Big Pharma’s Infomercial Star Peter Hotez Is a Total Idiot
The 1st update [a while ago now] is a “jump” to the bottom of the page to hear the “Prager Update”. However, this is a new update that wraps up the main thought of this dated post… enjoy:
THE DAILY MAIL has something that crossed my path that I needed to comment on a bit:
Dr Anthony Fauci cautioned that early COVID-19 vaccines are aimed at preventing symptoms during Yahoo Finance’s All Markets Summit on Monday
‘If the vaccine allows you to prevent initial infection, that would be great,’ he said. ‘[But] the primary endpoint [is] to prevent clinically recognizable disease’
At least four vaccine candidates are currently in late-stage clinical trials
Fauci has said he is cautiously optimistic that a vaccine will arrive by year end
But he warned that early vaccines may only be 50 to 60 percent effective
While the end goal of the vaccines will be to eradicate the virus, Fauci noted that developers are aiming for a simpler goal in the first round of jabs.
‘The primary thing you want to do is that if people get infected, prevent them from getting sick, and if you prevent them from getting sick, you will ultimately prevent them from getting seriously ill,’ Fauci said at Yahoo Finance’s All Markets Summit.
‘If the vaccine also allows you to prevent initial infection, that would be great. [But] what I would settle for, and all of my colleagues would settle for, is the primary endpoint to prevent clinically recognizable disease.’
…“The chances of it being 98 percent effective is not great,” Fauci, a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, said at a Q&A with the Brown University School of Public Health in Rhode Island, according to CNBC.
Instead, Fauci said, scientists are hoping for a vaccine that is 75 percent effective — but even a 50 or 60 percent success rate would be considered a win.
“Which means you must never abandon the public health approach,” explained Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Meanwhile, a Gallup poll released on Friday found that more than a third of Americans wouldn’t take a vaccine if it were available today….
Crazy Dr. Fauci warned in October that early COVID-19 vaccines will only prevent symptoms from arising – not block infection. Then the early vaccines are NOT vaccines. [GP continues with his thoughts]It also means the “vaccine” is just a scheme by Big Pharma, and the globalist investors, to scam trillions out of the frightened peasants and the states.
So, my thoughts are this… it is literally just another flu-like-shot. Check.
While I have issues with how the high percentages of effectiveness were reached….
…Ninety-five people in the study developed Covid-19 with symptoms; of those, 90 had received a placebo and only five Moderna’s vaccine. The findings, from a 30,000-subject trial that is still under way, move the vaccine closer to wide use, because they indicate it is effective at preventing disease that causes symptoms, including severe cases….(WALL STREET JOURNAL)
The only way you could reeaally say 95% effective rate is to have [for example] 200 people, 100 of them got the real vaccine, the other 100 the placebo. All 200 were exposed equally to “The Vid” and then a result is tabulated from that.
…let us assume for a moment the numbers touted early.
Is it 95% effective on 50%?
What percentage of the 95% is effective on which part?
Eradicating it? or lessening symptoms, but you still get it?
Since it is NOT a vaccine, should restrictions (coming at some point considering the crazy level of society) on travel and work be in place?
While the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights may end up preventing government from mandating vaccines for the American people, every day we get more signs that businesses across the country and the world have no such intentions, with CBS 4 in Boston reporting a ‘Covid-19 vaccine passport’ may be required to travel in 2021 just one of the latest stories warning of what awaits us in the year ahead. Spain to keep a registry of ‘vaccine refusers’, sharing it (Italian newspaper) with other EU countries, another indication of what the ‘travel ban’ ahead might look like overseas, we learn that here in America, music venues, sporting events and theaters might soon be ‘off limits’ (Rolling Stone magazine) to those who don’t get the vaccine. And with many employers also requiring ‘the jab’ for their employees (New York Times)hinting at how bad it might soon get for people who work for someone else but don’t want to subjugate themselves to an unproven shot.
I personally think the media and Fauci and other cogs and gears need to be held in contempt of societal norms in using fake stats and fear tactics to strip people of their livelihood and rights. (DOWLOADABLE PDF: “A Scientist’s Plea: The World is Not a Safe Space” via AIER)
PART 1 (3-1-2021)
New Ivermectin Studies Confirm What Is Known
Rumble — Firstly, the best site for this is here (links at top for Hydroxychloroquine as well as Ivermectin):
Dennis Prager discusses an article in Israel Times about a study regarding Ivermectin …. QUOTE PRAGER REFERRED TO:
….In Germany, apparently Ivermectin use has grown, reports Halgas. He was in touch with a physician group there that treated the elderly at a nursing home.
The mortality rate in nursing homes in that European country (Germany) is about 25% to 30%. After treating about 100 residents with Ivermectin, that rate in one case series apparently went down to about 5%—a huge difference. Of course, this isn’t the result of a formal study but nonetheless represents more real world data points….
Randomized Double-Blinded Clinical Trial at Sheba Medical Center: Ivermectin Materially Reduces COVID-19 Viral Shedding (TRIAL SITE NEWS)
Sheba Researcher: Antiparasitic Drug Reduces Length of COVID-19 Infection(JERUSALEM POST)
PART 2 (3-8-2021)
Fauci and Walensky Say “Vaccine” Does Not Work
Rumble — Dennis Prager Notes that the two leading media acolytes/revered specialists the Left follows have essentially admitted the vaccines do not work. They are essentially “prophylactics,” that do not work as well as ivermectin does ( Rochelle Walensky (CDC Head) and Anthony Fauci basically have admitted this conundrum.
Even SCARIER than Dr. Fauci, an investigation into Dr. Peter Hotez | Redacted with Clayton Morris
Who is Peter Hotez? This doctor is on the short list to replace Dr. Fauci but is he any better? Or could he possibly be worse? We look at his track record from ebola to Covid to Bill Gates. Yep, it’s all in there.
The “Covidians” LOVE this guy and he’s worse than Fauci, Investigation of Dr. Peter Hotez