Washington State Attorney General (Democrat of course) Says Jail-Time for not Accepting Government Gay Marriage (Updated with FB Convo & Video)

Of course these stories are becoming more plentiful, Via Libertarian Republican:

You will go to jail for not accepting government gay marriage, says WA State Democrat AG. From the SeattleTimes, State sues florist over refusing service for gay wedding:

The state attorney general has filed a lawsuit in Benton County Superior Court against a Richland florist who refused to provide flowers for the wedding of longtime gay customers, citing her religious opposition to same-sex marriage. The state’s suit against Barronelle Stutzman, owner of Arlene’s Flowers and Gifts, came just days after the Attorney General’s Office wrote to ask that Stutzman reconsider her position and agree to comply with the state’s anti-discrimination laws.

“Under the Consumer Protection Act, it is unlawful to discriminate against customers on the basis of sexual orientation,” Attorney General Bob Ferguson said in a statement. “If a business provides a product or service to opposite-sex couples for their weddings, then it must provide same-sex couples the same product or service.”

In LR’s newest post, they make a point by saying: “Jewish Florist in Seattle forced to sell Flower arrangement to Neo-Nazis for Hitler Birthday Celebration.”

Obama Awards Racist Highest Honor

A civil rights icon who gave the benediction at President Obama’s inauguration said that he believed ‘all white people were going to hell’.

The Reverend Joseph Lowery, 91, was speaking at a rally in Georgia.

According to an account in the Monroe County Reporter: ‘Lowery said that when he was a young militant, he used to say all white folks were going to hell.

‘Then he mellowed and just said most of them were. Now, he said, he is back to where he was.’

…read more…

The point is, if one is a hate crime? Why isn’t the other considered such? In other words, President Obama shouldn’t have awarded the top civilian medal to a racist… unless Obama is a racist?

Interesting FB questions/comments and input on this story:

One friend writes:

If this florist is not a “Religious institution or business” it should allow its services without discrimination toward its buyers or customers, as well as employees who may be homosexual. I dont think this is Gay Marriage Tyranny, we all have opinions and we all have facts, hopefully, to build our opinions off of, but being a public service, or public business, they cannot discriminate on race, color, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, against hippies, or police officers, or punk rockers, or business men, or whatever.

Only in the event that they cause the business harm, can the business owner, or manager refuse service. Its kind of the same thing with Adoption agencies. These are public businesses, not so much religious institutions. It is the owners rights to close down or move its business if it doesn’t want to comply with the laws, but it is not necessarily their right to refuse service because they don’t believe its right or wrong. Remember the Chik Fila thing. They can believe what they want, but it doesn’t stop them from serving people food, regardless of their beliefs.

I know the attacks on the Institutions are coming and I hope you know Sean that I agree with you on the Christian Stance in all things. We can come up with non-faithful reasons to argue our points as well but #1 is that God is first among all things. If God is really first to this florist, then she should understand that selling flowers to someone is not condoning their behavior or their sexual orientation, its simply providing a service in which someone is paying for something. If she didn’t know they were Gay, she would have sold them flowers irregardless and this wouldn’t be a sin.

The only other option for this florist is to Close down shop. IF she really feels so strongly about it being a sin and that providing flowers for this couple would make God mad or upset with her, and the owner really loves God, then putting Him first means closing up shop. In her mind of course.

What do you think Sean?

Another friend:

What ever happened to “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone”?

The first friend responds:

It doesn’t give the owners the right to Really refuse ANYONE. For example they can’t refuse you service because your wearing a blue shirt, or a hat. It can’t be some arbitrary reason. Maybe if your being offensive, or wearing something offensive, overly having a Public Display of Affection.

I respond:

Economics 101

Link through picture as well, to the section EVERYONE should read… click “Victicrats Should Take Economics 101”

I am very busy this last week-and-a-half leading up to my cruise… so I will quickley say that yes, if homosexuality were immutable, like skin color [ethnicity], I would say you would have a point. But if a person wants to not serve someone who doesn’t have shoes on, who skins animals, or prefers to catch instead of pitch… they have the prerogative to do so. Let the free market work, see the section “Victicrats Should Take Economics 101” http://tinyurl.com/ck4vcck

My wife’s family member gives her input:

I am a professional vocalist and I sing for numerous weddings. I would not sing for a same sex ceremony. I have refused to sing for weddings that I did not support – even though they were a man and woman. Does this mean that now I could be sued for refusing to take the job if offered by a gay couple? A marriage is more than just a ceremony to me. It truly is a Faith issue for me. I find it hard to believe that if I (or a florist) choose to refrain from extending my talents and abilities for hire to someone that I do not support in their marital decision than I lose MY rights. This is CRAZY and out of CONTROL. I am sure there are plenty of gay florists out there – They would probably appreciate the business.

I chime in:

Great point, would a person lose his or her right to not provide a service to a couple who didn’t get per-marital counseling from a pastor? Are they disenfranchised? Or can they simply take their business elsewhere? They should simply take their business elsewhere. That is what the free-market is for.

For the record, I would have provided the flowers, seeing that it would have been a great opportunity to befriend and witness to a lost world.

Ann Coulter on `Code Words`


When Republicans say something a team of scientists could study without finding racism, liberals say the Republicans are using code words.

Not only photos of Paris Hilton and Scott Brown’s pickup truck, but standard Republican positions on small government, low taxes and tough­on-crime policies are supposed to be proof of racism. That’s convenient. Since there is nothing objectively racist about these policy stances, liberals explain that they are “dog whistles” “slick racism,” “subtle racism” or “code words” that secretly convey: “I hate black people.”

This is as opposed to liberals who actually make racist statements all the time—but they have good hearts, so it doesn’t count.

We had Biden calling Obama “the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean.” Former CBS newsman Dan Rather said the argument against Obama would be that “he’s very articulate… but he couldn’t sell watermelons if you gave him the state troopers to flag down the traffic.” Senator Harry Reid praised Obama for not having a “Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.”

But because they are liberals, their use of actually racist phrases be­comes code for “I love black people!”

As French philosopher Jean-Francois Revel said of the left, while most regimes are judged on their records, only communism is judged only by its promises. Similarly, modern liberals are judged on their motives; conser­vatives are judged on what liberals claim we really meant.

The Tea Party was held responsible for every single person who showed up at their rallies, including random nuts or liberal infiltrators as if it proved something about the whole movement. Meanwhile, the explosion of sexual assaults, drug overdoses and property damage at Occupy Wall Street events were never thought to impugn the admirable motives of that group. (The first month of Occupy Wall Street protests included more than a dozen sexual assaults; at least half a dozen deaths by overdose, suicide or murder; and millions of dollars in property damage.)

Hordes of young liberal nitwits sport T-shirts featuring Che Guevara, a vile racist who described blacks as “indolent,” spending their “meager wage on frivolity or drink” who lack an “affinity with washing.” This isn’t a big secret: He wrote it in his book The Motorcycle Diaries. No one calls them racist.

When it comes to black conservatives, liberals drop the subtlety and tell us that blacks are stupid, unqualified and oversexed. It’s as if all the fake fawning over black nonentities creates a burning desire in liberals to call some black person an idiot—and all that rage gets dumped on black con­servatives.

Democratic Senator Harry Reid called Clarence Thomas “an embar­rassment to the Supreme Court,” adding, “I think that his opinions are poorly written.” Name one, Harry.

White liberal Washington Post reporter Mary McGrory dismissed Thomas as “Scalia’s puppet.” The New York Times’s Bill Keller called Justice Thomas an affirmative action appointment.

Bill Clinton slyly demeaned Colin Powell by citing him as a product of “affirmative action,” slipping it in during a televised town hall meeting in his 1997 “national conversation” on race. “Do you favor the United States Army abolishing the affirmative action program that produced Colin Powell?” he asked. “Yes or no?”

When Bush made Condoleezza Rice the first black female secretary of state, there was an explosion of racist cartoons portraying Rice as Aunt

Jemima, Butterfly McQueen from Gone with the Wind, a fat-lipped Bush parrot and other racist clichés. Joseph Cirincione, with the Carnegie En­dowment for International Peace, said Rice “doesn’t bring much experi­ence or knowledge of the world to this position.” (Unlike Hillary Clinton, whose experience for the job consisted of being married to an impeached, disbarred former president.) Democratic consultant Bob Beckel—who ran Walter Mondale’s campaign so competently that Mondale lost forty-nine states—said of Rice, “I don’t think she’s up to the job.”

When Michael Steele ran for governor in Maryland, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee dug up a copy of his credit report—something done to no other Republican candidate. He was depicted in blackface and with huge red lips by liberal blogger Steve Gilliard. Oreo cookies were rolled down the aisle at Steele during a gubernatorial debate.

And of course, both Clarence Thomas and presidential candidate Her­man Cain were slandered with racist stereotypes out of a George Wallace campaign flier.

But a Republican drives a red pickup truck and that’s “racist.”

Liberals step on black conservatives early and often because they can’t have black children thinking, “Hmmm, the Republicans have some good ideas, maybe I’m a Republican.”

The basic set-up is:

Step 1: Spend thirty years telling blacks that Republicans are racist and viciously attacking all black Republicans.

Step 2: Laugh maliciously at Republicans for not having more blacks in their party.

Republican positions are not code words for racism. Rather, liberals use “racism” as a code word for Republican positions. The basic difference be­tween the parties is that Republicans support small government, low taxes, and tough-on-crime policies, while Democrats prefer behemoth national government with endless Washington bureaucracies bossing us around, taxes through the roof and releasing criminals.

Republicans also oppose abortion and gay marriage, but those are touchy issues for Democrats since black people don’t like them either. So those aren’t “code words.”

In lieu of arguing with Republicans, Democrats simply brand all words describing their positions as a secret racist code, visible only to liberals. (To be fair, they should know.)

Bill Moyers distributed tapes of Martin Luther King’s adulterous affairs to the press. But this sensitive soul claims Republicans hated LBJ’s Great

Society program because they hated black people. Yes—Republicans were only pretending to care about bankrupting the country. That was a pretext, but deep down they didn’t care one way or another about a gargantuan, useless government spending program, requiring heavily staffed Washington bureaucracies. What reason, other than racism, could Republicans have for objecting to that?

How has the War on Poverty improved black people’s lives again? Try comparing how black people were doing before and after the Great Society before answering that.

Democrats claim “states’ rights” is racist code, but they are the only ones who ever used the phrase as a front for racism. Democrats love enormous, metastasizing national government for everything under the sun — but, strangely, they wanted “states’ rights” for their Jim Crow policies. Republicans want a tiny federal government with the states running everything else. The only times in the last century that Republicans have supported a broad federal remedy was when the Democrats were denying black people their civil rights in the South.

As has been overwhelmingly demonstrated over the past few decades, when Republicans talked about things like “states’ rights,” “law and order” and “welfare reform,” what they meant was: states’ rights, law and order and welfare reform. And as soon as their policies were implemented—most aggressively during the post-OJ verdict paradise—blacks suddenly had better lives and started being murdered a lot less. There are your Republican racists.

Ann Coulter, Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama (New York, NY: Sentinel [Penguin], 2012), 250-253.

A Conversation with Your Typical Liberal Believer and Watcher of MSNBC

Facebook Post

A liberal professor interviewed in Indoctrinate U explains that protecting and teaching from one ideological viewpoint insulates students who are liberal to properly defend and coherently explain their views. This excerpt is taken from two parts, Part 1 (http://tinyurl.com/cdt94vp), and Part 2 (http://tinyurl.com/cvlhlba).

I posted the above video on my FaceBook site, with the following information and the long portion before and after this small excerpt. This video garnered a response from a very left leaning person. Let’s dive in:

J.B. Started:

…now, find anyone who actually thinks conservatives can survive being expose to FACTS

I Respond (SeanG):

What facts do you think conservatives should be exposed to J.B.?


that id [is] such a loaded question … i guess we could start with the fact that the tea party and the KKK have the same ideology…


Lets stick with that first sentence J.B., “i guess we could start with the fact that the tea party and the KKK have the same ideology.” It is interesting that you would choose that option as your first example. It was chosen by a previous liberal “mind” that I spoke with. And I responded thusly (remember?):


I just wish to comment here that John (J.B.) waxes long about FACTS, even capitalizing them. But you will notice how I present them and he refers to the concept of them.


I chose it for ONE reason ….because it is a FACT you cannot stand .. and try to hide from with ramblings at length about dead people rather than addressing the FACT … the TEA PARTY is a racist organization…and is making the GOP into a racist party ….until you can accept the FACTS of today … you may as well keep living in your little ,nicely protected hole of propaganda form the [the] right


How can the “Tea Party” be racist when we know… sorry,…. when we KNOW Obama has racist leanings and surrounds himself — most of his life [literally] — with racist persons and radicals? Wouldn’t, or shouldn’t, your concern be with racist Democrats like the ones that were keynote speakers at the 2012 DNC?

Another note. I have given a real world example, Julián Castro, whom — as I already pointed out to John is a card carrying member of LaRaza Unida,. In fact, his mother founded her cities chapter… it is [if there were an analogy to it, be] like the KKK, just a Mexican version of it.

I continue:

J.B.? shouldn’t you be worried about the highest levels of the Democratic Party choosing a keynote that is a card carrying member of La Raza Unida (his mother being the founder of the chapter in her city — if there were an analogy it would be the religious arm of the KKK) to speak at a presidential event? How is this comparable to the Tea Party?

How can a President of these United States have gone to a church that had a preacher from the Nation of Islam on its church magazine (with 20,000[+] subscriber homes) 3-times and awarded him an IN CHURCH award and honorary day? The same guy that says and teaches the White man was created by a mad scientist over 6,000 years ago on the Island of Cyprus. And was personally connected with the death of police officers (http://www.facebook.com/notes/sean-giordano/the-mosque-and-charlie-rangel/10151150128828193)?

Are there Tea Party comparisons you can think of? Like if “Dubya” went to a church for twenty years where Christian Identity was taught, where a David Duke figure was on its church magazine 3-times (and it went to 20,000 homes, including all members, like “Dubya’s” house), and this David Duke figure — that taught that the Jews and Black came from the sexual intercourse of the serpent (Satan) and Eve, was awarded IN CHURCH where “Dubya” went? I can’t think of an analogy, can you?

After asking others if they can give an analogy, a real world example of something similar in the Republican Party, or Tea Party, no one did. So I try my hand at helping John, after commenting on him drinking the MSNBC jungle juice:

J.B. has obviously drinking from the Kool-Aid at MSNBC’S fount:

Example 1:

I got one! The first motion picture to be shown at the White House by a sitting President that was produced by the KKK! Ha…. oh… er, wait… that was a Democrat President. My bad.

Example 2:

Oh! Maybe a group founded to scare people into voting for one political Party by lynching, threats, and violence, killing white and black persons from the other Party! There you go!

…no…no… wait… those were Democrats as well. Sorry:

… not only that, but the NRA was founded to protect these black Americans from the KKK (Sorry MSNBC: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2012/12/sorry-libs-nra-was-there-to-help-blacks-defend-themselves-from-kkk-democrats-not-the-other-way-around/)

Damn. I am trying to help, but am making things worse.

Example 3:

Welfare doesn’t help:

“I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” ~ Lyndon B. Johnson

How though? Hmmmm… The left subsidizes failure and broken families, and argues that this is good, which causes more to vote for handouts:

Example 4:

Maybe is we help make family planning decisions. Nope, another racist venture by Democrats:

“We do not want word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” ~ Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood.

J.B. Responds with an evidence laced screed that would make any geometry teacher happy/ Not. Take note that in order to prove that the Tea Party is racist, he merely includes more organizations without a drop of evidence. The naming of organizations versus a leading Democrat being in a racist group and laying out Obama’s 20-years attendance in another discussion are not facts to John:


Sean… since we are in th[e] 21st century and you seem stuck in the late 19th and early 20th century …..not much point in talking to you about FACTS….. the tea party, FOX and , apparently you, can’t stand simple facts like the extreme racism and anti-Americanism of the CURRENT right wing GOP and tea party ,… soo….. back to lurking I go ….you did prove my point however.. the topic was .. should the RIGHT as well as the left be open to looking at other points of view and you have shown your answer is no ….not points or view and not facts…. have a nice fantasy life with your ‘sources’ you will never, ever know what is going on in the real world ..and I do not have the time or energy to try to change that for yo0u . Sorry about your inability to think …and , oh

While not the topic he led off with and the one I tried to pin him down on (defend your first example would be a logical request), he mentions the following, “he objects to the FACT that right wing extremists such as himself cannot stand the idea that they ALSO need to be exposed to other people’s opinions,…”

Conservatives are exposed to the other side, on campuses, force fed by their teachers, tv, even ESPN sports casters push the Left-Wing screed. Me, I have every religious holy text, cult writings, occult texts, books by Democrats, by Libertarians, and the like. My large home library is filled with books that challenge my religious and political worldview. I doubt highly that John has said to himself that he is going to set aside his belief structure and honestly search for answers to the tough questions.

J.B. continues:

btw…. I am now going to try to be done with this thread .. and with any attempt to expose Sean to anything that might shake his fantasy world.

I respond:

J.B. said:

“… you seem stuck in the late 19th and early 20th century …”

While I can literally mention from the time of Andrew Jackson (Democrat) putting on the Supreme Court Democrats who passed Dred Scott, to the segregationists/separatists, to the infamous “Black Codes,” to the founding of the KKK, to all but one of the Dixi-Crats staying Democrat.

BUT John, I mentioned YOUR President and the DNC Keynote Speaker. If I remember correctly, that all happened in the 21st century. Here are some other recent comments as well:

Bill Clinton ~ “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee,”;
Joe Biden ~ “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy…. I mean, that’s a storybook, man!”;
Dan Rather ~ “but he couldn’t sell watermelons if it, you gave him the state troopers to flag down the traffic.”;
Harry Reid ~ “He doesn’t have a negro dialect.”

I proved — with facts, quotes, history, that left-wing extremists are the racist ones, as well as prejudiced:

Webster’s says this:

a. belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

So we see that Webster’s main definition are based on a belief in a genetic superiority of one ethnicity (falsely called race) over another. A more in-depth definition comes from “Safire’s Political Dictionary,” and reads (in-part):

racism Originally, an assumption that an individual’s abilities and potential were determined by his biological race, and that some races were inherently superior to others; now, a political-diplomatic accusation of harboring or practicing such theories. “This word [racism],” wrote Harvard Professor J. Anton De Haas in November 1938, “has come into use the last six months, both in Europe and this country… Since so much has been said about conflicting isms, it is only natural that a form was chosen which suggested some kind of undesirable character.” In fact, racism came into use two years earlier, in his 1936 book The Coming American Fascism, Lawrence Dennis wrote, “If … it be assumed that one of our values should be a type of racism which excludes certain races from citizenship, then the plan of execution should provide for the annihilation, deportation, or sterilization of the excluded races.” Racism, a shortening of racialism, was at first directed against Jews. In the nineteenth century, anti-Semites who foresaw a secular age in which religion might not be such a popular rallying force against Jews put forward the idea of Jewishness being less a religion than a race. Adolf Hitler, with his “master race” ideology, turned theory into savage practice….

(Taken from my letter to my youngest son’s high school: http://www.scribd.com/doc/115644033/A-Note-From-a-Concerned-Parent-Racism-Invoked-in-the-Classroom)

You can say all you want that “x” are racists. But I have shown (big difference) that not only is “b” racist (a belief in a genetic superiority), but prejudiced as well.

J.B. tactfully responds and decides to give me a fact that is not grounded in personal opinion:

Poor Sean, still does not understand…..and by choice never will….wonder is block willl help keep his ramblings down

This is where the conversation essentially ended, the above did cause one observer of it to note, “As the great military leader General I. Zations once said, ‘You cannot play music on a Stereo type’.”


Too `White` for ESPN`s Rob Parker ~ Kudos to Stephen Smith!

Liberals “love” and tolerate blacks (and who they date/marry), that is, until they find out that black person may be a Republican. Then all bets are off. For example, watch ESPN “First Take” commentator Rob Parker and his comments about Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III