If You Say It Loud Enough and Often Enough,Soon They Will Believe It

They believe their own non-journalism to the point that they invent positions not held by the persons being quoted:

Twice in 24 Hours, ABC IDs Michael Reagan as ‘Conservative,’ Ignores Ron Jr Being a Liberal

For the second time in less than 24 hours, ABC identified Michael Reagan as a “conservative,” but failed to identify the left-wing ideology of Ron Reagan Jr. Monday’s Good Morning America played up the “clash” between the adopted son Michael and Ron, author of a new book that claims his father, the 40th president, had Alzheimer’s during his time in the White House.

Correspondent Claire Shipman explained, “It’s another feud in an often fractious family. In a series of tweets over the weekend, Michael Reagan, the former President’s son and a conservative commentator, accused his stepbrother Ron of trying to sell out his father to sell books.”

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Kiss My Butt!

HotAir has this great story (h/t) on some tensions between race baiters (e.g., the NAACP), and Mains Governor, Paul LePage:

Slublog has all the background you need on what inspired this dastardly act of speech-hate, including a reminder of the NAACP’s own Krugman-esque regard for tea partiers. The man’s either (a) the next Chris Christie or (b) obviously a violent racist. Perhaps we should ask his adopted son from Jamaica which it is?

When Leftists Take Over

Big Governnment has this story about a commercial which I saw but didn’t pay attention to some of the eco-green slant of the company since it has been run by the government and large portions of the company handed over to the unions. Good catch.

….The brand that used to compare itself to Baseball, Hot-Dogs, and Apple Pie is no longer content to just make reliable vehicles, it is now as green as a wheatgrass and algae smoothie.

For instance, in the following commercial: Chevy isn’t just building cars anymore, it’s “investing” in windmills, and planting trees.

This is the kind of business model that you get when Leftists take over. Before 2008, GM just tried to make cars that people would buy, for a little more money than they cost to build. Now, they have to plant a forest.

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