Battle for Civility In Libya (somewhat Graphic)

The reason I am posting this is because we are use to the story line of Muslims yelling “God is Great” as they kill those whom they … well, frankly believe to be non-Muslim. In the following video you have a sub Saharan African mercenary that was caught, probably after attacking and possibly killing some in the same group of people who just caught him. Even though he was hired to commit violence on the Libyan people, you see here Libyan people stopping the crowd from killing him. Now, I don’t know if the people protecting him and trying to calm the knife wielding persons in the crowd are Christians, but I suspect they are. For years I have watched videos on LiveLeak of Muslims (maybe I mean to say Arabs in general) killing people in “frenzied frenzies” (as Dennis Miller says). I rarely — if ever — post  videos of Muslims living up to their founders dreams. Which is why when I saw this video I was glad that love for the human soul/spirit was evident in a place where I didn’t expect it. Bravo. Now this young man may have been killed ultimately — I do not know his ultimate fate. Or even if there were a trial that brought him to justice for killing unarmed civilians and then he were executed. This would be preferable to mob violence and would show that Libya may have some people serious about making a nation that follows Natural law aspects of human dignity. But I post the somewhat graphic video that follows only because a beam of justice is shinning through here.