Jasmine Revolution Update

Via Big Peace:

BEIJING — Jittery Chinese authorities wary of any domestic dissent staged a concerted show of force Sunday to squelch a mysterious online call for a “Jasmine Revolution” apparently modeled after pro-democracy demonstrations sweeping the Middle East.

Authorities detained activists, increased the number of police on the streets, disconnected some mobile phone text messaging services and censored Internet postings about the call to stage protests at 2 p.m. in Beijing, Shanghai and 11 other major cities.


On Sunday, police took at least three people away in Beijing, one of whom tried to lay down white jasmine flowers while hundreds of people milled about the protest gathering spot, outside a McDonald’s on the capital’s busiest shopping street. In Shanghai, police led away three people near the planned protest spot after they scuffled in an apparent bid to grab the attention of passers-by.

Many activists said they didn’t know who was behind the campaign and weren’t sure what to make of the call to protest, which first circulated Saturday on the U.S.-based, Chinese-language news website Boxun.com.

Phone Call Sparking HUGE Support

From BLACK-FIVE,Not Lance Corporal Mark Rhyne

A military mom said she would do anything to answer her son’s phone call from overseas, no matter what the cost.

Some seven months ago, Lance Corporal Mark Rhyne left the little town of Woodbury, for the remote deserts of Afghanistan.

“I told my son the day he deployed as he was about to get on that bus, ‘I will stand in your steed while you are gone, I will stand,'” his mother Teresa Danford said.

On Monday, while working inside the Crane Interiors factory, Teresa Danford said she kept her word.

Mark called from Afghanistan, using a Satellite phone. It was a rare opportunity he only gets maybe once a month.

“You don’t want to miss a word because truthfully that might be the last time you hear from them,” Danford said.

Danford knew about Crane’s no cell phone policy but answered anyway…

This is beginning to gather some major steam.  Many well known combat vets are sending this note around with a request to sign a petition and contact Crane Interiors:

Management of Crane Interiors suspended Teresa Danford from work for 3 days after she took a precious and rare phone call from her son, LCpl. Philip Mark Rhyne. There is a no cell phone policy in effect at Crane Interiors, which she knew she would have to violate in order to speak with her son. She had hoped that her employer would have compassion for her circumstance and over look the ban in this very invaluable case. The opportunity to hear from her loved one is few and far between, therefor rendering her unable to predict when he can issue contact nor schedule the call in that she does not violate any sort of policy that the company holds. Once the opportunity arises to hear from Mark, to ease her mind that he is alive and well, it may take up to a month plus until he is able to contact her again. Because of this, it is imperative that she guard her phone for the incoming call and take it when the occasion presents itself.

…(read more)…

The Washington Post says the company apologized:

A Tennessee woman was suspended from her job for three days when she answered her cell phone on the job – to take a call from her son, a Marine stationed in Afghanistan.

The business, Crane Interiors, has since apologized and says Teresa Danford will be paid for the work she missed.

Benny Hinn Sued-Update to Affair

OneNewsNow has this latest update to the life we all know to be a sham:

Popular charismatic televangelist, Benny Hinn, is being sued by a Christian book publisher for allegedly violating a morality clause in their book contract.

According to the Orlando Sentinel, Strang Communications launched the suit this past week claiming that Hinn violated the morality clause when he began an ” inappropriate relationship” with another popular charismatic figure, Paula White.

The suit says Hinn was given a 300-thousand dollar advance on the first of a three-book deal with Strang.

It says that last August, Hinn acknowledged the ” inappropriate relationship” with White and agreed the publisher should get the money back.  However, the suit says Strang has still not received that money.

Last summer, the National Inquirer published photos of Hinn and White going in and out of a hotel in Rome holding hands.

According to the publication, Christian Today, both denied any wrongdoing and said they simply shared a ” friendship” and that no ” immorality” existed between them.

Hinn has stated that the twice-divorced White has been an encouragement to him after his wife filed for divorce last year.

Egypt Going the Way of Terror?

BigPeace has this story from DEBKA that should set straight what happened in Egypt. I will post Sen Diane Feinstein’s comments after the excerpt:

The old idea of the “secular” military in Muslim countries keeping a check on explicitly Islamist or jihadist forces is a bit of conventional wisdom I’d really like to see put to pasture. When dealing with both Turkey and Pakistan, the military was revealed to be as ineffective in dealing with the threat as the secular political class. Over time, the military becomes comprised of a mix of both the still secular, and those sympathetic to a broad range of Islamist philosophies; there’s no guarantee enough of the military will side with a secular government if really challenged. And so it seems to go with Egypt– and not even after a week’s time.

Debka reports that:

Thursday, Feb. 17, the Muslim Brotherhood was allowed to take charge of opposition demonstrations in the emblematic Tahrir Square and given permission to build a platform, after the other opposition parties and movements had been refused. Ahead of the big event Friday night, the soldiers withdrew from the square and the Brotherhood’s strong-arm brigades move in. Opposition leaders who tried to mount the platform alongside Brotherhood speakers were thrown off and dragged out of the square without the army interfering.

By this means, the military rulers achieved two objectives: Letting Muslim Brotherhood adherents mass in the square diminished the role played by the other opposition factions in the eighteen-day uprising; and, secondly, it flashed a graphic warning to the Obama administration to stop pushing for a rapid transition to democracy because it would only lead to the Muslims taking power in government and parliament.