreds of grassroots activists from across the UK and elsewhere will gather for a first-of-its-kind event in central London to connect with each other, learn and strategize. Activists in the UK have a lot of work to do to counter a conservative government pushing austerity reforms across the board. Plus, there will be practical training sessions in campaigning and online technologies, groups looking at new joint initiatives and bigger strategy sessions.

If you’re in the UK, we hope to see you there! (Be sure to register here.). Otherwise, stay tuned for announcements about future Netroots Nation events.

And from the “about us” (bottom left) portion of the site:

About Netroots Nation

Netroots Nation amplifies progressive voices by providing an online and in-person campus for exchanging ideas and learning how to be more effective in using technology to influence the public debate. Within that campus, we strengthen community, inspire action and serve as an incubator for progressive ideas that challenge the status quo and ultimately affect change in the public sphere.

NewsBusters uncovered a great story about a recent Good Morning America story:

Good Morning America’s Claire Shipman on Thursday tried to disguise a Democratic activist as just a jobless American who would be hurt by Republican failure to extend unemployment benefits. Shipman sympathetically recounted that Edrie Irvine, who she didn’t explain spoke at a Nancy Pelosi press conference on Wednesday, “never thought her very livelihood would depend on a political debate in Congress.”

A graphic reading “unemployed” appeared onscreen as Irvine complained, “They are talking about tax cuts for the rich and are holding people like me hostage.” Who is Ms. Irvine? According to her bio on the leftist Democracy For America web page, she’s a “tree-hugging, bleeding-heart, ACLU-card-carrying progressive liberal and damn proud of it!”

On December 1, Irvine, appeared with Nancy Pelosi at a press conference. Pelosi enthused, “Thank you very much, Edrie, for your generosity of spirit to share your personal story with us.” On October 2, Irvine also appeared at the liberal One Nation rally and spoke. (One Nation was coordinated by the AFL-CIO and the SEIU, among others.) Shouldn’t Shipman have mentioned any of this?


But, perhaps this shouldn’t be surprising. Shipman’s husband is Jay Carney, communications director to Vice President Joe Biden.

The ABC journalist made no effort at all at balance. Every talking head featured supported extending unemployment benefits. Another woman, Angel Garland, lobbied, “I’m raising my son. Single mom. I’m thinking to myself, what will I do? You know? Where will I go?”

It apparently didn’t occur to Shipman to highlight a small businessman who might have to lay off workers, should the standoff between unemployment and extending the Bush tax cuts go unresolved.

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Treating Retired,Blond,Physicians like Terrorists~Wouldnt you?

When retired blond/female physicians start blowing up planes… then maybe they should pat them down. But last I checked, they haven’t. (Side-note: I think the Botox took her facial expressions away… creepy.)

OKLAHOMA CITY (CBS/KWTV) Tammy Banovac is obviously one airline passenger who doesn’t believe in flying under the radar.

The Oklahoma City woman, a retired surgeon who uses a wheelchair, tried to clear security at the Will Rogers World Airport Tuesday wearing just a bra and panties – all the while, clutching a small, white pooch.

People noticed.


She says that typically she is hand-searched because she uses a wheelchair; however, she feels violated due to the more invasive searches that have recently been employed.

“If it happened anywhere else, it would have been sexual assault,” Banovac told the newspaper.


When TSA agents investigated, they say they found traces of nitrate residue on her body, which Carney said could be from medication, or from hunting, among other fairly common things.

After more than an hour of hand searches and questioning, Banovac missed her flight to Phoenix.

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This video is with a h/t to Libertarian Republican:


While the video below mentions people not have hearing about this weapon, I am not one of those people. I linked to it on July 07, 2009. Plus, I am a big fan of Firearm Blog and this technology has been the buzz there for some time. The South Koreans have a version of it (SEE). This technology is surely a huge benefit for our guys in clearing rooms from a distance. This gun however is not — like the South Korean version — a rifle. This would be on someones back until it is needed. The troops carrying this would still have to have a rifle. For you ammo whores, the rounds for the XM25 will cost about $24 apiece. Not bringing friends to the range with that $$$.

Profile Me~Asra Nomani

HotAir has another video and this to say about Asra:

Asra Nomani from The Daily Beast hits the nail on the head with one statement to CNN, which is that the current security situation is set up more to offend everyone equally than to actually catch terrorists. Nomani, herself a Muslim, advocates profiling as the basis of a rational security protocol that looks for the threat and uses resources for that purpose, rather than harassing women traveling with breast milk, as an example. We already profile in other security efforts, Nomani reminds us, such as the war on drugs, where Colombians get much more scrutiny as a matter of course. We also profile in the opposite direction in visa-waiver programs. Why not add profiling — a technique used in law enforcement for serial murders and rapes — as a tool to enhance airline security and end the waste of time and effort on TSA’s part?

Here is a debate Asra participated in about women’s rights: The Doha Debates – Muslim Women’s Freedom To Marry – Yasir Qadhi & Asra Nomani

The War on the War on Terror-the ACLU teams up with Portland to Fight Joint Terrorism Task Force (Updated)

The Religion of Conquest has a great post on this topic and quotes Pamela Geller on the ACLU and Portland’s city council:

What is ironic is that the operation that found and stopped Mohamud is precisely the kind of law enforcement work that Portland’s leaders, working with the American Civil Liberties Union, rejected during the Bush years. In April 2005, the Portland city council voted 4 to 1 to withdraw Portland city police officers from participating in the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force. Mayor Tom Potter said the FBI refused to give him a top-secret security clearance so he could make sure the officers weren’t violating state anti-discrimination laws that bar law enforcement from targeting suspects on the basis of their religious or political beliefs.

ACLU Applauds Portland City Council Ending Role in FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force

Money Quote from Video
“what it really points out… is that, on this Thanksgiving day weekend we can’t allow the ACLU to make terror policy in this country.”

April 28, 2005 – PORTLAND, OR Citing the need for greater oversight over its own police officers, the Portland City Council voted 4-1 in support of Portland Mayor Tom Potter’s revised resolution that will end Portland’s participation in the local FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF). Potter and FBI Special Agent-in-Charge Robert Jordan have said the two agencies would continue to cooperate in terrorism investigations and that the Mayor will be seeking secret clearance to allow him access to some classified information.

The vote came after weeks of negotiations between the City and the Justice Department which failed to resolve the City’s concerns regarding police officer oversight. In a City of Portland proposed resolution, the mayor would have been given the necessary clearance to provide meaningful oversight of the officers who worked directly on the JTTF. At the U.S. Attorney and the Mayor’s request, ACLU representatives took part in discussions of the resolution….

FrontPage Magazine has a newer article connecting the ACLU’s push to support terrororists and to fight the War on Terror. IN their post, “Collaborating With the Enemy in the War on Terror,” we find the following:

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) have injected themselves into the war on terror as never before, leaping to the defense of the man often described as the spiritual leader of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian peninsula: Anwar Al-Awlaki. There’s little doubt that Al-Awlaki provided aid and inspiration to Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian “underpants bomber,” and to the Times Square bomber, Faisal Shahzad. He has also called for the murder of civilians like Salman Rushdie and the young Seattle cartoonist who initiated “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day.” Yet, despite the danger that Al-Awlaki continues to represent to the free world, the ACLU and the CCR filed suit in federal court to protect the radical cleric’s “rights.”

Al-Awlaki’s father, Nasser Al-Awlaki, asked the two groups for help after he learned that the Obama administration has targeted his son for assassination. Because the cleric was born in New Mexico, the ACLU and CCR maintain that he is entitled to due process in America’s legal system. Defending his organization’s decision to defend Al-Awlaki, Vincent Warren, the executive director of the CCR, said:

That’s what we do. We file lawsuits. …[W]e don’t believe the US should be wreaking violence for political reasons. It should be up to a court, not just the US government, to decide whether al-Awlaki poses a threat. The US should not be conducting the killing of US citizens outside the legal process, far away from any battlefield.

The proposition that the US is “wreaking violence for political reasons” is patently ludicrous. The United States is at war with a determined enemy and the fact that this particular conflict involves asymmetrical warfare does not relieve the president of the United States from his duties as commander in chief. Al-Awlaki isn’t “far away from any battlefield” because he and his fellow terrorists have defined the battlefield as the whole planet earth.

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It is ironic that while the ACLU has fought Christmas celebrations and the Christmas holiday while supporting terrorists — this has come to “The Christmas Tree Bomber.”