Conversation with Pamela Geller and Colleagues: Andrew Bostom and Robert Spencer (UPDATE: Rifqa Bary gains residency)

The Religion of Conquest h/t (An Older Video):

Here is a story from Weasel Zippers of a girl killed by her family for becoming a Christian:

NAIROBI, Kenya (CDN)A 17-year-old girl in Somalia who converted to Christianity from Islam was shot to death last week in an apparent “honor killing,” area sources said.

Nurta Mohamed Farah, who had fled her village of Bardher, Gedo Region to Galgadud Region to live with relatives after her parents tortured her for leaving Islam, died on Nov. 25. Area sources said they strongly suspected that the two unidentified men in Galgadud Region who shot her in the chest and head with a pistol were relatives or acting on their behest.

“Reports reached the relatives in Galgadud that Nurta Farah had converted to Christianity,” one source said. “The suspicion that the family is responsible is a solid one.

The sister was killed in Abudwaq, a district in Galgadud Region, and the place where the incident took place is about 200 meters from where the sister was staying with relatives.”

Relatives buried Farah, sources said. Her parents had severely beaten her for leaving Islam and regularly shackled her to a tree at their home, Christian sources said. She had been confined to her home in Gedo region in southern Somalia since May 10, when her family found out that she had embraced Christianity, said a Christian leader who visited the area.

Her parents also took her to a doctor who prescribed medication for a “mental illness,” he said. Alarmed by her determination to keep her faith, her father, Hassan Kafi Ilmi, and mother, Hawo Godane Haf, decided she had gone crazy and forced her to take the prescribed medication, but it had no effect in swaying her from her faith, the source said.

Traditionally, he added, many Somalis believe the Quran cures the sick, especially the mentally ill, so the Islamic scripture was recited to her twice a week.

Rifqa Bary gains U.S. Residency (Sept 7, 2010):

A lawyer for a runaway Christian convert from Ohio who was also an illegal immigrant says the 18-year-old woman has gained permanent residency in the United States…

Gatterdam says Bary, a native of Sri Lanka, received her permanent residency card last week and can apply for citizenship in five years.

British and US troops have led to the death of nearly 3,200 Taliban militants in just around 90 days in Afghanistan

Weasel Zippers has this amazing story:

London, Dec 1 (IANS) Secret operations of British and US troops have led to the death of nearly 3,200 Taliban militants in just around 90 days in Afghanistan, a media report said Wednesday.

British Special Air Service (SAS) and Special Boat Service (SBS) personnel, US Delta Force units, Afghan Special Forces Tiger Teams and troops from other coalition forces hit enemy targets relentlessly for three months.

Of the killed or captured Taliban militants, 387 were top level commanders, The Sun reported.

These figures were handed to SAS official Andy McNab at a top-level briefing in Afghanistan capital Kabul.

The operations were part of the ‘autumn showdown’, launched to crush the Taliban before they ’skulk off for winter’.

McNab said: ‘We are nailing the Taliban. We are killing and capturing them on an industrial scale. This wasn’t a blanket approach to killing. These are tactical missions. Troopers are now specifically targeting the Taliban leadership, and those who fight for the Taliban.’

McNab, however, said some commanders were worried that younger, more radical Taliban fighters will take the place of dead leaders.

‘If a new generation of radical Taliban step into these dead men’s shoes, they too will be killed or captured,’ he said.

RAW FOOTAGE: Danish Soldiers In Intense Firefight (Mature Rating)

You know, I have to point something out here… in case you didn’t notice it. These soldiers are fighting Islamicists that are within feet from them. You know a battle is close when a soldier is throwing a grenade. However, if you watch this video, at one point a soldier lobs a grenade under-handed. These guys are in a gun battle with these guys who are within feet from them – LITERALLY!

Helen Thomas’s Most Recent Anti-Semitic Rant

NewsBusters h/t:

“We are owned by propagandists against the Arabs. There’s no question about that. Congress, the White House, and Hollywood, Wall Street, are owned by the Zionists. No question in my opinion. They put their money where there mouth is…We’re being pushed into a wrong direction in every way.”

Thomas went on to malign a man that has worked for five of the last six presidents:

“Obama, he puts in charge for the Arab world a Zionist like Dennis Ross…You don’t put a Zionist in charge of the Muslim world in the White House.”

Marines Training in Counter-Pirating Using MP9s

FireArm Blog h/t:

Marines with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit’s Maritime Interception Operations (MIO) assault force attach a cave ladder with a telescopic pole to HNS Aris during their final exercise at Souda Bay, Crete, Greece, Nov. 12, 2010. The MIO assault force went through a one-week course at the NATO Maritime Interception Operations Training Center in tactics to board a suspect vessel. (Official USMC Photo by Master Sgt. Christopher Matt/ Released)

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The 2012 Election Officially Begins-Ding Ding!

I just wanted to post some links to very recent videos from the mainstream media that changed tenor just as recently. While the media has stayed somewhat biased… they really took a licking in November and were honest about some of the issues put forth because of the election and the election results. Now however, they have given us a “fair month” and they are gearing up for a long 2-years to get Obama re-elected. This is just the beginning:

CBS Celebrates “Hero” Pelosi In an October 17 Sunday Morning profile, correspondent Rita Braver lauded Speaker Nancy Pelosi as an “irresistible force,” “a hero in some quarters” and “one of the most effective Speakers in congressional history.”

Lesley Stahl Touts Jimmy Carter as Presidential Success Story Profiling Jimmy Carter for the September 19 60 Minutes, CBS correspondent Lesley Stahl touted how Carter “got more of his programs passed” than other recent presidents, and flattered Carter by telling him how even his critics call him “a fantastic ex-President. You hear that all the time.”

CBS’s Braver Offers Puffball Profile to Eric Holder On the September 12 CBS Sunday Morning, correspondent Rita Braver cooed over Attorney General Eric Holder, who “ignores political pressure” and drew a “hero’s welcome” in contrast to Bush-era “cronyism and questionable policies.”

Jon Stewart Rips Sen. McCain’s Opposition to Repeal of DADT Jon Stewart chides McCain for being behind the times on gay rights. Stewart compared McCain to a crazy Japanese soldier living in the jungle years after World War II, but still fighting the war.

Diane Sawyer Salutes Pelosi: “Epic Blend of Persuasion, Muscle and Will” After the House voted to pass ObamaCare, ABC anchor Diane Sawyer celebrated with the “indefatigable, unwavering” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the March 22 World News.

Time’s Joe Klein: BP Oil Spill Is Really “Bush’s Second Katrina” On the May 30 Chris Matthews Show, Time’s Joe Klein dismissed the idea that the poor government reaction to the Gulf oil spill reflected badly on President Obama. Referring to the 2005 hurricane, Klein argued: “This is more Bush’s second Katrina than Obama’s first.”

NBC Touts Achievements of Obama’s Stimulus On the February 17, 2010 NBC Nightly News, correspondent Lisa Myers cast Obama’s big government “stimulus” package as a huge success that “created jobs and helped pull the economy out of a huge recession.”

Diane Sawyer Salutes Pelosi: “Epic Blend of Persuasion, Muscle and Will” After the House voted to pass ObamaCare, ABC anchor Diane Sawyer celebrated with the “indefatigable, unwavering” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the March 22 World News.

Time’s Joe Klein: BP Oil Spill Is Really “Bush’s Second Katrina” On the May 30 Chris Matthews Show, Time’s Joe Klein dismissed the idea that the poor government reaction to the Gulf oil spill reflected badly on President Obama. Referring to the 2005 hurricane, Klein argued: “This is more Bush’s second Katrina than Obama’s first.”

The Republican Party: “Running On Hate and Division for 50 Years” Fill-in host Cenk Uygur took MSNBC’s normal pro-Democratic spin to absurd lengths on August 26, claiming that the GOP “has been running on hate and division for the last 50 years,” and that if any minority voted Republican “they might as well hang a sign around their neck saying ‘I hate myself.'”

CNN Anchor: “Most” Uncivil Discourse Comes from Conservatives Filling in as anchor of CNN’s Rick’s List on April 9, Don Lemon claimed that “much, much more” of the “violence and the name calling” in American politics is from the “Republican and conservative side….It’s coming mostly, mainly from one side.”

NBC’s Todd Empathizes with Obama: “Are You Frustrated” by Lack of Public Approval? Interviewing President Obama on the July 16 Hardball, NBC White House correspondent Chuck Todd empathized over the lack of public appreciation for The Great One’s deeds: “You’ve had an enormous amount of legislative victories…[but] it has not translated into political capital with the public. Honestly, are you frustrated by that?”

NBC’s Lauer Touts Obama’s Economic Achievements: “Aren’t We Better Off?” Sparring with Republican Mitt Romney on the March 2 Today, NBC’s Matt Lauer applauded the Obama administration’s economic record: “Aren’t we better off?…Had the administration not taken some of the steps it did take, though, might not that unemployment figure be at 12 or 13 percent?”

WOW!! Euro Parliament Member Ewald Stadler LET IT RIP!

Libertarian Republican HAT/TIP:

Euro Parliament member Ewald Stadler let it rip against the Turkish delegation over a rising immigration dispute. The Turkish Ambassador in Austria in a recent interview blasted Austrian immigration policies. He suggested racism against Muslims. Stadler gives his response, with fellow Austrian parliament members cheering him on.

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