John G. West Discusses Cultural Darwinism and the Sanctity of Life

From video description:

In a regular part of the Michael Medved Show, scholars from the “Center for Science & Culture,” of the Discovery Institute ( are interviewed about current events or deeper thinking. in this interview Dr. West speaks to the erosion of culture (sanctity of life) via cultural Darwinism.

For more clear thinking like this from Michael Medved… I invite you to visit:

CNN Anchors Unsuccessfully Try To Pretend They Are Not In The Same Parking Lot

The Daily Mail Reports the CNN funny of the day!

How do you know when two television correspondents are in the same parking lot pretending that they are in separate locations?

When you can see the same cars going by in both screens.

Producers at CNN apparently thought viewers wouldn’t notice that anchors Nancy Grace of HLN/Headline News and Ashleigh Banfield of Newsroom were standing no more than 30 feet way from one another as they manipulated the footage and placed Grace on Banfield’s right instead of her left.

The blatant visual gimmick aired Tuesday morning as the two correspondents reported on the latest details behind the horrific Cleveland kidnapping story and pretended they were conducting a remote interview, as the Atlantic Wire pointed out soon after.

At a glance the morning segment on CNN might have seemed like a real satellite Q&A as Banfield feigned to interview Grace, a leading commentator on deviant crime, from a separate location.

But the segment’s background, including the same building and passing cars, quickly showed that both of the anchors were at the same location in Phoenix, Arizona.

…read more…


Taxpayers Shelled Out 11[+] Million Per `Permanent` Green Job Created

Via Gateway Pundit: reported:

A new report by the Institute for Energy Research (IER) has shown that despite strong support from the Obama administration, all funded by tax payers, the green energy sector has struggled to grow, and created very few jobs.

The report notes that since 2009 the Department of Energy has invested nearly $26 billion through the Section 1703 and 1705 loan programs, and in that time only 2,308 permanent green jobs have been generated, meaning that each new green sector job cost the taxpayers $11.25 million.

The IER stated in the report that “clearly, in terms of ‘bang for the buck,’ government programs that coddle renewable energy are losers. In terms of jobs, the losers are the American workers who would otherwise be gainfully employed but for the tremendous waste of taxpayer dollars on the administration’s obsession with green energy.”

80% of DOE dollars went to Obama backers. 19 of these green energy companies went bust.

Another green boondoggle, Vehicle Production Group, linked to an Obama donor, went bust this week.

From a year ago, this: